A Dog Owner Did Not Give Up On His Dog Who Was Stuck In A Drain Pipe Underground


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Every pet parent knows that their pets aren’t just animals. They are their family, their lifelong friends, and their life companions.

This is exactly why one doggo dad did absolutely everything he could in order to save his pup who got in a very bad situation.

Save Me, Dad!

dog stuck
Source: YouTube

A nerve-wracking video went viral depicting a dog getting himself in a very bad situation.

Specifically, a dog managed to get himself stuck in an underground pipe, forcing his owner to dig through the ground to try and save him.

man trying to pull out dog
Source: YouTube

At first, they managed to dig a hole, locating the dog. His owner then tried to grab him with his hand and pull him out himself.

However, when he noticed that it wasn’t quite working, he tried calling him, hoping he would get out on his own.

dog stuck in drain pupe
Source: YouTube

Unfortunately, that plan did not end up working either.

His dad then proceeded to try and make the hole a little bit wider while holding his dog’s head and keeping him safe.

man saving dog
Source: YouTube

After a bit more digging, the doggo dad managed to make the hole big enough so that the dog could pull out his paws and finally get out of the hole.


As soon as the dog was out of the hole, he found himself in the warm and loving embrace of his father.

happy man hugging dog
Source: YouTube

Even though he was a bit confused as to what was going on, unable to grasp the whole situation he found himself in moments ago, the dog was enjoying the fresh air, along with all of the love and attention.

Even though we don’t quite know how he got into that situation, in the end, it doesn’t even matter.

What matters is that the dog was saved and reunited with his hooman who did everything he could to make sure he was left uninjured.

dog and his happy owner
Source: YouTube

It sure is incredible to see the extent to which pet parents would go to see their animal safe and happy. And, this does not only apply to their own pet, but to any animal in need.

Good job, hoomans!
