Woman Was Shocked When She Saw Something Furry On The Train Tracks And Went To Help


Dogs… the most loyal and loving creatures in the whole world. They shower us with boundless love and affection and we make them feel immensely loved.

Seeing that some dog owners are undeserving of such love shatters my heart. They abandon their wonderful companions without caring what happens to them.

Our following story is about Soldier, one of those loyal and abandoned pooches who trusted his owners and got betrayed. 

Here is his story.

Rushing To Save A Life

black puppy on train tracks
Source: Facebook.com

In May 2022, a kind person contacted Hall’s rescue, Logan’s Legacy, saying that there was a pup sleeping on the train tracks in Irvine, California. His owners dumped him there.

The loyal pooch was hoping his family would come back for him, and he refused to leave the place where he last saw them.

As soon as she got the call, Hall took the humane trap with her and rushed to the railroad. Having arrived there, she searched the area thoroughly. Seeing a black lump of fur right in the middle of the tracks broke her heart.

“I was so scared that he was gonna get hit by a train.”

Hall named him Soldier because he was “marching along the railroad, looking for food and shelter. Fighting for his life.”

Hall approached the frightened dog carefully. She didn’t want to scare him even more. 

After she set a humane trap and put some food in it, she moved away from the train tracks and looked closely at the pup. All she could do now was wait.

The Labrador mix was starving. He sniffed the food and looked in the direction of the crate. He hadn’t eaten for a week.

Soldier got up and walked towards the trap.

“He went in so fast. He was starving.”

Soldier Is Safe

cute black dog posing for picture
Source: Facebook.com

Hall approached the crate, took the dog to her car, and drove him straight to the vet. 

He was still terrified and unsure about everything. It was difficult for him to let go of his fears. 

The vet gave him a bath and washed away all the dirt and grime from his coat.

Soldier was underweight and he had scratches on his body. There was a wound under his front leg. The vet cleaned it and the pup was given an injection to prevent inflammation. 

Soldier stayed at Camino Pet Hospital, in Irvine, California, to recover and relax. 

After he made a complete recovery, his caregivers tried to find him a foster family. The pooch was still painfully shy and finding a home for him was hard. 

The rescue staff did their best to help him and they took him to training classes in order to help him gain confidence.

Although Soldier was still timid, he wagged his tail and kissed the rescue employees every day. They made him feel safe.

In June 2022, Hall asked Labradors And Friends Dog Rescue for help. She hoped that Soldier would have more chances of getting adopted if more people heard his story.

Discovering Love

old couple with black dog
Source: Facebook.com

Labradors and Friends Dog Rescue agreed to help and they shared Soldier’s story on their Facebook page. 

Although a lot of time went by and nobody came forward to take Soldier home, the rescue staff never stopped believing that the loyal dog would get his happy ending.

In December 2022, Suzette Hall shared that Soldier finally found his forever family and they fell in love with him.

The gentle pup discovered the true meaning of love and his fears disappeared. 

He feels loved and safe every single day. We rejoice at seeing him receive the love he has always deserved.
