Blockhead Golden Retriever: Why Are They So Special?


Being among those popular dog breeds we all know about sure means something big. Golden Retrievers are pups with a golden heart, supreme looks, and honest friendliness.

That’s why many breeders nowadays are using Goldens to create new crossbreed pups that are equally amazing as the parent breeds (hello, Goldendoodles!).

But, it’s not only their hybrids that come in many varieties. Golden Retrievers also have a couple of varieties or subtypes.

Surprise, surprise! I’m sure you’ve never heard of a Canadian Golden Retriever or a blockhead Golden Retriever. Yes, blockhead, as in head shaped like a block!

These super-unusual Golden Retrievers are not the kind of dogs you see on the streets daily. Still, they’re also fantastic family doggos and companions like any other subtype.

You definitely know lots of interesting things about the Goldens. But, do you really know about blockhead Golden bloodlines?

What makes a Goldie blockhead? What I’m about to explain to you will make you say: I’d never notice a difference between these Goldens if it wasn’t for you! So, buckle up, listen carefully, and thank me later.

Meet The Golden Retriever Breed

a golden retriever lies in the grass

The Golden Retriever dog breed is a favorite of many people and a wonderful addition to any family’s lifestyle. Golden Retrievers are beautiful dogs that will surely make someone’s best friend.

This wonderful dog breed doesn’t go way back in the past like some other dog breeds. It was only in the mid to late 1800s when the first Golden Retrievers appeared in Scotland. It took 50 years to improve the breed and achieve perfection.

A Golden’s golden heart has stayed ever since. Today’s Goldens are medium-sized dogs of a sturdy build.

Usually, they weigh from 55 to 75 pounds. Their bulky body is covered in a soft coat that comes in two layers. The outer coat is dense and has water-repelling traits; a result of breeding from the past.

You see, Golden Retrievers were once used to help during hunting trips in order to retrieve prey. They love retrieving prey more than anything in the world! This preference has clung up to now.

Golden Retrievers come in other coat colors besides their golden option. The coat of these dogs ranges from light shades to creams, dark golden, and pure golden. It has feathering around the back of the dog’s legs, on its tail, and on its chest.

The coat varies from curly to short versions, but they’re all equally beautiful. Golden Retrievers are also stunning on the inside. These dogs are known for their extremely friendly character and cheerful behavior. Even as adults, Golden Retrievers act like happy puppies.

Still, they’re very trustworthy and loyal. I know other dog breeds like Rottweilers or German Shepherds make better guard dogs, but Goldens are still very much capable of protecting their families.

Sure, no Golden will attack an intruder without judging him first, but he will let the whole family know something’s wrong. Golden Retrievers are active doggos. Back in the day, they were used for hunting and retrieving.

That’s why they’re classified as sporting dogs, and require daily training. Goldens need to waste their energy by the end of the day or they will become restless.

Besides being so active, Goldens are also known to be mellow and docile. It’s no wonder why many people use them as service dogs. But, it’s their role as therapy dogs that makes Goldens so valuable.

Having an emotional support animal has become quite popular lately, and Golden Retrievers are on the top of the popularity ladder.

It’s their sweet character and affectionate nature that made Golden Retrievers so valuable. As for their health status, you shouldn’t have serious concerns. Goldens are generally healthy. They can live from 10 to 12 years without any major problems.

Still, this dog breed is prone to some health issues such as hip dysplasia, bloat, PRA, cataracts, and sadly, cancer. Golden Retrievers are, sadly, severely prone to cancers.

So, yes, that’s a big downside. However, compared to other many positive sides of this dog breed, I’d say Golden Retrievers of all sizes, colors, and head shapes are simply amazing!

What Kind Of Subtypes Of Goldens Exist?

I know this is a surprise for most of you. Yes, Golden Retrievers come in three subtypes. You’ve probably seen all of them, but didn’t know they were different types. That’s because the differences between the three Golden subtypes aren’t that big of a deal.

Golden Retrievers come in three varieties: the English Golden Retriever, the American Golden Retriever, and the Canadian Golden Retriever. The official kennel clubs like the AKC and the CKC have approved these types of Golden Retrievers.

As I said earlier, the differences aren’t that noticeable. The biggest difference is in the size of the dogs. For example, Canadian Goldens are usually taller than the other two, almost up to two inches.

But, they have thin hair and a short, darker coat… unlike their American and English counterparts American Golden Retrievers usually come in lighter coat shades, while their triangular eyes are always dark in color.

Compared to the British version, they’re smaller and have less muscle mass.

Lastly, English Golden Retrievers are bigger than other members of the breed. They’re still smaller in height than Canadian Goldens, but they’re bulkier and have more muscles. British Goldens fashion a lovely long, feathered coat in cream shades.

What’s interesting about English Goldens is that they have a broad head. Their forehead is also wide. That’s why many people have problems with finding differences between English Goldens and blockhead Golden Retrievers.

What’s important to know is that all three types can have both head types: a block and a slender head. Now, about that blockhead… Let’s see what the blockhead Golden Retriever really is!

What Actually Is A Blockhead Golden Retriever?

blockhead golden retriever at the beach

Photo from: @rooney_thecitypup

A blockhead Golden Retriever is a Golden Retriever like all the other Goldies, except he has a broad head shaped like a block. Such a large head makes these Golden Retrievers appear bigger in size and more dominant.

The large head size doesn’t mean these kinds of Golden Retrievers are smarter. No, they’re as smart as any other Goldie, making them the 4th smartest dog breed in the world. See… no wonder they’re so appreciated!

Besides the obvious difference in head size, blockhead Golden Retrievers can also be spotted because of their long fur. But, don’t expect a floor length. They only fashion a bit longer fur than other Goldies.

All in all, the personality is the same, and the body is built, too… it’s only about the head shape and size. Trust me, you won’t be able to spot a blockhead Golden Retriever puppy in the litter. But, being blockhead or slender doesn’t really mean a lot.

Is There A Big Difference Between Canadian, American, And English Blockheads?

a golden retriever lies on a pile of autumn leaves

The difference between blockhead puppies doesn’t exist, no matter if they’re Canadian, American, or English / British. Once they’re grown up, they all have a head shaped like a block.

It’s the other things that set them apart like the Canadian’s height, the American’s light coat, or the British’ muscular body.

All of the three listed blockhead Golden Retrievers can compete in dog shows, but they must be bred and raised up to the breed standards and have a pedigree.

The judges take into consideration a bunch of factors that will either disqualify a dog or make him a champion.

For starters, the first thing all judges look at is the dog’s weight and height. On average, male blockhead Goldens weigh from 65 to 75 pounds. Golden Retriever girls should weigh from 50 to 65 pounds.

Males are always taller than females, at 23 to 24 inches at the withers. Goldie girls are 21.5 to 22.5 inches tall. If a Golden Retriever stands out from these measurements, he won’t satisfy the judges’ requirements.

All dogs should have a symmetrical body and a lovely appearance. Their eyes should be deep set, the muzzle is supposed to be straight, while the ears are short and set above the eyes.

As for the colors, the eyes are mostly deep brown, while the nose can be black or deep brown, too.

Besides the outer looks, judges will evaluate your dog’s behavior, his level of trainability, and how friendly he appears. Well-trained dogs always do better. Trust me, even the tiniest factor can judge against your Goldie.

From Puppy To Mighty Paws: Raising A Blockhead Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever puppies lying in the grass

When it comes to coat color or type, we can almost always determine what a puppy will look like. By looking at its parents, we can tell whether they will be big or small once they grow up.

But, it’s hard to tell which puppy will be a blockhead Golden Retriever and which one will not. There is no magical calculation that guarantees us we’ll get a blockhead, not even if both parents have the same head shape.

The head type won’t even be noticeable until the puppy grows up. This process is a long one and it sometimes takes 12 months for the signature head shape to come in.

So, if you’re looking to strictly buy a blockhead puppy, I’m sorry to inform you that you could make a big mistake. If the puppy grows up to be a slender-head Golden, you can’t blame the breeder.

Even if you pick out the most reputable breeder, no one is there to blame. This is only a matter of fortune.

There is an unwritten rule that light-colored Goldens or Blondies are more prone to having a blockhead. Still, we can’t be 100% sure that this head type will occur with every light Golden Retriever.

Raising a blockhead Golden Retriever is no different than raising a regular Golden.

What Sets The Two Head Types Apart?

a golden retriever sleeps on the bed

The answer to this question is a pretty obvious one.

It’s the head shape that sets apart these two types of Golden Retrievers. If you thought there were some major differences other than the head shape, I’m sorry I have to disappoint you.

Blockhead and slender-head Golden Retrievers don’t have the head shape because their bones aren’t positioned the same way. This results in either a wider head with rounder eyes (as with blockheads) or a narrow or wedge-shaped head with slender heads.

I do need to inform you that slender or wedge-shaped heads don’t occur with British Golden Retrievers.

I mean, they do, but they’re so extremely rare! There’s really no point in discussing which head shape is the better one. The unique shape doesn’t affect a dog’s cognitive possibilities or make it better than the rest for any reason.

If you really don’t mind which head shape your dog will carry, you won’t have issues bringing home a Golden Retriever as your new family pet.

Cost: Blockhead Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale

three golden retriever puppies

Blockhead Golden Retrievers usually occur more with British Goldies, and that’s why their price over on the Island will be significantly lower than ones in the States.

If you live overseas and want to buy a blockhead Goldie from a British breeder, you will need to set a budget at around $3,500. Of course, the price can go lower depending on what your chosen breeder includes in it.

The average price of a blockhead Golden Retriever in the States is on the higher end of the scale.

It will cost you more than $3,500. And, this is only the initial price! Keep in mind that dogs need all sorts of goodies like toys, dog beds, food and water bowls, grooming tools, etc.

But, the good news is that only the first year with your blockhead pup should be a rough one. After that, the cost should significantly drop. I mean, you won’t be buying new dog supplies every month!

Where Do You Find Blockhead Golden Retrievers?

blockhead golden retriever on a leash

Photo from: @rooney_thecitypup

Blockhead Golden Retrievers can’t be recognized as puppies. You know that so far, don’t you?

All I want to say is don’t give your heart to only one Golden puppy. If a Golden Retriever breeder claims the puppy will definitely be a blockhead, don’t fully trust him.

Find other, replacement puppies if this one turns out to be a slender head and you prefer only the other type.

What’s important is to ask for health clearances and results of tests conducted on puppies and their parents.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind getting either one of these Goldies. But, if you’re really that into blockhead Goldens and want no other puppy, then you should consider getting an adult dog or adopting one from a shelter.

I’m always for adopting a pup in need from a shelter over buying from a breeder or a pet store.

Think about it: you’ll be giving a new chance to a dog lost and forsaken by everyone. How incredible is that?

There’s really no other way to be 100% sure you’re getting a blockhead Goldie. But, I’d say that’s the beauty of it. You’ll learn how terrific this dog breed is no matter its outer appearance.

What Is Facial Trauma, And Why Does It Occur With Blockhead Goldens?

Many people are still unaware of how severe bruises are, especially with dogs. I know… I was the same.

I mean, what can a little bruise on my head do? Not much, right? Wrong. And, that’s when I found out about facial trauma with blockhead Golden Retrievers.

Being a dog expert myself, I immediately figured out the importance of the case when a dog owner rushed in with a puppy featuring facial bruises.

Facial trauma or bruises can occur for many reasons. The important thing is that they’re all treatable. Let’s face it: puppies are puppies!

They’re playful, happy, and energetic. And, they play roughly with littermates and parents. No wonder some of them end up with bruises.

I want to underline that every bruise or head trauma should be consulted with your vet, especially if it was a contact with a bigger dog.

Bruises aren’t something meaningless. They take time to heal and they’re painful. The most critical areas to get facial trauma are the jawline and the forehead.

Golden Retrievers, especially blockhead Goldies, are very susceptible to bruises. Keep an eye on them so infections don’t spread and cause additional health problems.

Fun Facts About Blockhead Golden Retrievers

Golden retriever walking outdoor

Blockhead Golden Retrievers are as amazing as any other dog breed. These pups are fun, quirky, and truly unique.

Many dog breeds have signature traits that set them apart from other pups. Blockhead Goldens are known for being a tad different than regular Goldens. No, I’m only talking about their head shape.

Did you know that the Golden Retriever dog breed is one of those breeds that is very susceptible to cancers of all kinds? Well, they do have an exception in the form of blockhead Golden Retrievers.

Blockheads are less prone to cancers. We even have studies confirming this statement! Also, as an unwritten rule, blockheads tend to live longer than other Goldens. So, yeah, that’s a pretty valid reason to get a blockhead.

But, just because you love your blockhead to pieces doesn’t mean you should spoil him with all sorts of treats and extra dog food portions. All Golden Retrievers, especially blockheads are very susceptible to obesity.

Seriously, these pups will eat anything that comes their way. Don’t leave your plate somewhere where your dog can reach it and eat off of it.

Control their diet, how much, and what they eat.

Another curiosity about blockhead Golden Retrievers is that they only come in light cream colors.

Well, that’s no surprise. We already know that! True, but you didn’t know that the American Kennel Club (AKC) doesn’t allow light golden shades, cream colors, white, or dark golden shades with blockheads.

So, how do breeders and dog owners manage to register such dogs and enter them in conformation shows? Easily! They list the color under a recognized one that’s most similar to the dog’s original coat. Think of it as a loophole in show dogs law.

Final Words

The mystery is solved! A blockhead Golden Retriever is nothing more than a standard Goldie with a broad head.

I know some of you have thought that this is a completely new type of Golden Retriever. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. Blockhead Goldens are pretty common, but people don’t really know what they are.

I’m sure all of you have seen blockheads at some point in life. You just didn’t know that these pups come in three subtypes and two head shapes.

Blockhead Golden Retrievers are simply too cute to handle! And, their wide blockhead makes even more room for the dog to think: Man, I love my hooman!

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