Brown Boston Terrier: Interesting Facts & Characteristics


Brown Boston Terriers are adorable little dogs that just love cuddling and spending time with their families. Easily recognizable by their pointy ears, round eyes, big smile and smooth, shiny coat, the Boston Terriers are a very popular dog breed all around the world among adults and children alike.

But how much do you actually know about this lovable dog breed? Some people can confuse them with other breeds like pugs or bull terriers, but Boston Terriers actually have a fascinating history of their own.

In this article, we will be going through all of those fun facts, personality traits and other interesting characteristics, so make sure to keep reading to learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know about this particular type of Boston Terrier.

What Exactly Is a Brown Boston Terrier?

Brown Boston Terriers are a breed of the Boston Terrier characterized by a smooth brown coat, sometimes in a brindle pattern, or combined with white markings on certain parts of their body.

They are a very popular dog breed, usually as a companion, but also in different types of canine sports events. Despite their diminutive build, they are extremely athletic and agile, which makes them highly capable athletes.

The “American Gentleman”, as they are sometimes referred to, was officially accepted to the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1893 as part of the non-sporting group. The AKC divides all of its registered dog breeds into seven large groups, and the non-sporting one is perhaps the most diverse of all, with dogs from many different backgrounds being part of it.

Aside from the Boston Terrier, it also includes the French Bulldog, as well as some other terrier breeds.

History of the Brown Boston Terrier Dog Breed

Brown Boston Terrier lying in the grass

Although they are nowadays considered to be joyful and beloved family friends, the beginning of their history is a little darker than you might have thought.

They were originally bred in Liverpool, England, with the purpose of being fighting dogs. Breeders were combining traditional English Bulldogs with the Old English White Terriers — which are now, sadly, extinct — to create this new and unique blend of battle dogs.

This practice quickly caught on in the United States of America, particularly in the Boston area where Terriers became common in a very short period. This is why America is now commonly considered their home, especially after the AKC officially recognized the Boston Terrier Club of America as one of its first breed clubs, back in 1893.

How Did Brown Boston Terriers Get Their Name?

Most accounts mention England as their original breeding place, but they became incredibly popular in the state of Massachusetts during the 1960s. This area was soon adopted as their home and thus the name Boston Terrier was born.

Boston Terriers come in multiple different colors: there are Red Boston Terriers, Blue Boston Terriers, Brindle Boston Terriers, and many others. Since their coat color is their most distinctive feature, it quickly became the basis for naming all the different breeds.

How Rare Are Brown Boston Terriers?

Black and white Boston Terriers are the most common kind, and they are probably the first image people get in their head when they think of them. However, there are other Boston Terrier colors, some of which are extremely rare, such as a merle, lilac or red coat.

Fully brown Boston Terriers fall into the rare category and because of that, they are not officially recognized by the AKC as purebred. The AKC standards are very strict when it comes to registering their breeds, and only Boston Terriers with certain features get classed as purebred.

We’ll talk more about those specifics in the appearance section that’s coming up in the article.

Brown Boston Terrier Appearance

Brown Boston Terrier sitting on the sidewalk and looking at the camera

Photo from: @bailey_the_bostonterrier

Even though they literally have the word “brown” in their name, Brown Boston Terriers very rarely come entirely one-colored. In fact, fully brown Boston Terriers are so hard to come by that some breeders will charge extra high prices for them.

The more common coat color is the lovely brown and white combination, and that is actually the variant that is considered the breed standard.

Those white markings are usually placed on their face, around the ears and the neck, as well as along their chest and stomachs. Sometimes their short, little tails can also have spots of white on them.

However, the most popular and desirable mixture of these colors is when they have a white blaze across their chest, which makes them look like they’re wearing a little tuxedo.

Aside from the different color combinations, Brown Boston Terriers are characterized by their stodgy build that is reminiscent of Frenchies. They are quite small but their body is fairly well-proportioned for their size, with their relatively wide chest being at the forefront of it.

Their most recognizable characteristic is arguably their head. They have a brachycephalic skull due to generations of guided breeding that deemed this trait to be desirable.

Their face is very expressive and this is largely due to their eyes and their smooth and short muzzle. The eyes are most often brown but sometimes, due to lack of brown pigmentation, these dogs can actually have blue eyes.

Brown Boston Terrier Height and Weight

We’ve previously mentioned that Brown Boston Terriers have a pretty stocky frame, much like a lot of bulldog breeds do.

When it comes to their actual size, they stand up to 15-17 inches (38-43 cm) in height at most and weigh up to 25 lbs (11 kg) in their most developed form.

The AKC divides them into three specific classes according to their weight:

• less than 15 lbs

• 15 to 20 lbs

• 20 to 25 lbs.

Brown Boston Terrier Personality and Habits

Brown Boston Terrier is celebrating his birthday

Photo from: @dasakfamily

Brown Boston Terriers are naturally very happy and friendly. They enjoy being around humans and other dogs, unlike some of the other Boston Terrier breeds. They are usually very well-behaved around both children and strangers.

They are also very intelligent and adaptable, but they do need some training when they are still young puppies. Because they have historically been bred for fighting, they can be predisposed to aggression.

We cannot label them as an aggressive dog breed, but it is necessary to be careful, especially when they find themselves in situations where they are afraid or provoked in some way.

You can prevent this by starting their training and socialization at a very young age. Their above-average intelligence makes them highly receptive to learning and they should be able to learn instructions pretty fast.

In most cases, they adapt their habits and behavior to their owner and they can fit easily into a small city apartment or a house with a backyard. Wherever you live, they will most likely love it and be very territorial about it.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that they will be barking all the time or attacking the mailman, simply that they will enjoy spending time in their home.

What Do Brown Boston Terriers Eat

To put it simply — Brown Boston Terriers are picky eaters. However, it’s not entirely their fault. They have sensitive stomachs because of their genetics and can be prone to bloating and gas.

In order to combat this, we suggest that you feed them multiple smaller meals during the course of the day, rather than serving a big one in the morning like you would for a larger dog.

In total, this should add up to around 0.5 cups to 1.5 cups of dry food per day, but this may vary for different individual dogs. Take into account your dog’s activity levels, age, size, and any health issues they may have, before adjusting their meal sizes.

If you can, it would be great to include dog food that is rich in proteins that are easy to digest for Brown Boston Terriers. This will be easy on their sensitive stomachs, but give them all the necessary nutrients at the same time.

Paying extra attention to their diet is really important, not only for the things we’ve mentioned already but also because Brown Boston Terriers can often struggle with weight problems.

How Much Exercise Do Boston Terriers Need?

Brown Boston Terriers come in a variety of different activity levels, and therefore they have different exercise needs.

They are exceptionally agile and athletic creatures, especially for their size, but that doesn’t mean that they need to go on extensive walks or be physically stimulated all the time.

They prefer exercises that challenge their agility, like doing tricks or running through obstacle courses. One thing they absolutely love is toys, so it’s a good idea to have some plushy and rubbery toys around your home to provide them a source of stimulation.

Something like playing catch with a tennis ball is a perfect activity for them because it also has that element of socialization.

The truth is, they mostly mimic their owner’s energy output. So, if you’re a person who works out a lot or goes for long runs, chances are that your Boston Terrier will also be up for such activities. On the other hand, if you’re more of a sedentary type, your dog will probably be content with minimal activity.

Health Facts About the Brown Boston Terrier

Brown Boston Terrier lying on his bed

Photo from: @coco_the_bt

Any dog that has been bred by humans for a specific need usually has a higher chance of developing diseases related to genetics.

Unfortunately, this is often the case with Brown Boston Terriers so it’s of the utmost importance that you get your Brown Boston Terrier puppy from a well-known and reputable breeder if you can.

This is the first step that you can make to minimize the risk of your puppy getting any illnesses later on in their life. Nevertheless, things that are entirely out of your control can still happen and you should be informed about these possibilities.

In the next section of this article, we will talk about some of the most common health problems that can arise in Brown Boston Terriers, so that you can get a clearer picture of them.

Recognizing these issues in the early stages can be key to dealing with them, so make sure to have regular veterinary check-ups for your pet.

Common Health Issues With Brown Boston Terriers

When we talked about Brown Boston Terriers’ dietary needs, we mentioned how they have sensitive stomachs and that they often experience bloating and gas pains. If their diet is not carefully managed, they can even suffer from ulcers in their stomach and those can be very painful.

However, health risks, unfortunately, don’t stop with the gastrointestinal system when it comes to Boston Terriers.

Any Brown Boston Terrier owner knows that they have a very recognizable way of breathing. Unfortunately, their sniffling is not a cute little habit, but instead, a potentially dangerous predisposition caused by their unorthodox head shape.

They have been bred to have a slightly oversized skull and an unusually short muzzle, and this causes them to regularly have trouble breathing properly. In some cases, it can lead to a number of different respiratory diseases.

Another thing that can come from their abnormal, brachycephalic, head shape is problems with their eyes. Their round little eyes may look adorable, but they are unusually protruding and more exposed to conditions like cataracts and such.

Bone and joint health conditions are common with most dogs, but they can be uniquely risky for smaller dog breeds. Issues like hip dysplasia or patellar luxation can have severe consequences for Brown Boston Terriers and even make walking painful.

In addition to all of these, their genetics also predispose them to a higher risk of developing issues like brain tumors, heart disease, deafness, skin allergies, and others.

Brown Boston Terrier Lifespan

Despite all the potential health conditions that we just listed, Brown Boston Terriers can actually enjoy a long life. Their average life expectancy is from about 11 to 13 years, which puts them towards the top end when compared to other breeds.

Brown Boston Terriers that suffer from some of the mentioned diseases can have their lifespan shortened by a few years. However, if they are given a lot of care and if they take regular trips to the vet, these issues can be prevented or at least noticed early on.

Here are some of the general rules you can stick by to prolong your Brown Boston Terrier’s lifespan:

• Taking care of their diet,

• Sterilizing them,

• Keeping their weight in check,

• Providing enough mental and physical stimulation,

• Taking them to the vet as often as possible.

Brown Boston Terrier Cost

Brown Boston Terriers are a very unique dog breed, and there are multiple factors that influence their cost.

Their genetics is perhaps the most important one of those factors. The purity of the puppy’s parents and the reputation of the breeder will determine a lot of the price, but things like the puppy’s age and general health will also have a role.

All things considered, the price of a Brown Boston Terrier puppy can range anywhere from $350 to $3,000, but a generally accepted average is around $1,300.

This, of course, does not include the costs of caring for the dog, which can quickly add up given how sickly this particular breed is.


So, if you want to get a Brown Boston Terrier for yourself — or if you already have one — we hope that this article has provided some insight into the breed and some of its characteristics.

Every dog is a big responsibility and requires a lot of care, but Brown Boston Terriers are special and they need special owners.

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