Woman Adopted A Shelter Dog Who Was Abused Only To Learn The Truth About Her A Year Later


If there is one thing I will never understand, it’s the practice where people use female dogs for breeding and then treat them terribly.

Taking advantage of dogs only for that reason is a cruel thing; however, it’s even worse when they are completely neglected.

This sweet dog was in the same situation, as she was tied to a chain outside and her owners even cropped her ears.

When a Good Samaritan noticed her in this condition, they decided to call a rescue organization to save the pup.

Meet Chickpea

cute shelter dog laying
Source: @chickpeababygirl

When Chickpea was finally taken into a shelter in Pennsylvania, she had a few infections and was very filthy. The staff there did their best to care for her.

They posted her story and picture online and that’s what drew attention to her. Her new mom immediately fell in love and decided to adopt her.

When they first met, Chickpea just melted into her mom’s arms and fell asleep. That was the crucial moment.

The organization warned her that she was quite ‘spacey’ and ‘wonky’, but that was likely due to overbreeding.

adorable shelter dog
Source: @chickpeababygirl

When Chickpea finally arrived at her new home in Pennsylvania, her mom decided to take time off work to help her settle in.

She could not climb stairs herself so she needed help. Her mom just assumed it was because she spent all her time outside and had never seen them.

The two bonded almost immediately and they spent the next few days just getting to know each other. It was so sweet.

Chickpea was quick to realize that she was safe around her new mom, so it didn’t take her long to get used to her new life.

A Huge Surprise 

lazy shelter dog
Source: @chickpeababygirl

After a while, everyone realized that she was so funny and goofy. During the first year in her forever home, she would rarely ever bark.

This naturally concerned her mother, who only wanted what was best for her. However, when she finally did start barking, her mom was surprised.

She sounded very funny and bizarre to the point that other people would always give her looks when she started doing it.

black dog on a snow
Source: @chickpeababygirl

Another thing that surprised Chickpea’s mom was that her tongue was always sticking out, and it’s not something she can do much about other than gently stick it back in.

The two were basically inseparable. The dog’s favorite activity was being held like a baby while napping. It was so adorable.

Because Chickpea’s mom teaches dancing, she would always bring the dog with her. The other students there would always pet her, and she would enjoy it.

Whenever the pup was not around, the students would ask what happened and why isn’t she with them.

birthday dog
Source: @chickpeababygirl

When the rescue organization told the dog’s mom that she was ‘spacey’, there was a good reason for it.

It turns out that Chickpea was actually blind. The vet who examined her confirmed this. While it sounds bad, it doesn’t change anything in her life.

She is still living her best life with the most amazing person she could ever ask for, and I am glad to see that she is doing well.
