Boerboel 4 Colors & 4 Markings: Get To Know This Dog’s Coat


Some people will tell you that the coat color is one of the most important characteristics of a dog. Even the first thing they will check with the breeder from whom they intend to buy a puppy will be exactly the color that the dogs from a certain litter should have.

Some other dog lovers don’t care what color their future dog’s fur will be: what matters to them is that they have the type of dog they planned for.

Whichever of these two groups you belong to, you’ve come to our Boerboel colors theme today. Well, let’s take this large and strong dog as an example in order to learn more about the importance of dog fur colors.

Continue reading to find out what colors the Boerboel comes in, which colors of this dog are recognized, and which colors are not desirable in this dog breed.

Introduction To Boerboel Colors And Other Important Traits

Before we move on to the Boerboel colors, let’s mention a few of the most important features of this dog.

The Boerboel is a large dog, also known under the name ‘South African Mastiff’ as it originated in South Africa. The Boerboel dog is a descendent of the brave and loyal Bullmastiff.

The name ‘Boerboel’ is derived from the Afrikaans and Dutch words – boer, meaning ‘the farmer’, and boel, meaning ‘the dog’. It is precisely work on the farm that this hard-working dog has done so well for many years. He protected his property, the homesteads, and his family from predators, but also from any other intruder.

So, this Mastiff-type dog is an excellent guard dog, protective and extremely loyal to its human family.

According to the Boerboel growth chart, the average height of a Boerboel is 24 to 27 inches, and the average weight is from 150 to 200 pounds. Since he is extremely hard-working and energetic, the Boerboel needs a lot of exercise on a daily basis, and inactivity does not suit him at all.

Its appearance can be frightening, and the impression of a dangerous dog is enhanced by the fact that the Boerboel is not at all kind to strangers. Therefore, this dog needs to be socialized very early and trained patiently in order to grow into an obedient dog.

Now that we know a little more about the temperament and origin of this dog, we can focus on the colors of the Boerboel’s fur. There are many Boerboel colors. Some are part of the breed standard, while others are not part of the official registries for this dog breed.

What Colors Are Acceptable In A South African Boerboel?

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), there are six acceptable colors in a South African Boerboel. Those are the following:

• Cream

• Red

• Brown

• Reddish Brown

• Tawny

• Brindle

These colors are acceptable and desirable for the Boerboel dog breeds, but some of them are quite rare and hard to find.

What Are The Most Common Colors Of Boerboels?

The color of the dog’s fur can be an important factor in its price. So, for example, dogs of rare colors are sometimes much more expensive than dogs with colors that appear more often.

However, in order to get the best possible insight into the different colors of the Boerboel, below, we will describe in more detail the colors of Boerboels that you can see most often. These are: black, brindle, brown, and red.

1. Black Boerboel

Photo from: @allstarboerboels

There is something really special about black dog breeds. Some people would say that the black color makes a dog look more elegant and powerful while some people consider how black dogs appear scarier and more intimidating.

Well, a Boerboel is quite a powerful and intimidating dog, and the black color emphasizes these character traits of the Boerboel breed even more.

Black Boerboels make an excellent choice for a guard dog since this dog is less conspicuous and harder to spot, especially at night. The black color of Boerboel dogs is not recognized by the American Kennel Club as a standard color for this dog breed.

According to some opinions, the black Boerboel is not a purebred dog at all, but it represents one of the Boerboel crossbreeds.

Breeders who breed exclusively black Boerboels deny such claims, and emphasize that black South African Mastiffs are extremely elegant and healthy purebred Boerboels. As an additional advantage of this Boerboel, the pigmentation of the skin stands out: thanks to the black color, these dogs have less of a chance of getting sunburned.

2. Brindle Boerboel

Photo from: @boerboelmagazine

Maybe you heard about the brindle Shih Tzu and the brindle Corgi, but have you seen the majestic brindle Boerboel? I believe most of you are looking at the characteristics of different Boerboel colors to choose the one you find most beautiful for your next friend.

Your brindle Boerboel will probably not be a participant of a dog show, but anyhow, it might be since it is AKC registered!

The brindle color is not as common as the red or brown color in Boerboel dogs. This dog’s fur is usually darker on the surface and lighter underneath. The brindle is a quite rare diamond in the world of Boerboel dogs, and it is very much appreciated among Boerboel lovers.

So, to find one of these dogs, you should contact Boerboel breeders of the best reputation.

3. Brown Boerboel

Photo from: @boerboelmagazine

The brown color of Boerboel dogs is a part of the breed standard. If you’ve ever seen a Boerboel, chances are you’ve seen a brown Boerboel as this color is the most common of these dogs.

This Boerboel can have light brown fur, but also brown fur with a hint of orange.

So, while a brown Husky is quite rare and not a dog you would see every day, the brown Boerboel is probably the most common option you will find when contacting Boerboel breeders.

4. Red Boerboel

Photo from: @boerboelmagazine

The red color of the fur is quite desirable in a Boerboel. In addition to being recognized by the AKC, the red color gives this dog extra elegance and makes it an even more stunning dog.

The red color is so highly prized that it is likely to significantly affect the price of a Boerboel. What shades of red are actually represented in the Boerboel? Well, it is possible to see a Boerboel in dark mahogany color. There are also light chestnut red Boerboels.

The red Boerboel is considered to be the most affectionate to its owner, and it loves to be cuddled.

Just imagine this huge dog when he shows his gentle side! In addition to being very gentle, the red Boerboel is also famous for being an exceptional protector. However, the red Boerboel does not accept strangers easily, and it is likely to be hostile towards them.

What About Markings?

Besides the standard Boerboel colors, there are some acceptable markings on their fur. They are the following:

• White markings

• Piebald

• Irish markings

• Black mask

1. White Markings

White markings can be present in Boerboels as well as in other dogs, such as, for example, Labrador Retrievers. Where do the white markings appear on a Boerboel’s body?

It is possible that white spots exist on all parts of the dog’s body, especially on the head, neck, and around the dog’s paws. White markings in the Boerboel are recognized by the AKC, but they must not occupy more than 1/3 of the dog’s total fur.

2. Piebald

So, the Piebald Boerboel is AKC-recognized, but only in a couple of patterns. This Boerboel will usually have brown or brindle fur, with a couple of white markings. This color pattern is less desirable, especially if the dog’s paws turn out to be white.

Why is that so? Well, it is believed that darker paws are less sensitive and less likely to get sunburned. However, we don’t think that some markings make any Boerboel less attractive!

3. Irish Markings

Just like the Piebald Boerboel, the Boerboel with Irish markings can also come with a couple of color patterns. These colors are black, tan, and white. Red or brown Boerboels are more desirable than Piebald Boerboels or Boerboels with Irish markings.

Why is that so?

Well, the most important advantage of the red or brown Boerboels is believed to be the better pigmentation of these coat colors.

4. Black Mask

The black mask represents the pattern of the dog’s fur color, which includes the black color of the muzzle, the ears, or the entire face of a dog that is otherwise some other color such as cream, fawn, or red.

Black color on parts of the dog’s head or on the whole head makes the dog look like it has a black mask. In addition to the Boerboel, the phenomenon of the black mask is also visible in some other dogs such as the Greyhound, the Pug, the Akita, and the German Shepherd.

What Colors Are Not Acceptable In A Boerboel?

We learned what Boerboel colors are acceptable, desirable, and recognized. We have also learned what the most common Boerboel colors are. One thing is left – to see what colors and color patterns are not acceptable in a Boerboel.

They are the following:

• Blue Boerboel

• Black Boerboel without any brindle markings

• Black Boerboel with white markings

• Boerboel with more than 30% of white markings on its body

So, should you pay attention to whether the color of your future dog is official and recognized by kennel clubs? Yes, if you want your dog to be a part of a show ring. Otherwise, the coat color will probably not have any greater influence on the dog’s behavior and health.

Boerboel’s Coat

Since we are talking about Boerboel colors, it is also important to mention the most important traits of this dog’s coat.

Whatever color it is, the Boerboel always has a short coat. Besides being short, this dog’s fur is quite thick.

All people who struggle with allergies certainly want to know the level of shedding in these dogs right away. Well, we can say that the Boerboel is not the worst dog in this regard, but not the best either. Frequent brushing of this dog will be necessary to keep the Boerboel neat and healthy.

Bathing too often is not necessary with a Boerboel.

Since it is such a large dog, I believe that no future owner would keep it in an apartment; therefore, the Boerboel will probably get dirty playing outside on a daily basis.

Of course, hygiene, such as nail trimming and ear cleaning should be taken care of regularly. In this way, it is possible to prevent various infections in dogs.

Is A Boerboel The Right Breed For You?

The Boerboel is an excellent guard dog whatever color you find it in! A red, black, or brindle Boerboel will take excellent care of your family and your property.

Also, you will have the opportunity to meet his extremely gentle side and see how this huge dog is capable of giving immense love to its owner.

But, before you make the decision to buy a Boerboel, you need to think carefully about fitting this dog into you and your family’s lifestyle. A Boerboel has certain needs. This dog requires a lot of exercise on a daily basis.

Also, if you want to have a trained guard dog, you will have to put in a lot of effort with a Boerboel puppy. You should have a fenced yard as well with plenty of space for this dog to run and play. The Boerboel loves to have a task, so you should keep that in mind. This dog must not get bored!

According to the American Boerboel Club, these dogs are protective, but not aggressive. However, they need early socialization.

This dog’s protective nature is great if you are looking for a guard dog. Still, the Boerboel needs to be taught how not to show overreaction to every sound that he judges to be dangerous.

Finally, owning and training any big guard dog is generally demanding. But, if you’re up for a challenge and looking for a loyal life companion and a dog with protective instincts, we think that the Boerboel would be an excellent option!

Is Coat Color An Important Dog Trait?

Of course, it is your full right to choose the color of the dog that you like best. But, let us tell you that the color of the fur is not such an important factor. The black Boerboel may have a reputation of being a better guard dog, but we believe that both the red and the brown Boerboel will do the job just as well.

Although some Boerboel colors do not fall within the breed standard, this does not mean that dogs in these colors are less valuable. If you plan to have your Boerboel participate in show competitions, then you should definitely choose a color of the dog that is officially recognized.

What other factors besides color should you consider in choosing a Boerboel? First and foremost – the health of this dog. According to the South African Boerboel Breeders’ Society (SABBS), the Boerboel is, in general, an extremely healthy dog breed.

However, some of the health issues this dog might suffer from are hip dysplasia, entropion, ectropion, and heart disease.
Unforeseen circumstances are always possible in life, and so it is with your dog’s health.

What you can do is find a responsible Boerboel breeder who will have proof of health testing done on the puppy, and who will offer you lifetime breeder support.


Well, we can conclude that the large and powerful South African Mastiff can be found in various colors. Whether it is a red, brown, piebald, or black Boerboel, one thing is certain: regardless of the color of the fur, the Boerboel will be an exceptional guard dog!

So, Boerboel colors for some people might be the factor that will influence their final choice about purchasing a dog.

For someone else, this factor is negligible.

However, the color of the fur does not have a significant impact on the health and behavior of the Boerboel. What will have an impact on the overall outcome of your coexistence with this dog is his appropriate socialization and training from an early age!

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