Missing Dog Cries Out In Happiness After Reuniting With Her Owner


The bond we share with our furry companions runs deep, so losing our beloved pooch always strikes at the very core of our heart. It is an experience that no dog owner wants to live through. 

The uncertainty and worry that comes along with their sudden disappearance can feel overwhelming, as you frantically yearn for any sign and clue that will lead you to your cherished four-legged friend.

A couple of years ago, a YouTube vlogger under the username @M13 posted a heartwarming video capturing the reunion with his pooch that went missing for almost a full week. 

The little dog started to cry after finally reuniting with her loving owner. 

The Emotional Reunion

little dog running on the street
Source: M13

In the video, M13 describes that his dog, a little black Schnauzer named XiaoMei, was with his wife doing their weekly shopping trip just like they always did. 

XiaoMei always patiently waited in front of the store for her owner to finish; however, at that moment, someone set off fireworks just down the street from where the little dog was waiting. 

Sadly, she got spooked and ran away. She ended up somewhere she didn’t recognize, and she couldn’t find her way back home. 

So, she continued walking further away until she found a familiar place. 

“She couldn’t find my house, so she ended up walking four or five times as far to another house she was familiar with, and I ended up getting a phone call,” M13 said in the video. 

After six days of searching for their beloved dog, M13 received a phone call from his wife’s friend from another town, saying that their XiaoMei was there. 

As soon as M13 received the phone call, he went to pick up his pooch. 

Tears Of Happiness

little dog sitting on the scooter
Source: M13

In the video, you can see little XiaoMei running fast as soon as she heard her owner’s motorcycle.

She immediately jumped on the motorcycle and started crying, while at the same time, wagging her tail and licking her owner. She couldn’t stop crying for a couple of minutes. 

The owner was equally excited to see his little pooch, which you can hear from his high-pitched voice and baby talk. 

XiaoMei lost some weight while she was missing, but other than that, she was healthy and very happy to be back with her owner. 

The reunion video was posted a couple of years ago, but recently, it has resurfaced, generating almost 7 million views. 

Take a look at their heartwarming reunion full of kisses and cuddles: 

Goodbye Little XiaoMei 

little fluffy dog resting on the couch
Source: Mordeth13

Sadly, after almost 22 years of life, little XiaoMei crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2022. She was a faithful companion to M13 and had followed him on all his journey’s all over the world. 

He posted on his Facebook, “Love you and miss you…..world’s most perfect dog. And I’m not saying that because everyone says that about their own dog. Xiaomei really was perfect.”

happy dog sitting on the ground
Source: Mordeth13
