Woman Finds A Tiny Pup Dragging Its Broken Legs Across The Grass And Decides To Help


What would you do if you received a distress call about an injured and crying puppy on the side of the road? Or, saw one while walking or perhaps driving by?   

Sadly, we constantly hear stories about abandoned dogs wandering around in search of rescue. These poor dogs are often either sick or injured, and require urgent medical help. 

Not a lot of people are capable of or willing to help, but thankfully, there always seems to be at least one kind soul that does everything in their power to help these animals in need. 

One of them is Edina Pasic, a woman who answered a call about a distressed puppy that was seen dragging its weak body across the grass… Without any hesitation, she went to save this poor animal. 

scared puppy by the wall
Source: youtube.com

When Edina arrived at the place, she found a heartbreaking scene. This beautiful little puppy was unable to stand, and was just painfully dragging its weak and injured body across the grass. 

This scared puppy, whom they later named Rossie, was crying from pain and desperately trying to crawl away from her because she was terrified. At first glance, her legs were likely broken, probably in a car accident, but no one could tell for sure. 

With every move she made, she was crying more and screaming in pain. “She looked at us with tears in her eyes, as if she was saying… please, help me”, said Edina. 

It was not easy to gain her trust because Rossie was very scared of people, and didn’t know that they were there to help her. It’s heartbreaking to think of what this little being had to go through to be so afraid of people. 

Seeing that Rossie needed urgent medical help, Edina and her friends rushed her to the veterinary clinic. 

scared injured puppy
Source: youtube.com

Even at the veterinary clinic, Rossie was incredibly shy and afraid, trying to hide in the corner from everyone.  

Sadly, the X-rays showed that both of her hind legs were indeed broken, and she would need surgery to have fixators installed. 

There was a long road to recovery ahead of little Rossie, but thankfully, now she had a lot of people around her willing to help, take care of her, and show her love that she probably had never experienced before. 

On The Road To Recovery 

injured little puppy
Source: youtube.com

The next day, Rossie had the surgery, which was luckily very successful, and she had fixators installed on both hind legs. After a few days of sleeping and resting, this brave girl was ready to get back on track. 

Already, on the third day after the operation, Rossie was slowly starting to walk again, which was incredible. She was still scared of people around her, but she was slowly making some progress.

Her bravery and resilience amazed everyone. “It’s unbelievable what these little souls can survive”, comments Edina. “She needs a lot of love, but I’m sure she also has a lot of love to give.”

Little by little, she was gaining trust in people and being less scared. She was still a shy baby girl, though. 

cute puppy on the grass
Source: youtube.com

38 days after the surgery, Rossie had made full recovery, and she was able to walk normally on all four paws. It was remarkable. 

The vet said that she recovered completely, and she also received vaccines against any infectious disease. Finally, this beautiful girl was completely healthy. 

Despite her shyness, she overcame her fear of people, and she loves to cuddle. 

crying little girl with puppy on the couch
Source: youtube.com

Eventually, it was time for Rossie to start her new life. Although everyone was sad to let her go, they were still happy that she completely recovered, both physically and emotionally.

Rossie showed great bravery and resilience, and went from a scared and crying little girl to the happy and playful puppy that she was always supposed to be. 

A loving family from England adopted Rossie. Now that she has gotten over her fears, she’s loving all the cuddles and love she can get.
