Senior Dog Had To Receive Gifts Earlier This Christmas And The Reason Is Heartbreaking


We all can’t wait for that most beautiful time of the year – the time of flashing lights, presents, and spending time with the ones we love the most.

Dogs are no exception, and Christmas also brings them extra joy in the form of love and attention, as well as opening the presents that Santa left for them under the pine tree.

One senior dog from Metro Detroit, Michigan, waited for her gift to be unwrapped much earlier than usual.

Although, at first, it may sound like this dog was privileged over others, the reason will actually bring tears to your eyes.

The Reason Carries A Heavy Heart

dog sitting in front of Xmas tree
Source: TikTok

Mila, a 14-year-old mixed-breed dog was surprised by her owner, Tiffany Perkins, with Christmas gifts 15 days before this joyful holiday. 

Unaware of the reason why this is so, Mila was over the moon about the surprise. However, her mom, though happy for her joy, was in a slightly different mood.

According to Newsweek, Tiffany fostered Mila for about three months. When one Good Samaritan, named Edgar, found her near an abandoned house, she was in a very bad state – covered in mange and extremely thin. 

stray hungry dog
Source: @tiffanyperkins

Unfortunately, it would be great if it was only that. The subsequent vet examination brought her an even more unpleasant surprise.

“When I took her to the vet, they did testing and found she had mammary tumors and lymphoma, and I had grown attached already, so I decided to keep and adopt her officially during that appointment,” Tiffany said with tears in her eyes. 

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes and the lymphatic system. If it is not diagnosed and treated in time, it progresses rapidly. Unfortunately, that was just the case with poor Mila. 

stray dog on a leash
Source: @tiffanyperkins

Her prognosis was not good at all, but in spite of all the hardships, Tiffany tried with all her heart to brighten up this old dog’s potentially last days.

“Our vet said we’d be lucky to see the end of the calendar year, but more likely of days to weeks when she was diagnosed three months ago, so I’m really grateful for the time we have together each day,” Tiffany said. “She’s a tough cookie to still be here, and I am so proud.”

That’s why on December 10, she gave her the most beautiful moment of her life. That day, while Mila was joyfully peeking at her present under the Christmas tree, time stood still and they forgot about all the problems. 

woman holding her newly adopted dog
Source: TikTok and @tiffanyperkins

It was a truly magical moment, and Tiffany made an effort to record it and post it on her TikTok profile. The scenes are truly heartwarming. 

@pawsfriendnetwork Fostering is free, and so valuable for elderly dogs in kennels — hoping for a home on their wishlist. 🎄🤍 #adoptaseniordog ♬ Scott Street (Slowed Down) – Phoebe Bridgers

Senior Dogs Deserve So Much More

This is a story that certainly cannot leave anyone indifferent. But, this is not the only senior dog who has been abandoned and left to live out his difficult moments alone. 

Mila was lucky enough to be found by good people and allowed to spend her last moments in life with those who love her. Many other dogs are not so lucky.

According to Pet Pardon, senior dogs are one of the most at-risk groups in shelters, as they are usually the last to be adopted, spending up to four times longer than a younger dog – with a 25% adoption rate, compared to the 60% adoption rate of younger dogs and puppies.

That’s why Tiffany, herself, is always advocating for the older dogs through social networks and other platforms on the Internet – mostly through TikTok.

Even in the video showing Mila opening her gift, she gave some meaningful messages about senior dogs.

quote about helping senior dogs find home
Source: TikTok

In addition, Tiffany takes care of many other senior dogs in her home in Michigan, mostly through fostering, but adoption as well. And, she also encourages others to help as much as they can because senior dogs, despite conventional wisdom, can truly be wonderful.

Mila is the best example of that. Despite all her problems, this old lady continues to enjoy every moment until the very end.

And, we are sure that it would be no different with other senior dogs if they would find an invitation to someone’s heart under their Christmas tree.
