Rescuers Found A Very Sweet Dog Hiding In The Bushes And Went To Help


Being a rescuer can’t be an easy job. Most of the time, they have to deal with either injured dogs or abused and frightened ones.

Aside from the fact that it is a mentally challenging job, catching and trying to save animals can be physically taxing as well.

However, every so often, the situation is different. Sometimes, the rescuers would encounter a friendly dog who just wants somebody to help him, and he will not hesitate to ask.

In this story, we will talk about one such example where rescuers came across a very friendly stray pup in the bushes and decided to help.

A Very Friendly Face

photo of stray dog in the bushes
Source: Howl Of A Dog

When the amazing rescuers from Howl Of A Dog were notified about a stray dog residing in the bushes near a road, they answered the call to help.

They were near the place where she was spotted and found him hiding in the bushes. At first, they thought that she was skittish and would run away.

However, the opposite happened. After spotting her rescuers, this sweet pup came up to them and started hugging them.

The rescuers wondered why she was staying in a parking lot, and they assumed that she did so because it was her chance to get some food from the people who stopped there.

woman carrying a stray dog
Source: Howl Of A Dog

The other possibility was that she belonged to somebody and was then left there to starve. However, there was no way to know for sure.

They gave her some food to eat, and it quickly became apparent that she hadn’t had a good meal in a while, so she ate it all.

Her rescuers assumed that she would be a bit of a difficult rescue, but they did not expect how friendly she was.

After enjoying her food, they decided to take her back to the vehicle, where she was placed in a kennel and then taken to the shelter.

Mira’s Positive Attitude

rescued stray dog
Source: Howl Of A Dog

While there, they found that she was not microchipped, so she likely had no previous owner and was just a very happy dog.

They decided to name her Mira. It was a beautiful name for this sweet dog. After she settled in, she had to be taken to a veterinarian for a checkup.

While there, the examination confirmed that she, in fact, did not have any major health issues and was likely only suffering from a cold.

The other thing was that she was underweight, as she was a stray, but that was a problem they could deal with easily.

After spending a few weeks inside the shelter, they discovered that her positive attitude was infectious, as she loved playing with other dogs, and they loved playing with her.

photo of dog lying
Source: Howl Of A Dog

Aside from playing, exploring her new environment was one of the most interesting activities for Mira.

However, despite this, she loved being around her human rescuers the most, as she was grateful that they rescued her.

A few days later, they made sure that Mira got all of her shots, and she is now finally ready to be placed on an adoption list.

While we don’t know if she was adopted yet, I feel like it is only a matter of time before she finds somebody truly special.

Mira is a really special dog who just wants to live her life like a normal dog and find somebody who loves her.
