Puppy Who Had A Life Saving Surgery Fell In Love With Somebody Who Shared The Same Fate


When the Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) heard about a pup in desperate need of their help, they immediately made their way over to pick him up.

As soon as they saw him, it was quite clear that he had been through a lot. He was covered in wounds and had a serious injury to his mouth caused by another animal attacking him. Because of this, this poor pup, later named Quill, couldn’t eat or drink.

They brought Quill in to do an X-ray and what they saw shocked them.

Emergency Surgery

beautiful dog in woman's arms
Source: Facebook

“Our vet team performed surgery to temporarily realign and secure his jaw bones, but this is not a permanent solution. He may require partial jaw removal surgery to allow him to heal properly,” KHS wrote in a Facebook post.

This poor pup needed immediate surgery because he suffered a life-threatening injury to his lower jaw.

The staff immediately understood that they needed to shower Quill with love and affection in the days following his surgery.

And, during this time, each and every staff member fell more and more in love with him.

woman with purple hair kissing dog in arms
Source: Facebook

Unfortunately, even with all of this love and support, Quill’s condition only got worse.

He suffered from an infection, and had to be rushed to the operating room for the second time. Luckily, the team managed to successfully remove the infection.  

Quill came out of the surgery stronger than ever, showing everybody just how resilient he is.

“Quill is recovering well, but will always have a unique look from his trauma. Despite it all, his spirit remains unbroken,” KHS wrote in a Facebook update.

adorable dog on shoulder
Source: Facebook

However, apart from his caregivers, there was somebody else who really inspired Quill to pull through.

Best Friend

Fritter is a two-month-old kitten who became a part of the Kentucky shelter team around the same time as Quill, and he was healing from an injury that took his eye.

However, it seems the two completely forgot about their hardships as soon as they met each other.

“While healing with our veterinary services department, Fritter snuggled up to Quill as if they’d known each other in a past life. The two are inseparable …” stated KHS.

puppy after surgery
Source: Facebook

The two simply couldn’t live without each other, as they spent every passing moment together, even trying to eat out of the same food bowl.

Because of their special bond, the staff members didn’t have the heart to separate the two, so they made sure to place them in the same foster home.

They knew how important a loving environment is with animals in recovery, and they also believed that keeping them together would allow them to thrive even more together.

puppy playing with kitten
Source: Facebook

Forever Home

The foster family couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw just how close this cat and dog truly were, and they instantly fell in love with the curious duo.

And, after some time, they realized that their life wouldn’t make sense without them, so they decided to give them a permanent home.  

“Their foster [parents] fell head-over-heels for their adorable antics and decided to make it official. Now these two survivors will live out their days as best friends …” they stated.

dog posing with one-eyed cat
Source: Facebook

The staff members who spent so much of their time tending to these two adorable creatures are overjoyed to see that they are finally living the life they deserve.

Now, they not only have each other, but a loving family as well who makes them feel loved and appreciated. And, the shelter staff will forever have them in their hearts.“Their friendship has melted our hearts …” KHS concluded.
