Corgi Boxer Mix: A Great Hunter Or An Adorable Family Pup?

A Corgi Boxer mix is surely not a mixed breed you can see every day. Although it’s relatively new, this interesting crossbreed is becoming quite popular among canine owners.

This designer breed results from breeders’ wishes to get a dog with the best qualities from both purebred canines crossed.

This article will also rely on the details about the parent breeds, which will discover coat colors, patterns, sizes, and other characteristics of the Boxer and Corgi cross.

Read on to find out all the details about this fantastic cross of two energetic canines!

The Origin Of The Corgi And Boxer Cross

Pembroke welsh corgi dog lies under white blanket

Both of these dog breeds have been popular for ages, each in its category. However, a mix of these two canines is still relatively new.

The Corgi and Boxer mix is the result of the increasingly popular designer dogs produced in order to get the best of both parent breeds.

However, it’s difficult to talk about their origin and identify them since they have little history.

Hybrid canines have been in high demand in the last two decades because of their uniqueness. However, there are high chances that some of the designer doggies that were bred accidentally are growing up in shelters and waiting for their future owner.

That’s why it’s always recommended to check the shelters because you never know who you might find there; you’ll do a good deed and also get a furry family member!

If you decide to get a Corgi Boxer cross from a kennel, it’s essential to choose a trustworthy breeder and avoid puppy mills.

Puppy mills care only about profit, and they raise puppies in inhumane conditions. Also, it’s highly debatable whether you’re going to get a healthy puppy at all.


Since the Corgi and Boxer mix is still considered a new dog breed, we’re going to have a brief look at the history of its parent breeds; Boxers and Corgis.


Corgis have been a popular dog breed for a long time. However, not many people are familiar with the breed’s origin and its name.

This type of dog was used as a herding canine for centuries, and it’s believed that they first appeared in Medieval Britain. Since then, the breed has physically changed, but some of its personality traits are still recognizable in its behavior.

This dog breed was divided into two groups in the 1800s: the Pembroke Corgis, and the Cardigans.

Cardigan Corgis still exist nowadays, but they’re less popular than the other type.

The main reason for the division was their origin. Although they were considered to be the same breed at one point, and were crossbred because of it, these two canine types have different ancestry.

While the Cardigans belonged to the Finnish and Spitz types of dogs, the ancestors of the Pembrokes were the Terkel canines.

Of course, this isn’t the only difference between the two; most breeders will agree these two are entirely different dog breeds, which is proven by the differences in their physique.


german boxer

The Boxer breed wasn’t known in the late 19th century as the breed we know today. Their ancestors, Bullenbeissers, were popular in

Germany and the rest of Europe as hunting canines that were used in hunts for deer, bears, and wild boar.

The Boxer was introduced as the crossbreed of Bullenbeisssers and Bulldogs, mastiffs, and the German Corgis.

The primary purpose of crossbreeding was to create a type of canine that would be a good working dog. Boxers later proved themselves as hard workers in military service during World Wars.

However, these doggies are also known as big cuddlers and great family pets, which is their primary purpose nowadays.

Boxers are great as show dogs, guard canines, and fiercely loyal family members.

Corgi Boxer Mix

This type of canine was created by breeding male Corgi dogs and female Boxer canines.

The crossbred pups are great furry friends, awesome hikers, curious adventurers, and loyal companions.

Essentially, the Corgi Boxer crossbreed has inherited many traits from these two breeds, which will be discussed in detail later in the article.

Corgi Boxer Mix Appearance

corgi boxer dog

Photo from: @aprettycoolplantgirl

The appearance of these canines depends on the genes they inherit from their parent breeds.

The combination of coat, height, and other physical characteristics might differ for each crossbred pup, depending on which side they take.

One thing is for sure; your sweet pup will turn into a muscular adult dog with a solid and sturdy frame that both ancestors share.

The crossbreed canine’s double coat will most likely be either short and soft or medium-length, according to the coat type of its parents.

Boxers have entirely different facial features than Corgis, including a short muzzle with a square shape. On the other hand, Corgis have a longer muzzle with a rounder shape.

Boxers and Corgis have different head shapes as well. Boxers have a square-shaped head with hanging-down ears, while the latter ones have a more fox-shaped head with straight ears.

Therefore, it’s interesting to see which type of head will the cross of these two canines have.

Corgi and Boxer Cross Coat Type And Colors

corgi boxer mixed breed

Photo from: @fanxydogs

As mentioned above, this type of pup can have either a short or a medium double coat.

It’s a well-known fact that canines with double coats shed more and that they require more effort to groom. However, this mix will shed minimally during the year, even though they might shed a bit more during the spring and the fall.

It’s interesting to notice that the cross puppies inherit traits of both ancestors, so your puppy’s coat will probably be somewhere between coarse and fluffy.


Mixed-breed canines usually inherit the parent’s shade, with a more dominant gene when it comes to colors.

A Corgi and Boxer cross generally inherits one of the standard shades of its parents, especially if they’re purebred Corgis and Boxers.

Therefore, the coat of this crossbreed might be anywhere between black and tan, and fawn, depending on the more dominant color gene.

Here are the most common accepted shades of both parent breeds that might be inherited by their descendants.

Corgi Official Colors

The colors of purebred Corgis that are acknowledged by the American Kennel Club (AKC) are:

• Black and tan

• Red

• Fawn

• Sable

The breed standard allows certain variations with white spots on the neck, legs, face, or head, although they might not be desirable.

Boxer Official Colors

Although the AKC also acknowledges white markings, Boxer shades are limited and straightforward.

Essentially, the three recognized shades are white, brindle, and fawn. Even though black is permissible in certain spots, this shade is still far away from recognition by the AKC.

But, it’s important to mention that the cross of these two breeds can be covered in almost every dog shade since there are many unofficial colors for both breeds. Also, crossbreeds are still not acknowledged by kennel clubs and other vital organizations, so they don’t have to possess any of the hues mentioned above.

Most people question whether these canines are hypoallergenic or not. The answer is quite simple: Corgi/Boxer dogs aren’t hypoallergenic, neither are their parent breeds.

Any family member prone to allergies might react to the coat hair or skin flakes, and the dog’s saliva.

Corgi And Boxer Cross – Height, Weight, And Lifespan

corgi boxer mixed breed dog

It’s hard to predict the exact height and weight of the crossbreeds because of the contrast between the size of Boxers and Corgis.

How Big Will A Corgi Boxer Mix Get?

Still, we can assume the size of these mixed-breed dogs based on the average size of their parents. The height of the Corgi Boxer cross can be anywhere between 11 and 23 inches for male pups, and nine to 21 inches for female crosses.

The same goes for the weight of the Corgi/Boxer adult canines – they might weigh anywhere between 28 and 65 pounds, depending on the overall size and gender.

Your puppy might grow into an agile small dog or a big hunter.

However, both parents have a muscular frame, which means that your pup will grow into a robust and well-built canine.

What Is The Average Lifespan Of A Corgi Boxer Mix?

When it comes to the lifespan, a Corgi and Boxer cross can live up to 14 years, depending on their health and possible health issues that are usually caused by the poor treatment of breeders.

Corgi And Boxer Cross Grooming

owner's hand brushing dog's coat with a grooming brush

The grooming requirements depend on the length of the canine’s coat hair. Since the Corgi Boxer mix can possess either short or medium hair, the grooming won’t take a lot of time or effort.

It’s more than enough to brush your cross puppy once a week.

It’s not recommendable to bathe the Corgi Boxer cross too often because of the natural oils that will be washed away. The role of these oils is to protect the hair and the skin of canines.

When you bathe your pup, it’s important to use products that won’t negatively affect coat hair and skin.

You might not have to bathe your dog too often, but don’t forget about the ears. You should clean the pet’s ears frequently to prevent any ear infections.

Nails shouldn’t be neglected either. Corgi/Boxer canines are very active, which takes a toll on their paws and nails, so you should only clip the nails if needed.

Also, it’s important to take care of your Corgi/Boxer pup’s dental health. These canines have a higher risk of dental issues, so brushing your pet’s teeth regularly is essential.

Corgi Boxer Mix Puppies: Training And Exercise

boxer corgi mix in park

Photo from: @hyperpiper29

Corgi and Boxer cross canines don’t require strict training and exercises as other breeds do. These dogs are intelligent, and they quickly learn how to behave, especially if they have been trained since puppyhood.

If they’re trained from an early age, Corgi/Boxer puppies will socialize with other people and pets without any problem.

The most important thing that every Corgi Boxer mix owner should do is offer firm guidance to these canines. However, that doesn’t include scolding or any negative behavior towards the pet, which can result only in counter effects.


Both parents of this interesting dog breed are known as working canines and guard dogs that are very energetic and active.

Their descendants have similar energy, which is why they should be taken out for walks regularly. Boxer/Corgi pups also love to play, so be prepared for a lot of playtime!

If you consider getting this type of dog, make sure you have plenty of room for their regular activities, which free them of excess energy.

A big yard or a dog park near your home will ensure your puppy is healthy and happy.

Corgi Boxer Mix Temperament

boxer corgi

If you’re looking for an energetic puppy that is loyal and obedient to its owner, the Corgi Boxer mix is the right pup for you.

These doggies are great protectors, and they will do everything to protect their owners and the property. Socialization is their strong side because they’re outgoing and friendly.

Corgis are smaller than Boxers, so it’s interesting that they also show good guard skills that the crossbreed inherits from them.

Herding is in their blood, so don’t be surprised if you notice that your pet uses those skills on you.

If Corgi/Boxer canines have been trained well since puppyhood, they’ll become the best family pet you ever had.


These doggies have a high energy level, and they might display a specific type of aggression.

The main reason for that is the temperament of the parent breed. Mixed breeds usually have attributes of both ancestors, but some traits are always inherited from one side.

Pembroke Welsh Corgis might be little, but they do show specific aggressive behavior that is a consequence of their herding history.

Boxers mostly show aggression towards other canines, but they’re rarely aggressive towards other pets.

If the mix of these two canines shows aggression, it might result from the parent gene or bad treatment from the breeder.

Are Boxer Mixes Good Family Dogs?

If trained well, the Corgi/Boxer breed can be a great family canine. Their amiable personality and great interaction with people are suitable bases for family life.

But, even though they’re loyal companions, these canines might not be suitable for every family.

The Boxer in them might wake up from time to time, which will turn the crossbreed into an extremely energetic canine. Their playfulness isn’t a bad thing and doesn’t represent any risk to the owner or older family members.

However, they might be too playful around babies and accidentally hurt them, which is why they might not be the best choice for families with babies or toddlers.

Common Health Problems

corgi boxer mix

Photo from: @mrsrjlady

There are high chances for specific health issues in every dog breed, including the Corgi and Boxer crossbreed.

Most of the mixed-breed health risks are inherited from their parents, even though crossbreeds are generally healthier than their ancestors.

These are the most common health conditions that a Corgi/Boxer canine might have:

1. Epilepsy.

A neurological disorder like epilepsy appears in one out of every ten canine types. The most common symptoms of this condition are seizures or short episodes that can be pretty painful to watch, especially for the owner.

There’s no need to fear, though, as certain medications can enable your pet to have a happy life without symptoms.

2. Degenerative Myelopathy.

The full name of this illness is Chronic Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy (CDRM). Essentially, this illness has a negative effect on the spine of canines.

This disease is common in dog breeds like Boxers, Corgis, German Shepherds, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, and others.

Degenerative myelopathy develops slowly over the years, so you might not notice early symptoms. However, if you notice unusual behavior such as coordination loss, weakness, or a back leg dragging, you should contact the vet and take your dog for a checkup.

3. Hip Dysplasia.

This condition is quite common among many dog breeds, including Boxers and Corgis. Therefore, there are medium chances it’ll show in their crossbreed.

If you notice that your dog isn’t as agile as before or that it has lost its muscle mass, you should contact the vet immediately.

A dog with hip dysplasia feels a lot of pain and is unable to walk without limping on its back legs.

However, although this condition is common, that doesn’t mean every dog suffers from it. To decrease the chances of hip dysplasia, make sure you get your puppy from a reputable breeder.

4. Cancer.

Unfortunately, some Corgi Boxer crossbreeds might also suffer from this dangerous illness.

The Corgi and Boxer mix is prone to this condition because of its parent breeds, so it’s recommendable to take your pup for regular checkups.

Organs such as skin, joints, bones, and others are prone to cancer development. However, if you act in time, you might prevent a more serious progression of the illness.

5. Deafness.

White canines are generally prone to deafness, which doesn’t exclude white Boxers.

This pigment can be a sign of congenital deafness, although that may not be the case with all white canines, including the mix of Boxers and Corgis.

However, if your dog isn’t responding to your commands and doesn’t react to any kind of noise as usual, that might be one of the first signs of hearing loss.

Regular examinations and tests can help you discover this in time. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for this condition, but the vet might find some underlying health issues related to hearing loss and treat them.

6. Cardiovascular Disease.

The mix of Corgis and Boxers has a medium risk of heart issues because of its ancestors. Irregular heartbeat is mainly caused by valve or blood vessel issues, leading to a heart attack.

Boxer Cardiomyopathy

The mix of Corgis and Boxers is susceptible to cardiomyopathy; a cardiovascular issue that is related to Boxers – the parent breed of the mix.
This genetic illness is also known as ARVC (Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy).

As the name says, this disease can cause arrhythmias and lead to more severe conditions, including death.

How To Decrease The Risk Of Health Problems In The Boxer Corgi Cross

The majority of the health problems that are related to the Boxer Corgi cross are congenital, including hip and elbow dysplasia, deafness, etc.

The best way to ensure the general health of each puppy is to take the parents for regular screenings before breeding. This way, most congenital conditions can be prevented.

Every reputable breeder will treat the health of their canines and puppies above everything else, so it’s crucial to get a pup from such a place if you have already decided to buy one.

Regular exercise, a healthy environment, up-to-date vaccinations, good dog food, and a proper diet are all essential for the good health of your pooch.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Getting A Boxer Corgi Mix

corgi boxer

Photo from: @mojojojo_and_murderface


The main advantage of owning a Boxer Corgi cross is that you’re going to get a wonderful family dog.

This type of pup is amiable, adorable, and easy to train. Both of the parent canine breeds are intelligent and hard-working pups that will meet all your expectations.

A guard and working dog mix results only in a fearless and fierce protector of your family and your property.

These canines will do everything they can for your security without fear of strangers and possible intruders.

It’s generally believed that mixed dogs have a decreased risk of health issues and diseases that are common for their parent breeds. Of course, this doesn’t mean they can’t get sick at all, but the chances for the development of any serious health problem are much lower than for Boxers and Corgis.

This type of dog doesn’t require much time for grooming, at least when it comes to its coat hair. Brushing your pet once a week keeps its coat shiny, clean, and free from matting.

The Corgi/Boxer puppy will turn into a fantastic dog and a great companion with the proper guidance. The primary key to good training is lots of time, effort, and tolerance from the owner’s side.

Owning a pet is a commitment and a big responsibility, but it’s also very beneficial for the physical and mental health of both dog owners and their pets.


Owning a cross of certain breeds sounds exciting, especially because you never know what you might expect.

Designer breeds that come from reputable breeders are usually considered high-quality canines because they’re thoroughly tested and examined before meeting their new owner.

However, unpredictability might not always be a good thing. Essentially, getting a mixed-breed puppy can be quite a surprise in a positive and negative way.

Mixed breeds can inherit health issues from one or both parent breeds, depending on the dominance of the genes.

Some dog owners find pet insurance a good option in order to prevent any negative surprises.

These pooches require lots of exercise because they might inherit a medium to a high prey drive (as their ancestors). Therefore, the Corgi

Boxer crossbreed might not suit older adults or families with babies.

A Boxer Corgi mix will enjoy long walks with the family, but will require more activities. Also, training doesn’t just include physical strength.

These energetic dogs will require daily exercise in socialization and interaction with other animals and humans.

The pup’s behavior depends on the treatment it receives from its owner. Your puppy will have a better response to positive reinforcement, so make sure to include such gestures during training.

Owning a dog is a great responsibility, especially for a canine with high energy levels like the Corgi Boxer cross.

If you don’t have enough time to spend at home with your pooch or take it outside, you might want to reconsider getting a pet with such energy.

Corgi Boxer Mix For Sale

First and foremost, when it comes to the purchase of puppies, one of the essential things to do is find a reputable breeder who’ll gladly share all necessary information with you.

A trustworthy breeder won’t have any problem providing evidence of health examinations, screenings, vaccination, ancestry, and everything else you find important to know about the history of your pooch.

It’s your right to ask everything you might find important before buying a pup, and see the puppy while it is still with its parents.

If you’re not satisfied with the information provided, you’re not obliged to continue with the purchase.

If you notice any red flag before you take the puppy, you have the complete right to cancel the purchase at any point.

The most important thing during the search for the perfect pet is patience. Thorough research for a trustworthy breeder and a detailed observation of the potential places to get a puppy from will result in getting a healthy family pet or a fierce watchdog.

Corgi Boxer Cross: What To Avoid

One of the first places that most people have in mind when they want to buy a pet is the pet store. This is a completely logical train of thought, but it might not be the best choice after all.

The main downside of getting a pup from such places is that most pet stores get puppies from un-reputable breeders and puppy mills.

Places like puppy mills put profit over the health of their canines. Most dogs in these facilities are raised in an unhealthy environment without proper care, health screenings, or training.

However, puppy mills aren’t the only place you should rather steer away from.

Certain places sell pups that result from accidental breeding, known as backyard breeders. The main point of such sites is to sell every canine from the litter as soon as possible, which essentially means they don’t care about the health or breed standards.

Unfortunately, some breeders put money before these beautiful animals’ health and general well-being.

Other Corgi And Boxer Crosses To Consider

the Corgi dog sitting on the grass

The Corgi Boxer mix is still relatively new, but it’s becoming more and more popular among dog owners.

However, this isn’t the only cross of these two parent breeds. Some of the crossbreeds from the list below might be well familiar, but there are quite a few surprises as well.

If you’re curious about other mixed breeds of Corgis and Boxers, all you need to do is check out the lists of Boxer and Corgi crossbreeds below:

Corgi Mix

Horgski – Corgi and Siberian Husky mix

Corgidor – Labrador Retriever and Corgi cross

Schnorgi – Corgi and Miniature Schnauzer cross

Spitzgi – Corgi and Spitz cross

Corgi and Doberman Pinscher cross

Golden Corgi – Golden Retriever and Corgi cross

Corman Shepherd – German Shepherd and Corgi mix

Auggie – Corgi and Australian Shepherd cross

Corgi Inu – Shiba Inu and Corgi cross

Corgitian – Corgi and Dalmatian cross

Corgipom – Corgi and Pomeranian cross

Beagi – Beagle and Corgi mix

Pigi – Pitbull and Corgi cross

Saint Corgi – Saint Bernard and Corgi mix

Cohuahua – Corgi and Chihuahua cross

Great Corgi – Great Dane and Corgi cross

Toy Corgi – Toy Poodle and Corgi mix

Greyhound and Corgi cross

Shorgi – Corgi and Shih Tzu cross

Chorgi – Corgi and Chow Chow cross

Corgoyed – Samoyed and Corgi mix

Boxer Mix

boxer dog in park

Box-a-Pug – Boxer and Pug cross

Cane Corxer – Boxer and Cane Corso cross

Boxpei – Chinese Shar-Pei and Boxer cross

Boxane – Great Dane and Boxer cross

German Shepherd Boxer – Boxer and German Shepherd cross

Border Boxer – Border Collie and Boxer mix

Bulloxer – English Bulldog and Boxer cross

Miniature Boxer – Boxer and Boston Terrier cross

Boxel – Boxer and Beagle cross

Dachxer – Dachshund and Boxer cross

Boxapoint – German Shorthaired Pointer and Boxer mix

Boxweiler – Rottweiler and Boxer mix

Boweimar – Boxer and Weimaraner cross

Pitoxer – Boxer and Pitbull cross

Saint Berxer – Saint Bernard and Boxer mix

Boxmas – Boxer and Mastiff cross

Golden Boxer – Boxer and Golden Retriever cross

Boxita – Akita and Boxer mix

Boxador – Labrador Retriever and Boxer mix

Final Thoughts

As you can see, the Corgi Boxer mix is an interesting cross that resulted in a friendly dog with good behavior and great social skills.

Be it a small or medium-sized dog (depending on the dominant gene of the parent), you’ll surely get a reliable guard dog and a loyal companion.

This type of dog might have specific health problems that are congenital in most cases, but keep in mind that crossbreeds typically have fewer health issues than their parent breeds.

If you’re looking for an energetic pooch that’ll be able to protect you and everyone you love, then the Corgi and Boxer mix is just what you need!
