7 Norfolk Terrier Mixes – Good, Better, The Norfolk Mix

They are small, cute, hard-working, energetic, loyal, and affectionate — the perfect little dog! They are also quite smart. In fact, Cambridge University students had these little red terriers as pets, and they used to call them either Trumpington Terriers, or Cantab Terriers.

But, they are not on the list of the most popular dog breeds in the U.S. Maybe their Terrier origins and similarities with the Norwich Terriers kept this dog from having worldwide popularity.

People may not know much about this fearless dog, but the AKC, the UKC, and other Kennel Clubs and organizations definitely know about it! They’ve won championships and judges’ hearts more than once in various dog shows across the States and in the UK.

But, what if we combine the hypoallergenic Norfolk Terrier with some other small dog breed? We will get a bundle of joy that barks, sniffs, and loves to cuddle on the sofa!

Depending on the breed, we can also get a feisty dog that has to check that hole in the ground when you go for a walk in the park.

To find out more, let’s see the list of the 7 most interesting and popular Norfolk Terrier mixes. From Dachshunds to Poodles, let’s see what goes the best with the “perfect demon”?

7 Norfolk Terrier Mixes

First of all, let’s see what a mixed dog is.

A mixed dog is a crossbreed of either two purebred dogs or several unknown dog breeds. The first ones are called hybrids (or designer dogs), and the latter –  mongrels (or mutts).

The difference between a designer dog and a mutt is that we don’t know how many or what kind of separate dog breeds went into the crossbreeding process of a mutt.

But, we do know what breeds went into the making of a designer dog. In most cases, the crossbreeding was done deliberately and with a goal in mind. The goal can be making the perfect hunting dog, family pet, or hypoallergenic dog.

Whatever the reason is, the dog breeders intentionally mixed two purebred dogs to get a new hybrid dog that will have the traits of both dog parents.

That is the case with our Norfolk Terrier mixes. They are designer dogs bred with a certain goal — to make a dog more sturdy, more playful, taller, smaller, a better watchdog, lapdog, etc.

Because the Norfolk Terrier is a small dog weighing up to 12 pounds, and standing up to 10 inches tall, the breeders couldn’t choose just any kind of dog for crossbreeding. The dog had to have some physical similarities for a more natural and easier cross-breeding process.

You will see in this list of 7 Norfolk Terrier mixes that all of the other dogs are small to medium-sized dogs, and that most of them are Terrier breeds. Breeding dogs from the same group makes it easier to predict the physical and temperamental traits of their offspring.

Let’s see the result of mixing this high-energy, small-size ratter dog with some of the most popular dog breeds in the world.

1. English Bulldog Norfolk Terrier Mix

English Bulldog Norfolk Terrier Mix

This mix is definitely one of the most interesting Norfolk Terrier mixes. The Bulldog and the Norfolk… what a match!

The problem here is the fact that Bulldogs can be much larger than Norfolks. They can weigh up to 50 pounds. This means that if we don’t want any trouble while breeding this interesting designer dog, we should always have a female Bulldog and a male Norfolk Terrier.

Why? Because the Norfolk Terrier is a much smaller dog than the Bulldog. If we have a female Norfolk and a male Bulldog, then the Bulldog Norfolk Terrier puppies can inherit the size from their dad, which makes it impossible to deliver the puppies the natural way.

Simply put… they are too big to go through the birthing canal of the female Norfolk Terrier. In this case, a C-section would be necessary.

This mix will give the sweetest and the most easy-going pups of the entire Norfolk Terrier mixes. Their weight can vary. They can be anywhere from 20 to 40 pounds. But, their size is more predictable. They can be up to 15 inches.

Grooming won’t be much of a problem if the puppy inherits the Bulldog’s coat type. But, if it inherits the double coat of the Norfolk, then you might want to consider getting a groomer to keep both the topcoat and the undercoat clean and shiny.

2. Jack Russell Terrier Norfolk Terrier Mix

Jack Russell Terrier Norfolk Terrier Mix
Photo from: @pennys_paws_dog_walking

Mixing a Norfolk Terrier with a Jack Russell Terrier is not that unusual because of the Jack Russell’s popularity around the world. There are many Jack Russell mixes, and this is one of the cutest ones out there.

There is no size problem between these two dog breeds. Both are small, with the Jack Russell being a bit larger of the two. This Norfolk Terrier mix has a nickname — a Norjack.

Because of the same original purpose of breeding these two dog breeds… to catch vermin, their offspring will also have a high prey drive, so it might not be best to leave them alone with small family pets like hamsters.

This Norfolk Terrier mix won’t be taller than 12 inches or weigh more than 15 pounds. Just like in the previous mix, the offspring can either inherit a smooth and single coat or a double and rough coat. Depending on the type of coat, grooming is different.

The latter needs more care, and often, professional help from a groomer.

3. Yorkshire Terrier Norfolk Terrier Mix

Yorkshire Terrier Norfolk Terrier Mix
Photo from: @bella_the_yorkie_cross

The Yorkie is another dog breed that is very popular in crossbreeding. Their famous silky coat and elegant stance separate them from other Terriers. It seems like these little dogs weren’t made for catching anything, let alone rats!

But, just like the Norfolk Terrier, they were also developed as working Terriers in England. The difference is in the year — the Norfolk was developed in the early 20th century, and the Yorkie in the mid-1800s.

The Yorkie Norfolk Terrier mix dog will also be a small-sized dog — up to 10 inches tall, and weighing not more than 10 pounds.

These dogs might look cuddly, but they are Terrier dogs, and as such, they need proper socialization to keep them and other (small) animals and pets safe.

While Yorkies come in many coat color variations, the Norfolk doesn’t, which means that the coat color of their offspring will depend on the Yorkie parent. If both dog parents are of similar coat color, e.g., grizzle, the offspring will have similar coat traits.

4. Chihuahua Norfolk Terrier Mix

Chihuahua Norfolk Terrier Mix.
Photo from: @taniagail

The shakiest, most feisty Norfolk Terrier mix on this list is the Norfolk Chihuahua mix. These dogs will definitely be small — they won’t be taller than 9 inches or weigh more than 7 or 8 pounds.

If you are looking for a small dog to be your best friend, look no further — the Chihuahua Norfolk Terrier mix is the right choice. They are energetic and affectionate.

Read More: The Spunky Cairn Terrier Chihuahua Mix For Lively Owners

Depending on the dominant genes, this mixed doggo can inherit either prick ears or drop ears (floppy ears), a wheat coat color, and also a high chance of a health condition called patellar luxation.

This health problem is common in small dog breeds. The best way to avoid having a Chihuahua Norfolk mix dog with such a problem is to get one from a responsible breeder who has AKC (American Kennel Club) registered dogs that are health tested.

These dogs might be too small to chase away an intruder, but they can be quite aggressive. They will need dog training and a lot of positive reinforcement to “keep them on a leash”. The aggressiveness comes from the Chihuahua.

However, with proper training and socialization, these dogs can learn to live with other dogs or in large family households without having to fear that someone might step on them; hence, the aggressive (defensive) behavior.

5. Corgi Norfolk Terrier Mix

Corgi Norfolk Terrier Mix
Photo from: @casperrthecorgi

If you are looking for the fluffiest Norfolk Terrier mix, then the Corgi Norfolk mix is the one. We all know Corgis — they are short-legged dogs with a big-doggy smile on their cute face.

Mix that with the Jones Terriers (as they used to call Norfolk Terriers back in a day) and you will get cuteness overload!

But, unfortunately, with cuteness comes some health issues as well. This time, it’s hip dysplasia, which is common for both Corgis and Norfolk Terriers. Also, another disease typical for this mixed dog coming from the Norfolk parent is mitral valve disease.

The Norfolk Terrier was made from several separate breeds, like the Border Terrier, the Cairn Terrier, and the Irish Terrier. All of these dogs can be affected by hip dysplasia or mitral valve disease.

That’s why you have to be extra careful when it comes to this Norfolk Mix. Buying a puppy from a reputable breeder is, once again, the safest option.

6. Poodle Norfolk Terrier Mix

Poodle and Norfolk Terrier

If you are an allergy sufferer, but you love dogs, and you don’t care whether it’s a purebred dog or a crossbreed — then the Poodle Norfolk Terrier mix is your correct choice!

Both the Poodle and the Norfolk are hypoallergenic dogs, which means that both the Norfolk and the Poodle don’t shed a lot. No shedding — no hairs — no allergy problems.

Not entirely… of course. There is no dog that is 100% non-allergenic. But, these two dogs come close to it, and as such, they represent the perfect mix for those people who have allergy problems.

You may also like: Cairn Terrier Poodle Mix: Trust Me, You Can’t Resist ‘Em

For this mix, breeders use a Toy Poodle, and the result is a small mixed dog that doesn’t weigh more than 12 pounds, and that is not taller than 10 inches.

It’s a pocket-sized hypoallergenic Norfolk Terrier mix. Don’t forget that both dog breeds are hunting dogs. They have to be physically and mentally stimulated to keep them healthy. They won’t need a great amount of exercise, but they do need it daily.

7. Cocker Spaniel Norfolk Terrier Mix

Cocker Spaniel and Norfolk Terrier

And, finally… we meet the Cocker Spaniel Norfolk Terrier mix — a dog that has unique traits and a lot of possibilities for coat colors all coming from the great variety of Cocker Spaniel colors.

Do you like long and floppy ears, and fur that needs a lot of brushing to keep it shiny and healthy? Then, this is the mixed dog for you! Jokes aside… these dogs often inherit the coat type from their Cocker Spaniel parent.

That means they will require a lot of daily grooming. You will need a good, high-quality metal comb to thoroughly brush their fur. They also need a good bath to keep their fur clean and shiny. While you are bathing and grooming your dog, pay attention to its ears and teeth as well.

Use a cotton swab (not a Q-tip) to clean the long ears, and use toothpaste for dogs to keep those pearls shiny.

It might seem like it takes a lot to keep this dog looking good, but in return, you get one of the most beautiful dog mixes. They are also extremely affectionate and loyal. All that brushing and bathing will pay off when you realize you have a smart and gorgeous-looking dog.

The Conclusion

In the end, whichever Norfolk Terrier mix dog you choose, you can be certain that the dog will have these traits:

  • Loyalty
  • Affection
  • Fun
  • Alertness

Other traits, like the coat color or the type of the coat, will depend on the other dog breed used in crossbreeding. Norfolk Terriers are hypoallergenic, so any Norfolk mix is also going to be hypoallergenic. They also have a double coat, which their mixed offspring often inherit, so daily grooming is something you will have to get used to.

Early proper socialization is also a must when it comes to any kind of Norfolk Terrier mix. They have a high prey drive, and they will chase and try to catch small animals, whether they are your pets or squirrels in the park.

But, as mentioned… in return, you get a dog that is truly a best friend and a loyal companion that easily adjusts to any type of lifestyle and accommodation. Whether you live on a farm or in the city — the Norfolk Terrier mix dog will be satisfied as long as you are with him.
