Who said mailmen and dogs can’t be friends?
That’s obviously a myth!
I’ve seen plenty of dog & mailmen friendships, and I can proudly say they’re just as good of friends as anyone else. Dogs don’t discriminate. They don’t just hate a person for wearing a uniform.
Dogs sense who’s good and who’s bad.
One mailman is apparently a hella good person because all the dogs on his route love him! Some don’t stop loving even after they cross the rainbow bridge.
Gretchen, a German Shepherd from the street he works on, left her mailman and made everyone tear up.
Warning: Waterworks coming!
A Special Note For Her Favorite Mailman
Fernando has been a mailman for years, performing his duties with utmost care. He loves his job and his route. But, it’s not only bringing mail to people that makes him happy. It’s the fact that his route is packed with happy doggos all eager to see him every day.
Fernando’s story went viral because of something his daughter posted on Twitter. She said her dad always carried along a bag of milky bones to hand them out to his canine neighbors. They all loved him for this sweet act of kindness.
But, one message stood out. A user listed as @amorningsting posted a screenshot of her father’s text saying one of his doggy buddies, a GSD girl named Gretchen, passed away and left him a message.
“Aww… just found out one of my buddies passed away yesterday… Gretchen was a huge German Shepherd, but she was a Teddy bear,” said Fernando in his text.
The special message to Fernando left space for waterworks to enter the scene.

But, the story doesn’t end here.
Since the tweet went viral, a lot of people saw it, including Gretchen’s owner who replied:
“My wife and I were told about Gretchen’s letter to Fernando being on Twitter. I can’t begin to tell y’all how much it has meant to us seeing how much love and support y’all have shown our girl. She was the absolute best.”

Gretchen was the sweetest girl, adopted by the Cimino family from the shelter when she was just two years old. She will be missed not just by her family, but by her dear mailman, Fernando.
See, I told you that dogs and mailmen can be friends!