Heartbroken Dog Rejects Food After Being Tied To A Fire Hydrant And Abandoned


Owning a pet is a great responsibility. Unfortunately, people who leave their four-legged buddies on the streets are not aware of the pain these little creatures go through.

Cici, a doggie that was found tied to a fire hydrant, was so heartbroken that she couldn’t even eat or drink the food that was placed next to her.

Her owners meant the world to her, and now her world was shattered.

Furry Curl Of Sadness

puppy tied to a fire hydrant
Source: Suzette Hall

A cream Doxie puppy was found on the streets of Southern California with dog food and water that were left untouched.

An anonymous person reached Suzette Hall, who is the owner of Logan’s Legacy rescue, and she was more than ready to save this poor pooch. However, she was far away from the address.

But, Suzette remembered a person she knew from the neighborhood who immediately came to save Cici.

puppy sits tied to a fire hydrant
Source: Suzette Hall

As expected, the dog showed resistance and wasn’t willing to cooperate with the stranger, probably because she was still waiting hopelessly for her owners to come back and pick her up.

The saddest part of the story is that Cici curled herself up into a tight ball, with her head down on the pavement and a look that would break the heart of every dog lover in the world.

The Stranger Who Wouldn’t Give Up

Instead of leaving Cici at the same spot until Suzette arrived, the neighbor persisted in her intention of saving the doggo.

Cici’s leash was all wrapped up around the hydrant so she could barely even move, but she still didn’t trust the stranger enough to let her help.

But, the neighbor didn’t give up. Instead, she was on the phone with Hall all the time, who advised her as to how to approach Cici.

As soon as Cici was freed from the hydrant, the woman took her into her car and went straight to the vet.

abandoned puppy on his way to the vet
Source: Suzette Hall

Although the dog wasn’t in perfect shape while she was tied up, Hall and the woman didn’t expect her condition to become worse in such a short time, as Hall told The Dodo:

She got so sick in the car […] We think it was from fear and lack of food and water since she was too scared to eat the food they’d left.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for her to get better at the pet hospital and finally start showing her true personality.

abandoned puppy in her caregiver's lap
Source: Suzette Hall

She’s All About Huggies And Kisses

During the hospital stay, Cici found her favorite hooman whom she loved so much that she couldn’t stop kissing her all the time.

Hedy Herold, the office manager from the hospital, spent all the time she could with Cici after noticing how happy the pup would get as soon as she saw her.

Hall even shared a video of the adorable interaction between Hedy and Cici:

According to the news from Suzette Hall’s Facebook Page, Cici was supposed to be fostered until they found the perfect forever home, but in the end, her foster parents decided to adopt her.

A person named Rose Rosie, on Facebook, wrote a comment under Hall’s post about Cici, saying:

I only meant to foster this sweet girl. After a few min of meeting her, I knew I was getting another family member. It was love at first hug. I love you, CiCi, and you are forever safe with our little family.

abandoned puppy in a new home
Source: Rose Rosie

I believe you are just as happy to hear such great news as I am! I also hope that Cici will finally get to live the life she deserves.
