Two Travelers Who Found Two Abandoned Pups Did The Most Unexpected Thing Ever


Life sure is full of surprises. One minute, you could be doing one thing, and the next, you could be doing something totally opposite.

This is exactly what happened to two cyclists, Tristan and Belen, as they were cycling outside of the city on one of their trips, enjoying nature.

But, when they saw two pups on the road in the middle of nowhere, they immediately got off their bikes. As soon as they realized that they were there all on their own, the pair decided to abandon their initial plan and turn their trip into a rescue mission!

Change Of Plans

puppies in a bag
Source: The Dodo

Since it was so hot outside and they didn’t know how long the puppies were out there, they gave them some food and water, hoping to boost their energy and rehydrate them.

“Our journey went out the window, we reset the whole schedule and we said ‘OK, we’re just going to focus on rescuing them’,” Tristian Bogaard told The Dodo.

After spending a whole hour trying to get a ride, the pair of hoomans and the pair of doggos finally managed to stop a truck that would take them to the nearest city.

close-up photo of two puppies lying
Source: The Dodo

After getting to the town, Tristan and Belen immediately took to their social media, asking for donations in order to safely transport these adorable pups back to their home country.

Luckily, an incredible woman decided to pay for all of their tickets, ensuring that the puppies, later named Moka and Latte, find a safe and loving home.

“We are mind blown, absolutely insanely grateful for the fact that she did this,” he added.

two puppies
Source: The Dodo

In just a couple of days, this little team was ready to depart for their new and improved life.

After a few hours in the sky, these brave and very well-behaved pups landed in a city that would provide them with something incredible – a forever home!

woman petting two puppies
Source: The Dodo

New Life

It wasn’t a big surprise when the pair was able to find the pups a forever home in no time.

Moka was adopted by a loving family with three kids who were the perfect play buddies for all her doggo needs.

And, Latte was adopted by Tristan’s mom, allowing Belen and him to spend time with him whenever they pleased.  

Considering that Tristan’s mom already has a dog, Latte will also have someone to share his fun with.

two dogs playing in grass
Source: The Dodo

After spending some time apart, the two finally ended up meeting again on what ended up being the sweetest reunion ever.

It was as if they had never been apart!

Final Word

It’s truly incredible when you see somebody’s life turn around completely for the better.

Moka and Latte went from being abandoned in the middle of nowhere to finding an incredible forever home in a completely different country. Incredible!

And, all of this is thanks to two kind hoomans who knew that they deserved a better life.

Thank you, Tristan and Belen!
