7-Year-Old Dog Found Starved And Barely Clinging Onto Life On The Street In Las Vegas


Some stories shatter our hearts into a million pieces, and Althea’s is definitely one of them.

Found on the streets of Las Vegas, Nevada, this amazing girl experienced what can only be described as the absolute worst. Being a 7-year old dog, she was found at barely twenty pounds, and was extremely starved and neglected by her previous owner.

Fortunately, thanks to a giant-hearted community who noticed her in such a condition, Althea got a fighting chance.

Althea’s Heartbreaking Story

vet and very old dog
Source: Victoria Saha TV

The good people of Vegas Pet Rescue Project VPRP, from Las Vegas, Nevada, immediately took Althea in after a local shelter contacted them. 

When she first arrived at VPRP, her caregivers couldn’t believe their eyes. She was the most obvious case of abuse and neglect, and they just knew this starving girl must’ve had a horrible life before.

She only weighed twenty-three pounds when she should’ve been around sixty.

“She’s just skin and bones. She was only 23-24 pounds,” Tina Hayes, the rescue’s volunteer, told 8 News Now.

Very old dog
Source: Victoria Saha TV

Her story soon made headlines all over the country, leaving thousands of people in disbelief at whoever did this to such an innocent creature.

“Althea is a 7-year-old pitbull who was found on the street barely clinging onto life. It was clear she was starved before she got there,” the reporter Victoria Saha wrote on her Facebook.

She was admitted with fluid in her abdomen that caused an obstruction. On top of all that, she had a heart murmur and multiple other issues caused by starvation

Yet, she was a true fighter. Even though she had almost given up on the street, her hero hoomans helped her eyes sparkle again. For several days, Althea fought tooth and nail for every breath and movement

She ate a few small meals a day and got huge amounts of love from her caregivers. On top of that, she received regular medical care at the hospital, with Hayes and other volunteers being constantly with her.

Old skinny dog
Source: Victoria Saha TV

The VPRP community was determined to find out the name of Althea’s abuser. They even offered a reward for information leading to her abusers, which in a short amount of time, grew to tens of thousands of dollars.

The people of Las Vegas (and beyond) were truly invested in finding justice for Althea and her journey.
But sadly, even that wasn’t enough.

We Will Never Forget You, Sweet Girl

old dog sleeping
Source: Vegas Pet Rescue Project VPRP

This brave girl closed her eyes one last time only days after she was initially found on the street. Despite all the love and care she received in her final moments in this world, Althea lost a life battle as her weak body couldn’t take it anymore.

She crossed the rainbow bridge, leaving absolutely everyone devastated.

The people of VPRP and their community said one last goodbye to this sweet girl over a heartbreaking message on Facebook.

“The pain and devastation we feel right now is beyond words. Thank you to all your supporters for their prayers and donations. The whole community fell in love with you just as we did. Your will to live was great but your body was just too tired…We will continue to help other babies all in your name sweetheart,” the rescue wrote in a Facebook post.

sick Old dog
Source: Vegas Pet Rescue Project VPRP

The rescue is inclined to keep fighting and rescuing weak and voiceless animals in Althea’s honor, providing them with care and love that they never had the chance to receive.

Even though she’s no longer with us, Althea’s memory will continue to live. Her story will serve as a testament to resilience and bravery, and will surely help raise awareness of how important it is to rescue animals in need.

Rest in peace, sweet girl! You’ll be loved forever!
