Shelter Dog Reaches 1,000-Day Milestone And Gets A Spectacular Surprise


Many stray dogs come to shelters as fearful, reactive animals afraid of pretty much everything. Terrible street conditions and previous trauma are typically the main reasons why this happens, but “Arizona” shows how remarkable of a success they can turn into!

Not only did this fabulous Boxer Pit mix girl overcome her fears – she transformed into the shelter’s favorite sweetheart!

This is her inspiring story!

Arizona’s Shining Personality

shelter dog outdoors
Source: Humane Educational Society

Arizona first came to the Humane Educational Society from Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 2021 as a severely reactive dog. She had plenty of issues, such as her fear of humans, not liking other dogs, and destroying every single toy she received.

The team knew that despite her undesirable behavior, there was a loving girl hiding underneath her unruly attitude. Instead of giving her up, they took her in – and gave her the best life ever!

Within a few months, Arizona transformed into a brand-new dog. With the help of her behavioral trainers, she became a star student of obedience and reactivity training

dog sitting by the christmas tree
Source: Humane Educational Society

She now walks on a leash like a champion, responds to commands perfectly, and most of all, she finally feels comfortable around other people and dogs.

“She is a FANTASTIC dog – obedient, loving, funny, athletic, and so so smart,” the HES team wrote on Facebook.

Soon after her training was complete, Arizona got an amazing foster mom, Krista Stein, who provided her with a loving home and tons of fun. For the first time in her life, Arizona felt comfortable, and her true personality was on display.

Unfortunately, Krista couldn’t keep her long, and Arizona had to be returned to HES for what happened to be one of the longest shelter adventures one dog has had.

A Remarkable Milestone

Despite her shining character, Arizona kept getting overlooked in the shelter. She watched dogs come and go every day, but her forever hooman never showed up. 

Soon enough, she became the Tennessee shelter’s longest resident, reaching a 1,000-day milestone, and the team didn’t want to slip that as a negative thing. Instead of grieving her unsuccessful home pursuit, they wanted to give Arizona a memorable celebration!

The team put together Arizona’s favorite things, such as her favorite toys – jolly balls, pup cups, and a beautiful peanut butter cake specially made for her. 

dog getting a treat
Source: Humane Educational Society

The HES people made sure she enjoyed her 1,000th day like a princess! She even went on a field trip to a lake and took a good swim. 

“Arizona is HES’s longest canine resident. She’s more than ready to find her forever home – we can’t wait to wave goodbye to her when she finally rides off with her forever family,” her caregivers wrote in one of the Facebook posts.

Even though she hasn’t found her forever home yet, Arizona’s caregivers make sure that she doesn’t feel neglected, even for one bit. 

dog swimming in a pool
Source: Humane Educational Society

In her temporary HES home, she has a whole community of people who absolutely love her!

We really hope that her patience and her adorable spirit will soon be rewarded with what can only be described as the perfect home. 

And, when the time comes, we know for sure that she will welcome her forever family with a big smile and continue being the happiest girl out there! 
