Two Sweet Dogs Spent A Year Living In Harsh Conditions Before Being Rescued


All canines need caring humans who will love them and cherish them forever. Our dogs are our family, and it’s our responsibility to give them a loving home.

Sadly, some pups have heartless owners who think differently. They abandon their four-legged companions without feeling the slightest bit of compassion.

Justice and Liberty are two dogs who were abandoned, too. Although they spent a lot of time living as strays and fighting for their survival, they kept hoping that they would be saved. 

Hoping To Be Rescued

abandoned dog sleeps under the table
Source: Suzette Hall

On the 4th of July, in 2022, Justice and Liberty were dumped by their family in an alley in Southern California. The dark alley became their home, and they spent a year living there, waiting for someone to rescue them.

The couple who lived nearby couldn’t let the pups inside their home because they were renting their apartment.

They fed them often, and made them a doghouse.

During the day, the dogs would sometimes go in separate directions, but they always returned to their makeshift dog house in the evening. The two friends cuddled and consoled each other.

Just a couple of days before their first anniversary on the streets, Suzette Hall, the founder of  Logan’s Legacy, was informed that there were two stray dogs who were in need of her help.

Pups Get The Help They Have Been Waiting For

abandoned slobbery puppy
Source: Suzette Hall

Once she came to the area where the two pooches lived, Hall was shocked to see their living conditions.

“There was so much tar on the ground that even I got stuck. They were covered in tar, and they were covered in ticks and fleas.”

Although Justice and Liberty were happy and grateful that somebody came to their rescue, it wasn’t easy to lure them into the traps. 

Eventually, the experienced rescuer succeeded in securing the two friends. Hall’s heart melted when Liberty kissed her. It was one of those rescues Hall will never forget.

“I was telling them, ‘This is it, you’re free! It’s the Fourth of July, it’s your independence! They knew it was their day of freedom. That’s why we named them Liberty and Justice,” Hall said.

A Road To Recovery

abandoned puppies in a cage
Source: Suzette Hall

Hall carried the dogs into her van, and they spent the night in her home. The pooches were thrilled to be safe, and they snuggled with each other until sunrise.

In the morning, Hall drove them to Camino Pet Hospital, in Irvine, California, for veterinary checkups. The sweet pups were given a bath, and since Liberty had matted fur, she needed to be groomed.

After the vets got rid of two pounds of fur from her body, they were amazed by her transformation. Liberty was unrecognizable.

portrait of a cute groomed puppy
Source: Suzette Hall

Liberty’s loyal friend, Justice, was diagnosed with multiple tick-borne diseases. His new friends were sad to hear his diagnosis, but they were sure that Justice would be fine.

The vets expected him to get better in a month.

Although the two dogs got very attached to each other while they lived on the streets, they became more confident and independent after they got rescued.

Hall knew that they could go to separate forever homes.

Justice Finds A Forever Home 

a smiling woman holds a puppy in her arms
Source: Susan Aguilar

After Justice recovered completely, his foster mom, Susan, took him home. She showered him with love, and helped him become a happy dog.

On August 18, 2023, Susan was thrilled to announce that Justice went to his furever home. He had the most amazing mom, Kim, who adored him.

Justice felt safe and loved as soon as his mom held him in her arms for the first time. He smiled from ear to ear. The adorable pooch knew she was his forever mom. She changed his name to Sandy.

At the time of writing this article, it’s unclear if sweet Liberty got adopted. 

We’re convinced that a pup as cute and loving as her will soon find a wonderful family and a home that she deserves.
