Why Are Goldendoodles So Clingy – 13 Possible Answers


Are you a proud Goldendoodle owner? And, all of a sudden, your pet has started showering you with extreme clinginess? The good news is – you’re not alone! The “Why are Goldendoodles so clingy” phenomenon is out there, and it persists! 

Even though clinginess is a pattern for many dog breeds, that’s not exactly the case with Goldendoodles. This phenomenon mostly derives from some external factors that are not initially related to it.

In order to understand a Goldendoodle’s clingy behavior, we need to dig in and find all the possible reasons for such behavior. Enjoy!

Why Are Goldendoodles So Clingy

woman hugging goldendoodle on the snow

Despite being masters of the science called “affectionism,” clingy dogs can be a true nightmare at times. Their constant need to be around their owner is pretty much the center of their daily routine, which is why many owners decide to give up their pooches pretty soon.

Luckily, this is not the primary behavioral pattern in Goldendoodle puppies as these pooches – despite being loving, affectionate, and loyal – still have their own way, too. 

The reason why Goldendoodles are so clingy at times lies in a plethora of reasons. Most of the time, this behavioral pattern derives from some external factors, such as a change of the environment, stress, bad previous experience, and so on. 

But, what are the other reasons? Here’s the list of thirteen possible reasons that might be the answer to your question! 

1. Standardized Behavioral Pattern

Many Goldendoodle owners neglect the fact that their canines come from two parent breeds that make the club of the best family dogs in the world. 

Either knowingly or subconsciously, they don’t realize that being the best doesn’t automatically imply that their only quality is being a walking shadow of their owner.

Quite the contrary – both Poodles and Goldies, as well as their offspring, the Goldendoodle, make ideal pets due to their high intelligence, natural affection, recognizable loyalty, and great physical skills!

Instead of using these qualities for a good cause, the slight majority of Doodle owners unknowingly make their dogs clingy. 

2. Attention Seeking

The truth is that all puppies need a certain amount of attention, especially in their earliest age. Still, an adult Goldendoodle seeking attention is something else.

These canines use their intelligence to communicate with their owner or even to outsmart them. This is a highly active breed that seeks attention from their owner when their basic needs are neglected.

For instance, if your dog doesn’t get enough exercise during the day, you might face clingy behavior that derives from attention seeking. 

On the other hand, attention seeking goes hand in hand with your dog being spoiled. 

3. Separation Anxiety

goldendoodle puppy in the kitchen

Separation anxiety is one of the most common answers to the “why are Goldendoodles so clingy” question. Generally, this issue is related to affectionate dog breeds whose natural habitat is around their owner.

Goldies are dogs that don’t like spending so much time without their owner. Having them as outside dogs would be completely wrong. In fact, Goldies that are parented outside the house have a much greater chance of facing separation anxiety.

As some dogs react to this issue by being self-destructive or even aggressive – other dogs respond differently. Clingy behavior is one of those manifestations of separation anxiety in a dog.

4. Fear Or Phobia

Yes, the truth is that these pooches are highly active and even protective towards their owner. But, how brave are they? Well, even the bravest Goldendoodles cope with certain fears and phobias.

Puppies that deal with a specific fear or phobia may react by putting their clinginess on display. If your puppy has become clingy all of the sudden, you may want to revisit your environment or your social circle.

Fears and phobias in dogs derive from a plethora of things, such as a change of the environment, loud spaces, fireworks, firecrackers, other animals or other dogs, unknown people, and many others.

5. Pain

Goldendoodles that go through some pain may be extremely clingy and needy. This is their way of telling their owner that something is wrong. 

For instance, puppies that are in pain after neutering or spaying may spend countless hours whining or seeking their owners’ attention. On the other hand, dogs that suffered some major injury are highly likely to look out for their owner first.

In order to recognize whether their clinginess derives from pain, you need to follow other accompanying trails, such as limping, panting, yelping, whining, blood spots on their body, or inability to keep their balance.

6. Disease

goldendoodle dog looking into camera

Puppies that deal with some minor health problems, such as hip dysplasia, bloat, or bigger ones, such as cancer, may find their peace around their owner.

Most of the time, dogs affected with a certain disease find their solace in a peaceful, low-key environment. That being said, many pooches are highly likely to hide under the bed or find a dark, hardly-approachable place where they can be on their own.

Still, some puppies choose to be around their owner. This is especially related to affectionate dog breeds, such as Goldendoodles.

7. Lack Of Mental Stimulation

Goldies that don’t receive a proper amount of mental stimulation during the day are highly likely to display unusual or even destructive behavior. This is due to the fact that these pooches are highly intelligent dogs that get bored easily.

In order to avoid their excessive clinginess and unbearable shadow-like behavior, you need to work on their mind, too. Get an interactive playground or interactive dog toys, play games for mental stimulation, and take them out regularly.

This way, you will avoid undesirable yelping, barking, arm-pulling, and mouthing in your dog. Instead of being well-behaved, your mentally destimulated Goldie is highly likely to become clingy and unbearable.

8. They’re Trying To Communicate

The “Why are Goldendoodles so clingy” phenomenon can be explained by the fact that they’re just trying to communicate with their owner. That’s right! These pooches use various body language methods to tell their owner certain things.

Instead of touching your arm, standing on you, or pulling you by your sleeve, some Goldies will display their clinginess in the attempt to get your attention. 

They will be clingy in order to tell you that it is mealtime, playtime, or time for cuddling!

9. Affection

goldendoodle cuddling with its owner in the park

Both male and female Goldendoodles can be clingy as a result of their deepest affection towards their owner. This is a highly affectionate dog breed that loves spending time with their loved ones. That being said, them being clingy at times isn’t so uncommon.

This type of clinginess mostly comes with other accompanying signs, such as tail wagging, wiggling, smiling, or trembling. 

If your dog does all these things, don’t worry – he just loves you!

10. Your Dog Is In Heat

One of the reasons why Goldies can be the worst dogs to have around is their high maintenance in times of heat. 

The heat period generally comes with some extensive behavioral patterns, such as clingy behavior, possible aggression, unpredictability, an attempt to escape, and so on.

The best you can do for your pooch in this situation is timely spaying or neutering. Otherwise, you might face sporadic intervals of unbearableness.

11. Entering Senior Years

Even though this isn’t the universal rule – some Goldendoodels become more clingy once they enter their senior years. Their decreased activity level positively correlates with their need to be more around their owner, which is not the case when they are at their peak.

Unfortunately, their seniorhood is a sensitive period of time. They require a lot of attention and careful maintenance, just like they did when they were puppies. 

Canines panting at night, not being able to perform regular activities, and sleeping excessively are just some of the most common things that senior dogs go through.

Senior Goldendoodles will feel much more comfortable spending their afternoons laying next to their owner rather than jumping, racing, and frolicking in dog parks. This is a process that comes naturally, and it doesn’t have any red flags.

12. Curiosity

goldendoodle dog lying on the couch

Goldies are known for their adventurous and wandering spirit. Even though they won’t automatically go crazy about something, they do like following their owner in an unknown environment or under strange circumstances.

Their curiosity might be the main reason why these pooches are clingy, which is why they require timely training and teaching them manners. The best time to apply some universal Goldendoodle training tips is during their puppyhood stage.

This way, you will reduce their clinginess in these kinds of situations.

Breed-related clinginess is mostly related to smaller lap dog breeds. Luckily, a Goldendoodle ain’t one!

Still, some Doodles that come from miniature Poodles may be clingy by default. This is due to the fact that miniature dogs have a lower energy level, and they naturally spend more time with their owner.

On the other hand, standard-sized Doodles are more likely to spend their time outdoors, running around and entertaining themselves with high-intensity activities. 


The “Why are Goldendoodles so clingy” dilemma has multiple roots. The first thing a Goldendoodle owner should know is that these pooches are not naturally as clingy as some smaller dog breeds.

In order to find out what stands behind their clinginess, you need to follow the accompanying signs, which, at times, isn’t a simple walk in the park.

Read more: 10 Amazing Facts About English Goldendoodle Dogs
