Rescuers Were Completely Heartbroken When They Found A Dog Family Hiding In An Abanonded House


We all know those situations in which there is nothing left for the heart but to break. One of the most heartbreaking sights is when you see a mother and her babies in an abandoned, cold place without the most basic necessities. 

Of course, here, I am talking about the canine family that was found in an abandoned house, living in impossible conditions. It is really hard to see a mother who would do anything for her children not being able to ensure them a happy puppyhood. 

Luckily, there are still people with great hearts who are always ready to help those who need it the most, just like was the case in today’s story. 

Heartbreaking Rescue

mom dog and puppies lying
Source: The Dodo

When the rescuers from Stray Rescue of St.Louis, located in St. Louis, Missouri, got a call from a woman about a canine family in an abandoned house, they didn’t wait a minute but immediately rushed to that place. 

On those days, the weather was very cold, and one of the rescue employees, Donna, knew that they had to act quickly if they wanted to save the poor dogs. That’s why she and her rescue team took responsibility and entered the abandoned house to save them.

“As we started up the steps, I could hear the puppies whimpering,” Donna told The Dodo. 

man walking up the stairs
Source: The Dodo

As soon as they came to the second floor of the house, their hearts broke when they saw a poor Pit Bull mom with her puppies, “ whimpering and crawling on Mom and huddling up with her.”

However, they were able to quickly pull themselves together from this heartwrenching sight and go into action. They managed to put the leash around the mother’s neck and bring her to their Jeep. 

puppy climbing on things
Source: The Dodo

It wasn’t an easy task as the mother dog was crying for her babies, but as soon as they brought them to her, she was able to calm down. When she realized that these people meant no harm and that she was finally in a warm place with her puppies, the smile returned to her face. 

“They were doing much better in the warm Jeep than they were up in that cold, cold abandoned house,” Donna happily concluded.  

puppies lying in a basket
Source: The Dodo

However, the best was yet to come for this sweet canine family. 

Tears Of Joy

When the puppies and their mother finally came to the rescue premises in St. Louis, Missouri, they were welcomed like heroes by the shelter employees. These people provided them with everything they needed – food, water, a warm bed, and most importantly, a lot of love and kisses. 

mom dog and puppies on a blue blanket
Source: The Dodo

“We got them to where they were settled on a blanket and they had food,” Donna said. “They felt warm enough that they didn’t have to be all pilled onto Mom and underneath her legs to keep warm.”

Although they lacked nothing, the puppies didn’t stay there for long because the very next day, they were in the foster home. In just one day, the life of this canine family changed completely. 

In her interview for The Dodo, Donna couldn’t hide her tears, stating no puppy deserves to start life like that. However, those tears soon transformed into tears of joy when she realized that they were finally where they deserved to be. 

“It’s just – it’s heartbreaking to see them and yet the best feeling ever to get them out of there,” Donna happily concluded at the end.  
