Hero Dog Wasn’t Willing To Leave The House Without 1-Year-Old Girl, Ultimately Saving Her From Fire


It is not said for nothing that there is no greater loyalty than that of a dog to a man. This has been proven countless times, but it’s always nice to hear new stories about it.

One of those is certainly the one that you are going to witness today. It tells about a dog that did not, at any cost, want to leave the house that was on fire where a little girl was left.

He risked it to the end, and ultimately managed to bring the firemen to that place, saving the life of his beloved family member in the most heroic way.

His Own Life Was Simply Not Important At That Moment

little baby and dog
Source: Sarahbeth Maney via Detroit Free Press

On that fateful day, Janet Kelly and her fiance, Daquan Davis, went shopping at Walmart with their three children. 

Their youngest daughter, who was only one year old, stayed at home with her fiance’s brother who looked after her. Of course, there was also their dog, Blue… a Pit Bull-Labrador-mix, the guardian soul of their family.

Their house was in Detroit, and they lived upstairs while another family lived right below them. 

As Janet said in an interview with the Detroit Free Press, a boy who lived downstairs with his family was playing with a lighter when things went wrong. 

He accidentally set the mattress ablaze and the fire quickly spread to the entire building and, at some point, even managed to engulf the neighboring house.

“I got a phone call that the house was on fire. My fiance’s brother was at the home and he’s the one that called,” she said. “He was trying to rush and get the dog, the kids, and everybody out of the house.”

Unfortunately, their one-year-old daughter was stuck in her room, and her fiancé’s brother couldn’t reach her. But, there was someone who could… their dog, Blue, who didn’t want to leave the house without her.

old burned house
Source: Facebook/Janet Lee Kelley via Daily Mail 

He risked his own life to save her. In the end, that risk paid off because he was able to lead the firemen to where she was and they all managed to escape safely from the house.

Blue became a true hero that day.

It Was The Happiest Ending After All

whole family on a picture
Source: Sarahbeth Maney via Detroit Free Press

Kelly and her family were left homeless overnight. Fortunately, they had each other, and their canine hero, Blue, was most responsible for that.

Blue gave them the necessary strength to endure this hardship and overcome all the challenges that were in front of them.

“On Tuesday afternoon at 4:15pm February 21, 2023 our entire life has been turned upside down. The house caught fire from the tenants downstairs and the fire made its way up to our unit.” Kelly said, “ My girls lost everything from clothes to toys to food.”

Because of all this, they had to turn to GoFundMe in the hope that good people would help. Although quite a few people from Detroit contributed some money, it was nowhere near enough. 

baby girl and dog in the house
Source: Sarahbeth Maney via Detroit Free Press

Then, in an indirect way, their savior was again their canine pal. This heroic story about a dog that saved a little girl from a fire quickly flooded numerous media captions. 

From that moment, a huge number of people, moved by the story, paid a large amount of money. It was enough for their new home. 

Kelly expressed her heartfelt gratitude and told her supporters that ‘no more donations are needed’.

“I would like to thank everyone for all the help and everything,” she said. “This money will be applied to a new home for us.”

However, we should certainly not forget the immeasurable role of this heroic dog who was ready to sacrifice even his life in order to provide it to those he loves the most.

cute dog with owner
Source: Sarahbeth Maney via Detroit Free Press

Way to go, Blue, and thank you for your loyalty!
