Puppy With A Broken Leg Was Lying In The Bushes In Hopes That Somebody Would Give Him A New Chance


We live in a world where countless stray animals roam the streets in search of help, even just a small piece of food and a shred of love. Unfortunately, very few people stop and do something to help. 

It’s a heart-wrenching cycle of animals getting constantly abandoned and a handful of kind souls doing everything they can to help. 

This is why it’s important to talk about the good things and celebrate people who do help – the ones who risk their lives to save innocent little creatures that did not deserve being thrown on the street. 

If you live in Missouri, then you might have heard of Stray Rescue of St. Louis. Thanks to them, many stray, abandoned, and neglected animals have been granted a second chance – a chance at happiness. 

This little baby with a broken leg was luckily one of them. Like many before him, his luck turned around when these kind-hearted rescuers showed up.  

The Call To Action 

photo of puppy with broken leg
Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

This adorable little puppy with a broken leg was hiding in some bushes behind an abandoned house. 

He was terrified and in a lot of pain, so he hid in the bushes to protect himself from the danger of the streets. 

If it weren’t for a kind-hearted man and his dog with a keen smell, who knows if anyone would have ever found him? 

He was still a little baby. 

close-up photo of the puppy
Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

This Good Samaritan was walking his pup when all of a sudden, she started barking at the bushes, which was very unusual for this dog. 

When the man walked over to it, he saw the adorable little face looking at him and pleading for help. 

Quickly, the man scooped him up, cradled him in his arms, and carried him to safety, where he kept him secure until the arrival of Stray Rescue of St. Louis.

Donna Lochmann, from the rescue, wasted no time at saving this precious little baby. 

All Smiles And A Wagging Tail  

dog with broken leg sitting
Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

Despite being in so much pain for who knows how long, the puppy – later named BlondeBo – was so happy when his rescuers arrived to save him. 

His tail was going a hundred miles per hour, but his front leg was in pretty bad shape. He couldn’t walk, so Donna picked BlondeBo up and carried him to the car.

BlondeBo said his goodbye to the Good Samaritan and the dog that found him, and they were on their way to the emergency clinic. 

Thankfully, they were able to save his leg. 

“At first we feared he would need to lose his leg due to nerve damage from dragging it around. But after some time, he started regaining feeling and using the leg more. We are going to watch him and see how much use he is able to regain use in that leg,” Stray Rescue of St. Louis wrote in their Facebook post. 

dog lying on couch
Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

After a week at the hospital, BlondeBo received the green light to leave the clinic and continue his recovery at a medical foster home. 

His foster mom said that he loved rolling around in the grass and was walking, albeit a little clumsily. 

Thanks to these kind-hearted people, this furry baby has a chance to live his life full of happiness and love that he craved all along. 

To help Stray Rescue of St. Louis save more puppies just like BlondeBo, please visit their website and donate. 
