Shelter Dog Was In Agony Until Great People Helped Him Make An Amazing Recovery


Dogs are beings that mainly depend on people, so they are often helpless to find the solution to most of their problems. That is especially the case when it comes to dogs’ health issues because there is no way a dog can do anything about it without human assistance. 

Of course, when he is left to fend for himself on the street, that is the most likely scenario. The dog’s only hope is a big-hearted human who would find him and help him heal all his wounds. 

A dog named Penny was in exactly such a situation when she found herself wandering the streets of Las Vegas, Nevada in the hope that someone would find her and give her a new chance. 

Fortunately for her, that’s exactly what happened.

Itchy Agony

woman bathing a small dog
Source: The Animal Foundation

Big-hearted people found Penny on the street in a desperate state. They immediately transferred her to the premises of The Animal Foundation, a group of shelters located in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

According to their Facebook post, she was suffering from an extreme case of mange. Her skin was so affected that she was literally in itchy agony. 

“Her skin is so severely affected, it bleeds. She has hair loss, open sores and scabs, and thick, crusty patches of skin.” they wrote. 

woman with red hair and dog
Source: The Animal Foundation

They also stated that this kind of condition disabled her from doing her normal daily activities. “It hurts to stand. It hurts to play. It hurts to do just about anything a dog would do.” they wrote. 

Yet, despite all the hardships she had been through, Penny still remained sweet and cuddly, so they symbolically named her “17 lbs of joy”.

Her caretakers treated her with medicated baths, antibiotics, and special treatments, so this brave girl was slowly getting better and better every day. 

Healing With Love

Six days after Penny was admitted to the shelter, the folks at The Animal Foundation boasted a picture in their Facebook post showing Penny’s incredible progress.

dog at vets
Source: The Animal Foundation

Although there were still signs of the nasty disease, Penny’s skin was looking so much better after the intensive care provided by the people from the shelter. 

However, this was not the end of the happy news for this dog. Not long after her health recovery, Penny moved to a foster home where she was welcomed with open arms by a loving family.

woman, two kids and dog
Source: The Animal Foundation

“What a transformation! Our sweet Penny is doing fantastic in her foster home.” The Animal Foundation wrote in their Facebook post. 

Penny’s foster dad, Jeramy, confirmed that his family was more than happy to provide this dog with a foster home. In his interview for The Animal Foundation, Jeramy said that he saw her on the news one day and that his heart broke because of her sad condition. 

Penny’s foster mom, Mary, agreed with him and confirmed that this dog brought immense joy to their home. She happily stated that their two children simply fell in love with Penny and created a special relationship. 

woman holding an adult dog
Source: The Animal Foundation

As their love for her grew, Penny’s wounds, both those on her body and on her soul, slowly healed. It was finally the life of Penny’s dreams, and it’s not like she didn’t deserve it a long time ago.

Happy Ending

little girl and dog
Source: The Animal Foundation

Although many great things happened in Penny’s life in this very short period, it was not yet the peak of her happiness. However, considering all the joy she brought to this home, a happy ending was inevitable.

“She spends her days running around with the foster family’s children, and they are in love with her! She is a cuddle bug who loves sleeping next to the family’s slippers and laying in the sun. Sometimes, she wears socks, and she’s looking better every day!” The Animal Foundation wrote in the Facebook post. 

All of the above pushed Jeramy and Mary to the only logical move – the one that would bring Penny, as well as them, the greatest happiness. They decided to adopt her. 

whole family and dog
Source: The Animal Foundation

That’s how Penny, with the help of big-hearted people, transformed from an unhappy, mangy dog to the happiest pup in the world. In the end, those who helped Penny on her way to recovery the most thanked all the good people who participated in the realization of this beautiful story. 

“Thanks to everyone who generously donated to her care, Penny is getting the lifesaving second chance she deserves, and she definitely hit the jackpot with her new family,” The Animal Foundation wrote in their last post about Penny. 
