The Entire German Shepherd Family Found Abandoned On A Dumpsite With No Food And Water


Any true dog lover will never understand how someone could possibly leave their pet behind in inhumane conditions, be it on the stress, a dumpsite, or any other place but a shelter.

Unfortunately, there are many cases across the U.S. that we write about on a daily basis, but most of them have happy endings, just like the story of a GSD family that was abandoned on a dumpsite in Mississippi.

Hope Dies Last

NYC Second Chance Rescue Dogs posted a heartbreaking story of a German Shepherd family that was abandoned by their owners on a dumpsite, without food and water. Their rescue team saved the two puppies, but according to the volunteers, mom and dad went into the woods.

german shepherd family standing near dumpsters
Source: Facebook

Lisa Reams, who is a volunteer in this organization and the director of Saving Grace Animal Rescue (SGAR), NYC Second Chance Rescue Dog’s sister shelter, searched for the two adult GSDs, but unsuccessfully. 

Fortunately, Reams never gave up, and after a couple of days, she finally found the two doggos about 15 miles from the place where the puppies were picked up, as written in the organizations Facebook post:

Days went by with no sign of them, but Lisa Reams, a rescue volunteer with our organization, never stopped looking. One week after the puppies were picked up, the mama and dad showed up nearly 15 miles from the dumpsite!

What broke the hearts of rescuers was the fact that none of the pooches went far from the place where they were abandoned, although they had probably been there for days in hope that their owners might come back.

german shepherd puppies walking near dumpsters
Source: The Dodo

Strong Will To Live

As expected, the whole doggo family was in a bad state. They were malnourished and dehydrated, and the male adult’s heartworm tests came back positive. Fortunately, it was nothing untreatable, and the rest of the GSD crew didn’t have any serious health issues.

german shepherd dog on a leash
Source: Facebook

It seems that these pooches had a great will to live, and didn’t surrender, although they were betrayed by the ones who were supposed to take care of them.

Thankfully, there are still people like Lisa and other volunteers from rescues who put their maximum efforts into saving innocent pooches like this GSD family.

Time To Say Goodbye

Although the pooches were saved and brought together into the rescue center, unfortunately, they didn’t have the luck of staying together in their new home.

female german shepherd dog on a leash
Source: Facebook

Volunteers from the rescue were aware of the fact that it’s almost impossible to find someone who would adopt the four German Shepherds at once, but what they couldn’t expect was that it would be challenging to find them homes even if separated.

One of the younger GSDs was adopted soon after the pooches were found, but the other three were replaced to the NYC Second Chance rescue, looking for a foster home,, as stated in the post:

One of the pups has been adopted, but Miles (a 4-month-old male pup), Jenny (a 3-year-old mom), and Luke (a 3-year-old dad) are all available for adoption! We need foster homes for these gorgeous dogs asap!

german shepherd puppy standing on the grass
Source: Facebook

There is no available information on whether or not the family was adopted, but I really do hope all of the pooches found homes filled with the love and respect they deserve.
