Man Finds Sweet Girl And Her Baby Abandoned And Living In A Shed Full Of Garbage 


As a huge dog lover, it’s hard for me to understand how someone can simply abandon an innocent little creature and leave it to fend for itself in a terrible environment. 

Luckily, there are many wonderful people out there who are continuously advocating for the voiceless and doing everything in their power to save as many abandoned animals as possible. 

Brady Oliveira is a professional football player, but he’s also an animal rescuer in his free time, dedicated to saving and helping those in need. 

If it weren’t for him, this sweet little girl and her baby would never get the chance to experience the beautiful life they truly deserve. 

Waiting For Help

black dog lying on an old blanket in the corner
Source: The Dodo

When the concerned citizens heard a distant dog barking over and over again, echoing through their neighborhood, they knew something was not alright, so they decided to call for help. 

Brady Oliveira and his fellow rescuer arrived at the scene, and they were shocked by their discovery. 

They found a sweet little dog abandoned in a dank shed on a nearby property. The shed was dirty, full of discarded clothes and garbage on the floor, and it smelled horrible. 

The poor dog was lying curled up in a ball to keep warm on what seemed to be an old blanket. 

No one knows how long she had been living in such terrible conditions, but it must have been some time because she was very happy to see someone help her. Her coat was extremely matted.

man petting a sweet black and tan dog
Source: The Dodo

As soon as Brady started to speak to her, her little tail started to wag. 

“Is this where you’re living? It’s OK. You’re going to come with me,” Brady spoke gently to the little dog. 

She was not afraid of him and even let him pet her. 

“This is why I will continue to keep doing what I do,” Brady said in the video. 

After taking a closer look at the little dog, the rescuers realized something was hiding between her legs. 

It was one tiny fur baby!

man holding a little black puppy in his hand
Source: The Dodo

They were unsure if she had given birth to only one baby or if something happened to the others, but they promised to take good care of the mama and the baby. 

Of course, they also searched the whole shed for any sign of other babies, but there were none. 

A Completely New Life  

guy petting a black and tan dog in the car
Source: The Dodo

The mama dog – later named Theo – and her little baby were transported to the rescue center. Theo was so happy, and she seemed to understand that she was finally safe and had someone who would help her. 

She then received a health checkup, a nice bath, and a good brushing. Unfortunately, she tested positive for heartworm, but after completing all her treatments, she became fully healthy.

guy holding a dog and a puppy
Source: The Dodo

Her baby also received good care, and after the puppy was old enough, it went to a wonderful home. 

As for Theo, she also found a forever home with her foster family, who fell in love with this sweet girl. 

happy black dog standing in the house
Source: The Dodo

“From being neglected by her owner and living in a shed full of garbage to now living with the most amazing mom, who is loving her each and every day,” Brady said. 

Theo now enjoys her walks with her new mom and is very happy. 

“This is why I do what I do… to give dogs like Theo and her pup a second chance at life,” Brady said. 

Take a look at Theo’s story: 
