The Reason Behind This Abandoned Dog Protecting A Box By The Road Will Surprise You


James Allen, a resident of Tennessee, typically travels along the same rural road in Dickson County to get to work.

He knows this road like the back of his hand as he travels there almost every single day. Yet, one day, something out of the ordinary caught his eye, causing him to slam on the brakes instantly. 

Standing by the roadside was a skinny, desperate dog who seemed to fiercely protect a cardboard box labeled “eggs”. 

James instinctively felt there was something more inside that box…

A Box Of Surprises 

mother dog and its white puppy
Source: Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue

The dog’s sad little face told James everything he needed to know. She was obviously dumped there by someone whom she considered family. 

When he went to investigate the large cardboard box, he was shocked to find it was full of five precious little puppies. 

“I travel that road almost every day and the box was not there yesterday, the lid was closed as you can see in the picture, so the pups couldn’t get out. Also, it was so fresh there was no poop or pee in the bottom of the box,” James told Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue.

It all made sense now. The older, skinny dog was their mother who was at the same time protecting her babies and waiting for her family to return. 

skinny white dog eating food
Source: Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue

“Mom was looking up the road, as if to see whether her people were returning,” the representative from Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue told The Dodo.

Worried about the well-being of both the mom and the puppies, James promptly shared pictures of the pups online, hoping that someone would be able to provide assistance.

cardboard box and puppy
Source: Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue

Luckily, the good people from Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue, in Nashville, TN, came across the post and reached out to James, assuring him that they would take care of the dog and her puppies.

A Safe Haven 

Later that day, the mom and her five babies were already safe and secure at the rescue. 

four puppies in cardboard box
Source: Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue

“These babies and mom are now safe with us, but to think we walk among this level of cruelty and ignorance is disturbing,” the rescue wrote in their Facebook post. 

They provided the little furry family with a nice warm bed and lots of food, and will work towards finding them all a good home. 

Unfortunately, incidents like this occur far too frequently in Dickson County, and while the rescuers weren’t surprised, they were still heartbroken. 

“Sadly, things like this occur far too frequently in this area. Regardless of the redundancy of these situations, it infuriates me and breaks my heart,” the representative told The Dodo. 

mother dog and puppies in a cage
Source: Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue

While the pups are safe, the rescue will be actively searching for the person who heartlessly abandoned them and hopefully pursue charges. 

“Someone in Dickson County “KNOWS” who the owner is. Message us!,” pleaded the rescue to their followers.

Thanks to James Allen and his swift response, the resilient family is now safe at the rescue, and hopefully, they will never have to worry about their future again.

For more information regarding the pups, please visit Provers 12:10 Animal Rescue.
