Why Are Huskies So Dramatic? 6 Reasons For Drama Behavior


Siberian Huskies are often known as being the biggest drama queens of the canine world. While the prefix ‘dramatic’ can often be very subjective, the truth is that most of these dogs are very expressive with a characteristic way of vocalization.

There is no denying that a Husky is one of the most beautiful dog breeds with big, blue eyes that steal the hearts of many people. However, if you have ever owned or seen some of the Husky videos on the internet, you know that they are funny little fellas with quite a character.

Their strong personality is their biggest trait, whether you like it or not, but there are also other reasons why they could act the way they do. So, if you want to learn why huskies are so dramatic, keep on reading to find out everything about this interesting drama queen behavior!

Let’s dive into the world of enchanting Siberian Huskies!

Why Are Huskies So Dramatic?

If you are a Husky owner or have been in contact with a Husky, you must have wondered at some point, “why are Huskies so dramatic?” Let’s say that they are quite different from other breeds, especially in the way they express themselves.

Some people don’t mind it, but to others, this can be too much. Of course, this is not a breed for everyone, and before you get a Husky, you must educate yourself about this breed and its temperament.

In order to understand what causes Huskies to behave in the dramatic way that they do, let’s look at some of the situations and reasons that can influence this kind of behavior:

1. Environment

Siberian husky dog with blue eyes stands and looks ahead

Something in the dog’s immediate environment and surroundings may trigger their reaction. If your Husky is constantly having dramatic episodes, and you can’t figure out why, maybe you should slow down a little bit and observe where you live.

Is there something happening in your neighborhood that could be affecting your dog’s behavior? Have they been acting this way the whole time, or has something triggered it?

Almost every dog will react to the environment around him, especially if it is full of confusing sounds and experiences, but Huskies are much more reactive and vocal than other breeds, which means that their reaction will be more noticeable.

Things like emergency sirens, car horns, traffic, doorbells, a baby crying, people fighting and shouting, and food timers can all trigger your Husky’s dramatic behavior.

Huskies are always on the lookout. They have a pretty amazing hearing capacity, and can hear something that you are not able to pick up. All of this can cause your dog to react in a way that is typical to him.

Although you may think that your dog is acting crazy or just being silly, there might be a perfectly good reason behind it. You are just not aware of it.

2. Stress

Like most people, dogs also can feel stress, anxiety, and tension. If they are in an uncomfortable situation or feel too stressed and anxious, they will, of course, express it. They don’t like those feelings, and they will let you know when there is something wrong.

Different dogs may deal with feelings of stress in different ways, which means that they will also express it in different ways. Some Huskies will start to bark, yell, and howl, while others may even start to cry and shiver or experience other nervous behavior.

It is important to understand what is causing your pup to act this way because not acknowledging or ignoring this kind of behavior can make them act even more dramatic (if that is even possible).

Constant yelling, children fighting, and overall negativity may cause stress to Huskies, so keeping this at a minimum will definitely reduce your dog’s dramatic behavior.

Huskies are also prone to separation anxiety. This dog breed thrives on companionship, loves to be around his family, and thinks of them as his pack.

Although most dog owners would love nothing more than to spend the whole day with their furry friend, unfortunately, this is not always possible due to work and many other obligations.

This can also make your Husky feel abandoned, anxious, and sad, which can cause dramatic behavior or even destructive behavior.

3. A Way To Communicate

Barking Siberian Husky

If you find your dog barking at nothing, staring at you, or doing some weird stuff, the reason might be that he is trying to communicate with you. As we have already mentioned, Huskies are extremely vocal and communicative dogs that love to express themselves.

They are also very curious, so if they hear dogs barking outside the house, they will start barking as a way to communicate with them. Most Huskies also weirdly love to hear their voice and different sounds that they can produce, which is why they do it a lot.

However, if your dog is barking and howling at you regularly, it can mean they want to tell you something. It is important to differentiate between when they are just goofing around and when they are actually warning you about some things.

They might want some food, treats, water, or perhaps playtime. This behavior is usually accompanied by pacing and expressions of annoyance to get your attention.

If your dog is thirsty or hungry, of course, you need to act on this behavior and provide him with what he needs.

However, you should also be careful of this kind of behavior. If it is happening too often, the dog might be using it to get what he wants. Accepting this will make your Husky even more temperamental, unmanageable, and hard to live with.

4. Your Behavior

This may be surprising to hear, but actually, several studies have proved that canines, as well as other pets, learn to imitate their owner’s behavior and personality after spending a lot of years together.

The same goes for Huskies as there has been some evidence of them taking on the personas of their owner. So, the way you act and approach some situations may greatly influence your pup’s behavior.

You will need to take a step back and evaluate your own behavior to see if there is a chance that your dog might be imitating you and your own reactions.

The way you act around the house, with your Husky puppy, or the way you talk to others (even on the phone) can slightly influence your dog’s behavior. If you notice that this is the reason, then you will have to start changing your behavior or at least the way you are approaching different situations.

5. It’s In Their DNA

Siberian Huskies are generally a headstrong, independent, and stubborn breed of dog. They act very differently than, for example, German Shepherds, that are known as people-pleasers, or Bulldogs that seek constant affection and love from their owner.

They are affectionate and intelligent dogs with a playful nature; however, their strong-willed side usually takes over. Because of this, they can be very disobedient and refuse to obey your commands.

Sometimes, they act like a spoiled child. If they don’t get what they want, they will cause a tantrum, just like children, to show that they are not happy with you and the way you are treating them.

Some other dog breeds will not act like this in these situations, but since Huskies are dogs with reactive behavior that love to express their feelings, they will do as they please.

RELATED: 25 Different Types Of Huskies That Will Blow You Away

6. Pent-Up Energy

husky looking past the camera

Siberian Huskies are high-energy dogs that were bred to be working dogs. These dogs come from Siberia, where they were bred by the Chukchi tribe, and used as sled dogs to help them with transportation, and also with hunting (which explains why they are not exactly good with small dogs and animals).

RELATED: Are Huskies Good With Cats? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

It is completely normal that after centuries of constant working, today we have Husky dogs that are very active dogs, which require a lot of exercise.

Both physical and mental stimulation are necessary for this breed because if they don’t get enough exercise, they can easily become bored, frustrated, and extremely reactive.

A Husky’s dramatic behavior can be just a way for them to deal with all that pent-up energy that needs to come out in one way or another.

How To Stop The Dramatic Behavior

Now that you know why Huskies are so dramatic, you must be wondering how to stop this behavior. Next, we present you with some solutions for your Husky’s drama.

1. Train Your Husky

happy man is looking at dog

Obedience training is very important for all dogs, but it is also very helpful in dealing with your dog’s dramatic behavior. They are an intelligent breed that will respond well to dog training as long as you are patient, firm, and using positive reinforcement.

It may be difficult at times due to their stubborn nature, but you have to stay consistent and positive throughout the whole process. Try to figure out what motivates your dog the best… maybe it’s food, playtime, or something else.

Through regular training and the development of a sense of mutual respect, you can minimize your dog’s reactivity and teach them how to behave properly. The goal of training is to teach your dog patience and obedience that will greatly affect your dog’s everyday behavior.

One of the best exercises for teaching your dog self-control, patience, and obedience is the “sit and wait” game. This exercise became viral recently, and you can actually find a lot of videos of examples on various social media platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram.

How do you do this exercise? First, you will need to instruct your Husky to sit in front of you, and teach him the command, “stay”. After that, you will place a delicious treat on the floor in front of him, but not that close, and instruct him again to “stay”.

Now, all you need to do is wait a little bit and then release your dog with the command, “go!” This will give your dog permission to eat the treat, and if he has done everything as instructed, you can praise him and reward his good behavior.

2. Learn To Be A Pack Leader

Huskies are pack animals that see their family as their pack. Often, the reason why huskies behave dramatically and don’t listen to your commands is because they don’t see you as their owner, but rather, vice versa.

They need to see you as their pack leader – their Alpha; otherwise, you will have a hard time trying to train them or get them to do anything if they are not up to it.

As a pack leader, you need to be confident, firm, and calm. Do not raise your voice or get angry because that is not the way to a respectful relationship.

Only through positive reinforcement can you build a good relationship with your Husky, who will respect you, see you as their leader, and most importantly, follow your commands.

If you need some help in asserting dominance to your dog, check out our article on how to show dominance to your dog and become an alpha leader.

3. Reward Good Behavior

husky waiting for a treat

I think that this goes without saying, but it should be mentioned anyway — reward only good behavior. Rewarding is a very important step in dog training; however, you have to make sure that you reward only when your dog has done something that is worth the reward.

Reward them when they have been a good boy, when they have completed a command, or when they have done something that you have trained them for. This way, you will encourage only the best dog behavior that every dog owner desires.

4. Distract

When your dog is having a dramatic episode, a good way to stop it is to keep him distracted and occupied. There are different ways that can help you keep your dog distracted; for example, you can start to play with him, take him out, or do something that he really enjoys.

A good way to keep your dog occupied and not bored is to provide him with enough toys that he likes and that are interesting to him. For example, food puzzle toys are a great way to keep your dog distracted for hours, and also mentally stimulated.

If you need some help in finding good interactive toys for your pet, check out our article on the 22 best interactive dog toys that will keep him entertained at all times.

5. Give Your Attention And Love

A woman walking with a dog Husky in the sun in the sunset

All dogs crave attention and love to some extent, and Huskies are no exception. Make sure that you give enough of your attention and time to your dog each day, so that he knows he is loved.

Some Huskies will act out and use loud noises to get your attention because they feel lonely, so in order to stop this, you can try showing them that you are there for them, that you love them, and that you care about them.

If you don’t have enough time because you work a lot or have too many obligations, you can always find them a little furry friend that will keep them company or hire a sitter who will spend time with them so they don’t feel lonely and abandoned.

6. Exercise Your Husky

Exercise is a very important part of your dog’s daily life, especially for a high-energy breed like a Siberian Husky. These dogs need at least two hours of good exercise per day to stay in good shape and feel happy.

Even if you have a well-trained Husky, if he doesn’t receive his daily exercise, he will become restless, nervous, and very vocal. However, if you provide him with good exercise, he will be happy and tired, which will then result in him resting peacefully at home.

There are various exercises that you can do with your Husky such as walking, running, hiking, visiting a dog park, playing fetch, and many more. Choose something that you like to do and that your dog also likes.

Don’t Do…

Don’t hit, abuse, act angry, or be rude!

Don’t give treats or snacks when the dog doesn’t obey or behaves poorly!

Don’t let your dog become a leader!

Don’t spoil your dog!

Don’t expose your dog to stressful situations!

Signs Of Dramatic Behavior

Young husky calling for his mates

A Husky’s dramatic behavior (or Husky tantrums) are essentially a way for this dog to express his feelings, discomfort, unhappiness, and generally the way a Husky talks with his owner.

In order to understand and assess this problem, it is also necessary to notice and know the early warning signs of dramatic behavior.


We all know that Huskies love to howl – it is simply their best way of expressing themselves, and a way of communication that is buried deep down within a dogs’ genes and history. But, it is also definitely a sign of dramatic behavior.

Howling is usually accompanied by barking and yowling as well.

Strange Noises

Huskies are not only known for their howling. They absolutely love to produce various strange noises like chirping or whining, or even some other noises that you’d be surprised to hear.

Chirping is a cute and funny noise that is quite common in the Husky breed. It is similar to the sounds that birds make, and quite often, it accompanies dramatic behavior. Whining, on the other hand, is similar to a crying sound; however, they are not actually crying.


If your Husky is dissatisfied with you, he might also stare at you to get your attention or pace around like a crazy person. This is quite a common way for them to express their frustration and irritation.

Is your dog having constant “zoomies” sessions as well? We have a solution! Read our article and find out when puppies calm down and how to stop this frantic behavior.

Faking Death

Lastly, perhaps the funniest Husky behavior is them faking death. Yes, Huskies can be that dramatic. Sometimes, it feels like you actually have a little child rather than a dog. They are so stubborn (and intelligent) that they will fake death if they don’t want to follow your command.

You will often experience this kind of behavior on walks. If your pup doesn’t want to go home or continue in the same direction as you, he will plop down on the ground as a sign of protest, telling you that he doesn’t agree with your choice.

Are Huskies Known To Be Aggressive?

Husky dog lying in the snow

Many people wonder if Huskies are aggressive because of their dramatic behavior, which can include howling, barking, and various strange noises.

PupVine actually has a great article on this topic, so make sure to read it if you are interested in learning more about all types of dog aggression and Husky training tips.

However, long story short… no, Huskies are actually not known to be aggressive or dangerous. They are loyal, friendly, and affectionate dogs that can just sometimes be way too excited about things.

Incidents can always happen like with any other dog breed, but if you properly train your dog, you don’t have to worry about your Husky being aggressive.

They don’t possess the qualities of a guard dog, nor are they good protectors because they are very social and playful dogs that get along well even with strangers.

They are very welcoming to all people and all non-aggressive dogs, so if you are looking for a dog that will keep your daily life lively and entertaining, then the Husky is definitely a good choice for you.

You’ll just have to deal with a little bit of drama in your life, but let’s face it… what is life without a bit of drama? Admit it… it would be way too boring.

Do you need some help in choosing the perfect name for your fabulous drama queen, a.k.a., Husky? If yes, check out our article on Husky names and find yourself some ideas that are as unique as this breed is.

Final Thoughts

So, why are Huskies so dramatic? Well, there are various reasons behind this strange and often funny behavior, but sometimes it is just the way they are.

We hope that this article has helped you understand what can potentially cause changes in your dog’s behavior, and how you can deal with them.

But, you have to also understand that a Husky is a very special breed of dog that will act a little bit dramatic from time to time no matter how much you train them, and that is completely okay. It is the way they are, and you have to accept it.

If you don’t like it or if you don’t have enough patience to deal with it, please reconsider your decision to get a Husky puppy. They deserve a family and owners who will love them no matter what (even if they are the biggest drama queens out there!).

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