What Is A White Pug And Should You Get One Yourself?


The Pug breed, together with the French Bulldog or the Frenchie, is gaining more and more followers and dog lovers around them. There is just something about their scrunched up noses and sassy personalities that no one can resist.

The Pug breed of dogs is characterized by the classic small dog appearance, which is known to be more popular for people who live in urban city areas.

Owning a dog can change your life in many positive ways. Though when you live in a smaller apartment, it is a bit harder to maintain everything in a clean and tidy way when you own a big dog.

Therefore, small dogs are becoming the most common choice for urban dog lovers, and the Pug is not an exception. Everywhere you look, you can see the unique pug face – magazines, movies, socks, hoodies, all over social media.

They aren’t this popular without a reason. Their personalities and looks – that have no middle ground, you can only love or hate them – almost created a trend for this dog breed.

What Is A White Pug?

adorable White Pug

Photo from: @paula.vom.wald

On the first look, you can clearly spot the key differences between the ordinary Pug dog that you may see regularly and the White Pug.

However, the White Pug has existed equally as long as the standard Pug. The only difference is that there wasn’t as much attention surrounding the White Pug as there iha been in the last two decades.

The White Pug is a Pug dog that has less melanin than others in the Pug breed. That does not make a huge difference to any other traits that we will use to introduce this dog breed to you in the best possible way.

Do White Pugs Exist?

It may seem odd to you, that in the last few years, there are many dog breeders trying to establish their own dog breeds.

They are doing so because they probably want to be significant for introducing a new dog breed to the world and becoming famous for it, or just because they are passionate dog lovers who just want to show the world how beautiful their dog breed is.

Nevertheless, White Pugs truly exist. They are just a subdivision of the purebred pugs, however, dog breeders are trying to establish White Pugs as a stamdalone purebred pug.

Origin Of The Pug Dog And The White Pug

Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that the Pug is believed to have originated in China, before moving to Japan and then later on, Europe.

A dog breed known as the Happa, which is frequently written as “Ha-pa” and resembles a smooth-coated Pekingese, has existed in China for a very long period. In fact, a lot of people think the Happa could have been the ancestor of the Pug.

Since some people believed that the form of the Pug’s face resembled a clenched fist, the name comes from the Latin word pugnus, meaning fist. The word “pug” or “pugge,” which conjures up pictures of an impish countenance from Shakespeare, was also used as a name of affection. It may, however, be a derivative of the word “Puck.”

Some canines were even given titles of status in China, where they were usually revered almost like royalty. They were closely watched, and many of them had attendants taking care of them and making sure they had every comfort.

It makes sense that the majority of Pug owners were members of the country’s governing classes or those in Court circles, and the dogs were frequently regarded largely as decorations.

The Pug was well-known in Asia before making its way to the West, and it appears that it traveled through Russia on its journey to Europe.

The term “pug” was first recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary as a “dwarf breed of dog” as early as the 1750s.

Origin Of The White Pug

The Pugs are an ancient breed, therefore, the White Pug as a subdivided pug breed is an ancient one too. However, it has characteristic white fur.

The origin of the White Pug is the same as the origin of the Pug breed. There are no specific differences when comparing these two, other than just the white fur.

However, some dog breeders do create a crossbreed by mixing the Pug dog with a Boston terrier in order to achieve the white fur. However, the Pug mixes create a mixed dog breed, which is less popular.

The White Pug puppies are those that did not have any darker parts on their faces in contrast to the Pug dog, which has a darker chocolate to brownish color around its muzzle and eyes.

Therefore, focusing on breeding only those Pug puppies who had that certain characteristic made them appear today as they are a specific dog breed.

What Does A White Pug Look Like?

adorable White Pug sitting on the sidewalk

Photo from: @henri_weissmops

Pug lovers cannot get enough of the White Pug’s looks. Their squishy faces don’t leave anyone feeling indifferent.

The White Pug has the same bodily characteristics as the Pug dog. It has a smooth, short-haired white coat that is almost silky to the touch. However, it does shed a whole bunch, and requires regular brushing.

But what’s the catch? The thing that differentiates the White pug from the regular Pug is the color of the face. The White Pug has an impeccable white face, without any traces of black or chocolate.

They are small dogs, which also fit the Toy dog category. The breed has a tail that curves over the hip and strong, straight legs that are well-set beneath the torso. Their large, rounded, dark-colored eyes should have a wide appearance.

Pugs have sturdy, straight, appropriately long, and well-set legs from the bottom up. When used sparingly, their minds are laid back. They have small feet, strong ankles, well spaced toes, and black claws. Typically, a Pugs have underbites because their bottom teeth extend below their top jaw.

Check out some other dog breeds with underbites.

The Usual Colors Of The Pug Breed

Having in mind that we will mostly discuss the white Pug, it is also important to mention that there are other colors of this dog breed that are as specific as the white coat Pug is.

Other famous colors of the Pug breed are:

• Fawn Pugs

Black Pugs

• Brindle Pug

• Apricot Pug

• And Albino Pug (because we cannot skip our star of the show today!)

The purebred and most popular color of the Pug dog is the Apricot (the standard Chihuahua color), and the Black Pug.

The Black Pug does not have the darker shade around the eyes or the mouth, making it a specific monochromatic version of the pug, together with our White Pug.

What Color Is A White Pug?

This is a question that can be thoroughly discussed. However, I will break it down to you in the most simple way, so that you don’t waste much time surfing the internet while trying to find a decent explanation.

The White Pug can be affected with albinism or it can be affected by leucism. These are two completely different terms that have a similar outcome when it comes to the look of the pug dog. However, they differ massively.

The albino dogs are the ones you need to take more care of. They have a genetic mutation which doesn’t let the dog produce melanin. So, they completely lack it, therefore often have a pinkish color surrounding their muzzle or eyes.

Pug dogs affected by leucism are a bit healthier since they don’t completely lack melanin. They just have a lack of pigmentation.

However, both of these white dogs have a specific white coloring that is not very usual within the Pug breed itself. They are definitely special.

What Is The Difference Between A White Pug And A Regular Pug?

The key difference between a White Pug and a Regular Pug lies within the genetic mutation that the White Pug carries.

Both versions of the Pug dog that we have mentioned (the albino and the leucistic) are considered to be White Pugs, even if they have some differences that offer some valuable insights into the dog breed’s health issues.

The Regular Pug produces melanin just as every other dog breed, however, our White Pug sadly does not have the same ability. It is affected by a genetic mutation, and dog breeders found that charming, therefore, they are now trying to breed them almost as a separate dog breed.

We would recommend, if you opt for a white Pug, that you go for the leucistic one, since they are known to be healthier in general and have less health problems.

White Pugs, thanks to albinism, can often have blue eyes. Blue eyes are a characteristic eye color for various breeds distinct by blue eye color, but here –- it is just a symptom of albinism.

However, the leucistic Pug will have more pigment in the irises than the albino Pug.

It would also be a great option if your reputable breeder maybe breeds the Pugs with Boston terriers, because that would probably make the White Pug less prone to many health issues.

What Is The Scientific Name For A White Pug?

We have broken down and mastered the science that lies behind the White Pug’s genes and genetic mutations, and we have already learned what scientists call these dogs, but hey, Repetitio est mater studiorum, right?

The scientific name for a White Pug is the albino dog or the leucistic White Pug. Albino dog breeds are famous worldwide, and that type of a genetic mutation just happens in a litter from time to time.

The light-colored star of the show has to be greatly cared for, keeping in mind all the possible diseases that this dog may suffer from due to its white fur.

Don’t be afraid if you can clearly see blood vessels on your Albino or Leucistic white Pug. That is completely normal with this coat color because white skin is more transparent. Therefore, don’t panic if you see blood vessels on its skin, it’s okay!

Personality Traits Of A White Pug

White Pug is sitting on the floor and looking at the camera

Photo from: @phebepug

The personality traits of a White Pug are the same as those of a regular Pug. Their temperament and their personality does not change even the tiniest bit because of the different coloured fur. It does not affect any personality traits.

Pugs are wonderful canines that make wonderful companions. When deciding if a Pug is indeed the ideal dog to join your family, you should keep the following information in mind regarding their temperament:

Pugs may be a little headstrong, but they are not aggressive. Something similar to the Shih-Tzu. There are many reasons why the Pugs are smart.The majority of pugs are good with both little children and other pets. There is a remote possibility that a Pug may initiate a dog fight with another dog.

Pug doggies like spending time with you the most. The Pug can be the ideal pet for you if you prefer to spend a lot of time reading or lounging on the couch. They are one of the best lap dogs.

Friendly dogs include pugs. They will try anything to make you laugh, even licking your face. They affix solid links to their human companions. Additionally, they are not the breed of dog that respects boundaries. They may be a little sassy from time to time.

They always want to be at your side. This may be the ideal pet for you if you raise young children or work from home.

Pugs may not be the most athletic of canines because they were developed for something like a life of leisure. Don’t anticipate your white pug puppy assisting you with training for a marathon, but you can depend on them on a walk to fetch ice cream.

Make sure they’re under supervision and on a leash in your backyard because they can be mischievous, therefore, will occasionally wander off due to curiosity. But even if they do, they are not the fastest dogs out there, and they won’t go as far away as you imagine.

Are White Pugs Good Family Dogs?

The White Pugs are one of the best family dogs out there. Their personalities are to die for, and they make these facial expressions which clearly depict their emotions, making you feel as if they are not your pet, but your child.

Consider them to be one of your children rather than them being one of your pets. They crave your attention, but not just yours – they want all the attention from all the family members!

They are alert at strangers and can pick up on hostile emotions from other dogs and people, therefore, also making them great alert dogs.

However, they are also great with kids and won’t be bothered if the kids are playing with it like a toy. They are extremely patient and gentle with kids, almost as if they understand that the kids are the human version of puppies.

However, make sure that your kids don’t replace your White Pug with a school white board, because the marker stains – I warn you – are not easy to wash out from the white coat.

They will love all the family members unconditionally and will be affectionate and loyal. However, if you are the type of person or a family that lives an extremely active lifestyle, this dog breed will not be the best fit.

They are more the type of the dog which will enjoy binge watching Netflix with you, rather than exploring new hiking routes and running marathons. Yes, they like walks, but don’t make them longer than an hour and a half, because you will probably have to carry this sassy pup home.

Are White Pugs A Healthy Dog Breed?

two cute white pugs sitting on the couch

Photo from: @thethreepugtatos

You need to take very good care of these dogs. And even more importantly – to buy them from a reputable breeder. These dogs are prone to many health issues and many complicated health problems.

They are a medium-healthy dog breed, because they are prone to many genetically inherited diseases.

Aside from their coat color which can be a cause of some underlying symptoms of albinism and leucism, they have some health problems which are inherited from the Pug dog breed.

Those health problems are:

Encephalitis (neurological condition which is ascribed to the inflammation of the brain tissue. It can be a result of an underlying infection that can be bacterial, viral, or fungal by nature. However, if this health issue is caused by an autoimmune agent, the chances of treating this health issue is low. Otherwise, it is curable.)

Hip dysplasia (abnormal degeneration of the joint that connects the hips and the back legs, making the dog have problems with regular movements such as walking or running, and even pain when standing still or laying down. This develops as the dog ages.)

Brachycephalic airway syndrome (This is a syndrome which is characteristic of the dog breeds who have shorter muzzles. To put it simply, this is a set of abnormalities in the respiratory system of the doggy, causing it to have trouble breathing. White Pugs often have to go under the knife to solve this genetically inherited problem.)

• Skin cancer (since these white doggies lack melanin completely or partially, sun is their worst enemy. They cannot absorb rays of sunshine as they don’t have the necessary pigments to do so. Therefore, they can suffer this evil illness if they are overly exposed to the sunlight. Some vets even recommend putting SPF protection on your White Pug before going out!)

What Is A White Pug’s Life Expectancy?

Even if they have some health problems that you have to be aware of, White Pugs benefit from being small dogs. All the problems aside, this characteristic gives them the ‘ability’ to live longer than medium sized and large dogs.

The average life expectancy of a White Pug is from 12 to 15 years. Their lifespan is thankfully on the longer side, therefore, you will have your companion for at least a good decade.

However, you really need to maintain their health with regular vet checks and the careful pick of a reputable breeder for a start. They can be prone to many problems, for which you need to check them regularly, and give them the best dog food for their health.

Provide your White Pug with the best dog food for Pugs, together with supplementing their daily meals to properly maintain your dog’s health. Your vet will for sure give you the best advice for supplements specifically for your dog, but some universal supplements that we recommend are calcium and omega 3 fish oil.

Is A White Pug Expensive?

If you are wondering how much do Pugs cost, you are in the right place.

Their price is dictated directly by the breeder. It greatly depends on the dog’s pedigree, or at least the parents of the puppy litter.

We recommend that you don’t spare your money when you are buying a White Pug, because a White Pug that costs $300-$400 is probably going to display some illnesses due to irresponsible breeding.

The average price for a white Pug may be from $1,000 all the way up to $7,000. Yes, they are on the pricier side of the dog breeds, but if you have already decided to own this type of Pug breed, the least you can do is to buy it from a reputable breeder.

In the event that you live in or around Maine, we have prepared a list of 5 best reputable Pug breeders in Maine, where we have listed the best ones that we are in contact with. They are regular Pug breeders, but they can help you get in touch with White Pug breeders.

What Does The AKC Think Of White Pugs?

The American Kennel Club is the only official organization which sets the breed standards, and approves or disapproves of dog breeds based on them being purebred or not.

The Pug was accepted by the AKC all the way back in1885. However, the White Pug is not accepted by the American Kennel Club as a distinct dog breed.

They accept the standard apricot-champagne coloured Pug and the black Pug, but any other deviations are not welcomed nor accepted by the AKC.

Final Word

If you haven’t seen the marshmallow pugs hashtag on social media, I don’t know what you are doing! The White Pugs aren’t called marshmallow without a reason – they are as cute as one!

The temperaments of ordinary pugs and White pugs are pretty similar overall, though there are some minor variances. These are the most significant personality qualities you might encounter in some context, and to remember from this text.

Simply put, this is a charming way of explaining that White pugs can be sassy and obstinate. They have very little tendency toward compliance and simply love to cause trouble unless they are trained early.

The friendly nature of White pugs is so close to being clingy. They will develop, with all of the family members, something that can only be characterized as an obsessional relationship. That is a unique type of love that you can only experience if you become a White Pug owner.

You must take good care of their health in order to fulfill their life expectancy. Bear in mind that you have to get your albino or leucistic white doggy checked regularly.

If you decide upon owning this friendly dog breed, you won’t just have a furry friend, but a family member. Provide them one of the best dog beds for Pugs, place it somewhere near yours, and let the sleepless nights full of Pug snoring begin.
