Imagine if all of a sudden, you hear crying and yelping sounds coming from somewhere.
What would you do?
If there’s at least one bit of good in you, you would definitely go and investigate those sounds.
If you’re a good human being, then you’d most certainly help.
A woman named Selina heard tiny crying noises and she felt it in her heart that she had to figure out where they were coming from. She felt like someone needed help and she was the one to help them.
But, Selina didn’t expect such a sad surprise…
What’s That In The Riverbed?

Selina’s casual walk was interrupted by some unusual noises.
She had no idea what they were, but she was certain they weren’t coming from a human.
What was it? A cat? A dog?
The only way she could be sure was to follow the noise and see for herself.
The noise led her to a riverbed; fortunately, a dry one.
As the noise got louder, Selina’s eyes locked onto the creature that was producing all the commotion.
It kinda looked like a puppy.
It was shaped like a puppy. It sounded like one, too, but it was lacking certain things.
The poor lost soul was all skin, bones, and wrinkles. The dog in trouble had no coat at all, and it was clear that it was terribly ill.
Selina rushed to save the troubled puppy, climbed up and down the riverbed, and hid the pup snugly in her shopping bag.

But, the day was coming to an end, and no vet in the area was working anymore.
She had no other option than to bring the puppy home with her.
Selina was no expert, but she did her best to ease the pup’s pain. The dog was a sweet little girl, and she was crying in pain all night long. The least Selina could do was massage her with coconut oil to ease her agony.

A miracle happened!
Two days later, the pup was feeling much better and was recovering her strength. She was acting all bouncy and happy. Selina’s magical touch helped her pull through the harshest period of her young life.
And, a month later, the poor pup wasn’t poor anymore. She named her Jenny: a brand new name for a brand new dog.
Jenny got her fur back. There was no trace of the old pup anymore. No one could’ve figured out that Jenny was once in a horrific condition.
The before-and-after photos show an unbelievable transformation!

If Selina didn’t hear all that screaming, Jenny would be just another dog lost in the wilderness of Bali, Indonesia. This isn’t the first successful rescue behind Selina. She has devoted her life to saving and adopting dogs in Bali.
If you follow her on Instagram, you can see the progress of each rescue operation, and even donate to help her save more pups in need.
As for Jenny, she’s looking for a furever home… someone that would devote their entire time to this happy doggo. Whoever becomes Jenny’s new owner would be thrilled to have such a sweet dog.