Bald Poodle: Explanation And Useful Advice On How To Help


We can all agree that the hair is what makes the Poodles so cute. Since that is the case, we can assume that owning a bald Poodle can be frustrating for you.

Before we start, you should know that dog’s fur grows in cycles and, if you notice a couple of loose strands around the house, you don’t have to panic immediately. However, you might get concerned if you notice bald spots or a lot of hair around your house.

In this article, we will explain the main causes of hair loss in Poodles, as well as pieces of advice on how to stop a Poodle from getting bald.

Still, if you notice your dog has lost a lot of hair, much more than you expected, you may consider visiting a veterinarian.

What Is The Explanation For A Bald Poodle?

poodle with alopecia
Photo from: @misterfluffball

There are a few possible explanations for why a Poodle may be bald.

One possibility is that the dog has a genetic condition that causes hair loss. Another possibility is that the dog is suffering from an allergic reaction to something in its environment.

It is also possible that the dog has a skin condition that is causing the same problem. Regardless of the underlying cause, bald Poodles will likely need special care to keep their skin healthy.

The other things you should pay attention to are hormonal changes, the immune system, and possible health issues your Poodle has.

What Is The Cause Of A Poodle Losing Hair?

labradoodle losing hair

There are many reasons why your Poodle started losing strands of his hair. We are going to inform you about the most common causes of a dog’s hair loss, and we hope it will be useful for you.

1. Female Poodles And Hormones

There is a reason why female Poodles and hormones are listed first on our list of reasons for a Poodle losing hair. We assumed that you are concerned about why a female Poodle is experiencing a thinning coat and hair loss while pregnant.

The thing is, a female Poodles’ coat changes due to hormones. The main hormone, estrogen, can cause hair thinning, and estrogen levels increase while a dog is pregnant.

If you can find bald spots or a lot of hair around your Poodle, you should know that it can take up to three or four months for the Poodle’s hair to grow back to normal, and you shouldn’t be worried much.

2. Alopecia

All dogs lose hair, even on a daily basis, but in healthy dogs, the old hair is replaced by new hair. This is a normal process of fur restoration in our pets.

However, if you notice that your dog’s hair has been falling out for a long period of time, without new hair appearing, it is possible that your dog is suffering from alopecia.

Alopecia is a lack of a small or large amount of hair on a certain part of a dog’s skin. Along with hair loss, a dog with alopecia might also experience flaking of the skin, redness, and scabs.

The most common causes of alopecia in dogs are old age, skin parasites, immune disorders, and bacterial infections.

Alopecia causes a lot of hair loss, and if you suspect your dog has it, you should see a vet for a diagnosis.

Your vet can diagnose alopecia or hypothyroidism, which are quite similar, but alopecia won’t affect your dog’s health – it can only affect its appearance.

However, your vet should monitor your Poodle and prescribe the right medicine for the condition.

3. Allergies

If you compare Poodles with any other dog breed, you will see that Poodles are more prone to atopic dermatitis.

This condition mostly has a genetic base, and there is not much to do besides identifying the allergic trigger and start avoiding it, which means being careful about the quality of dog food your dog is consuming.

You can also try changing the dog’s environment a little bit if something else is the trigger. Your vet can also help you determine what is creating the problem.

Your vet will first undertake allergic testing in your dog. Here is a closer look into testing for allergies in dogs.

There are many allergens that might cause an allergic reaction in your dog. The following is a list of some of the most common allergens that Standard Poodles might deal with:

• Cigarettes

• Pollen

• Eggs

• Mold

• Wheat

• Cleaning products

4. Skin Infections

If your Poodle suffers from a certain skin infection, you might notice that the dog’s skin smells bad. It might also be red, and, of course, this could cause your Poodle to lose hair.

The most common cause of skin problems in dogs are bacterial infections, also called pyoderma.

There are three types of pyoderma: surface, superficial, and deep pyoderma.

Surface pyoderma is characterized by the dog’s itching and the skin’s redness, with raised round scabs. If you notice yellow pustules that break into larger scabs in your Poodle, it is probably suffering from superficial pyoderma.

Deep pyoderma, on the other hand, produces abscesses and oozing, and inflamed channels in the skin’s surface.

If the vet diagnoses your Poodle with pyoderma, he will prescribe oral and topical antibiotics for your Poodle puppy to heal as soon as possible.

5. Matted Hair

Male hands unraveling poodle's matted braids

Matted hair in dogs usually appears in areas such as behind the dog’s ears, under the collar, and on the dog’s lower legs where the legs rub together. However, dogs with a curly coat are naturally prone to matting, which can even lead to health issues.

The good news is that you don’t have to rush to the dog groomer each time your pet experiences matting. There are numerous home remedies you can use to untangle the hair and help your dog.

This is a basic guide on how to deal with a Poodle’s matted hair:

1. Start with a metal comb

2. After that, use your fingers

3. Slowly split the matted hairs

4. Brush them out

5. Bath time

6. Ringworm

A ringworm in dogs might also be a culprit of hair loss. This parasite is contagious, and dogs transmit it to other dogs, but they can also transmit it to humans. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately contact a veterinarian and start applying appropriate treatment to the dog.

Your vet will diagnose your dog with ringworm by performing a diagnostic test, as well as a physical exam. He has a routine of taking samples of skin or hair, and then investigating everything about the sample. The last step is determining your dog’s condition.

7. Poor Nutrition

Last but not least, your dog has to eat high-quality food in order to be healthy. Dog food is something you don’t want to be cheap on because it affects the dog’s body and skin, of course. If your Poodle is losing hair, this might be happening due to a bad diet.

For some dogs, the issue is not the diet itself, but the dog’s ability to absorb certain food. However, in some cases, you will be able to solve the problem of a bald Poodle simply by providing your Poodle with high-quality food.

You can find more useful information in our Poodle feeding chart.

8. Fleas And Mites

Fleas and mites could also be a reason for your Poodle losing hair. If these intruders have attacked your Poodle, the dog will feel very uncomfortable, it will be in pain, and it will start to lose hair.

To ensure that your Poodle does not suffer from this problem, it is necessary to regularly brush and bathe it, and check the condition of your pet’s skin and fur.

If the veterinarian determines that your dog’s condition is more serious, and that fleas and ticks have sucked a lot of the dog’s blood, he will prescribe the appropriate therapy.

How Do You Stop A Poodle From Getting Bald?

Poodle puppy eating food from dish at home

There are certain steps that dog owners can take to prevent their Poodle from getting bald. Also, if your dog is already struggling with this problem, there are still some things you can do to help.

Let’s learn more about these steps.

Hypoallergenic Diet

Dog food with lots of B vitamins, fatty acids, protein, and other vitamins (also known as a hypoallergenic diet) is the key for a dog’s healthy skin.

The best thing about this food is that it’s made out of simple ingredients like potatoes, turkey, duck, or some other basic ingredients. That can be helpful for you while choosing the right food for your puppy’s specific allergies.

There are also skin supplements that can be added to the dog’s diet. Read more about these supplements in the next sections.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

This ingredient can make your puppy’s coat nice and soft. Fatty acids can help moisturize your dog’s skin, which might help reduce shedding and prevent dandruff.

This supplement can decrease split ends after some time because it is beneficial for hair growth, and it makes your Poodle’s hair thicker.


Biotin is also known as B7 B complex. You have probably heard of it since it is also beneficial for humans in terms of strengthening hair and preventing split ends.

Some new studies suggest that this protein can even prevent dermatitis in dogs.

Vitamin A

A lack of vitamin A can make your dog’s hair look bad and unhealthy. However, you have to be careful with vitamin A because it can be toxic for your dog.

Watch your doses of egg yolks, liver, green vegetables, and fish liver oil. They are super healthy, but also risky for dogs to consume them in big doses.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another important vitamin to take. It can cure sebaceous adenitis and help with lowering the risk of developing it.


Zinc is an essential mineral that helps the dog’s immune system function properly, but it also promotes healthy skin and coat. Zinc deficiency can make a Poodle’s coat look weak and unhealthy.

Zinc can be found in food such as grains, vegetables, and fresh meat. So, next time you buy food for your Poodle puppy, you might consider getting food such as chicken, duck, fish oil, and spinach.

Physical Activity

Physical activity is also very important since all dogs need to be active to function normally and to have a healthy lifestyle.

While doing any kind of physical activity, your Poodle burns calories, and its system works properly, which means its skin will also be healthy and look good.

If you notice that your Poodle is not interested in physical activity, and it even refuses to walk, you should check with the vet if there is any underlying health condition behind this behavior.

Poodle Grooming

dog brushes

All Poodle owners need to take care of their dog’s regular grooming in order to prevent mats and to clean the Poodle’s coat.

Brushing your Poodle secures quality hair growth, and it is one of the essential parts of the dog’s grooming routine.

Tips For Poodle Grooming

Poodle fur is very soft, and commonly, wavy or curly. The trick is, they shed, but since their hair is curly, it can trap some hairs, which cause matted hair. That’s why it’s important to brush your Poodle’s coat regularly.

If you want to start doing Poodle grooming all by yourself, you should consider buying the following equipment:

• Grooming clips

• Shampoo

• Conditioner

• A bristle brush

• A blow dryer

Your elegant-looking Poodle would be super grateful for these tips!

Regularly Visiting The Vet

Regular vet visits are generally essential for your dog’s health. When it comes to your Poodles’ hair, a vet might notice some underlying health issue at the very beginning, and this is why we highly recommend all dog owners to take their Poodles to veterinarians regularly.

The vet has the required knowledge and experience to determine the right medical care for your pet. Your pet is most likely to have the same diagnosis as someone else’s puppy before yours.

Poodle owners are damaging their Poodle’s health by not visiting the vet. You have to remember your dog, and its health will only be safe in the hands of a professional.

Together with regular vet visits, one thing that all dog owners should also consider is the option of health insurance for their pets.

Antibiotics Or Antifungals

Antibiotics or antifungals (both oral or topical) will treat bacterial infections and ringworm infections in dogs.

However, these problems that cause hair loss can be expensive sometimes. If you notice that your dog might have serious issues, you will, of course, contact your vet immediately.

Since your dog’s medical care might cost you a lot of money, it comes in handy for your dog to have health insurance.


A veterinarian is examining a dog with dermatitis with a magnifying glass
Is There A Cure For Baldness In Poodles?

The cure for baldness in Poodles may be found easily. Sometimes, it can take just one or two weeks for the hair to grow back, but sometimes your dog will need more than three months to recover.

The cure is almost always there… you just have to consult with the right person and start doing all the recommended options that your vet prescribed for your Poodle.

Some common issues that might be causing your Poodle to go bald, such as fleas, mites, or allergens, can be treated quickly with your vet’s recommendations. Learn more on how to get rid of mites on your dog.

What Is The Average Size Of A Poodle?

According to the Standard Poodle growth chart, these dogs’ height usually goes from 18 to 24 inches.

But, there is not only the Standard Poodle out there – we also have the miniature and the toy Poodle!

The miniature Poodle is not bigger than 15 inches, while the toy Poodle will not get taller than 10 inches.

Is It True That Poodles Shed More Than Other Breeds?

No, Poodles do not shed more than other breeds. All dog breeds shed a certain amount; it is in the dog’s nature for their hair follicles to change, and for old hair to be replaced with new hair.

So, Poodles do shed, but they are not considered heavy shedders. Their hair actually looks like human hair, and they make an excellent choice for dogs that suffer from allergies.

Regular brushing is still a must, but with a Poodle, you will not have to worry about cleaning the dog’s hair all around the house. Of course, this is only when the dog is healthy and not suffering from hair loss for some reason.

If you like the idea of a cute dog that does not shed much, try finding your future Poodle in some of the breeders we have listed in Virginia, Ohio, California, New York, or Michigan.


As we have seen, there are many reasons why your Poodle might be losing hair. There can be a great health issue underneath, but it can also be something common for puppies to experience.

The most important thing is that you should always track your Poodle puppy’s diet and health, and consult with a professional about your pet’s lifestyle, so you won’t have to deal with a bald Poodle.

You don’t have to be too worried about your pet all the time, or panic immediately when you notice some change in your Poodle.

Instead, there are some useful things you can do to prevent hair loss in your Poodle such as using the right dog shampoo, ensuring your dog is eating high-quality food, and brushing your dog regularly to keep its coat healthy, nice, and smooth.

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