Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix – All About This Energetic Pup

In the latest breeds, crossbreeds are becoming much more popular, with some of them being even more popular than some purebred dogs.

Yes, Goldendoodles, I’m looking at you!

But one of the mixed dog breeds you likely haven’t heard of is a Cattlejack – a Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix.

There are a few reasons why crossbreeds, such as a Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix, are so desirable.

Not only are they healthier compared to their parent breeds, they are also a good way to combine the best of both worlds and get a perfect dog with all the traits you need.

Because of this, they are often called designer dogs or hybrid breeds.

Many people don’t fully understand crossbreeds, especially lesser-known ones. I wasn’t even certain what the term designer breed means when I first heard it!

To solve the mystery, I have decided to explain everything about one of my favorite mixed dogs – the Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix!

Here’s all I’ve found out:

What Is A Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix?

jack russell blue heeler mix lying in grass

Photo from: @bowman.phot0graphy

A Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix is a crossbreed of a Jack Russell Terrier and a Blue Heeler. It is also known as the Jack Heeler or a Cattlejack.

This is a fairly new crossbreed without a set breed standard. This means that there isn’t an exact way these puppies should look, and there can be big deviations between the two dogs that both belong to the Cattlejack crossbreed.

While this might sound bad, don’t let it fool you – no crossbreed is recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) or any other major kennel club. As long as the breed standard is concerned, the Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix is no different than any other mixed dog breed.

Still, because of this, I have to say that everything we know about the Cattlejack’s appearance and behavior is simply by observing the existing dogs. Nothing is set in stone, and there aren’t official rules that will state what a dog should look like.

Of course, some traits are considered desirable, and all breeders will try to replicate them in the offspring, which is why these features are more likely to stick than the others.

Jack Russel Blue Heeler Mix Puppies

young blue heeler jack russel mix

Photo from: @why_its_reece_lightning

To get a Blue Heeler Jack Russel mix, breeders mix a purebred Jack Russell Terrier and a purebred Blue Heeler, also known as the Australian Cattle Dog. They choose dogs with desired traits to get a Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix puppy.

Most of the time, the Jack Russell Terrier dog will be male, while the Blue Heeler will be female. This is because of the size difference in these dogs.

It is always advised that a female dog is a larger one and that the male is the smaller dog of the two. The reason behind this is the size difference.

A mother dog needs to be large enough to carry and give birth to the puppies.

As the puppies can have the size of any of the two parent breeds, there is always a risk that they’ll be as big as the larger parent.

If the difference between the two breeds is large, this means that the mother dog might not be big enough to have a safe pregnancy and delivery.

Jack Russel Terriers are small dogs, while the Blue Heller can be considered medium-sized. While this isn’t as huge a difference as in the case of a, for example, Great Dane Chihuahua mix, it is still big enough to cause breeding problems.

To avoid the risks, breeders will always choose a female Blue Heeler to carry the puppies, as she’ll have no issues giving birth to mixed breed puppies, no matter how big they are.

Full Grown Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix

jack blue heeler

Photo from: @bowman.phot0graphy

A full-grown mixed breed dog will always look like a combination of both of his parents. Of course, this doesn’t have to mean that the traits will be equally spread.

This is the main reason why there are many ways in which a Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix might grow up to look and behave like.

For example, your mixed breed puppy might be a perfect 50 – 50 split between the two dog breeds. This means that it’ll have an equal amount of Jack Russell traits, as well as Blue Heeler traits.

However, your Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix might also end up looking like a Jack Russell with Blue Heeler coat color, or as a Blue Heeler the size of a Jack Russell, or any other combination imaginable.

Due to this, it’s always a challenge to predict how a full-grown hybrid dog will look like.

Still, as I’ve mentioned earlier, after a few generations it can be easier to make assumptions, and this is what I’ve based this article on.

Just make sure to take everything you read about any crossbreed’s appearance and behavior with an open mind, as differences are possible.

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Appearance

Jack Russell Blue heeler standing by owner in woods

As I’ve mentioned earlier, your dog will look anywhere in between the two parent breeds, and this includes any and all features a dog might have, from size and muzzle shape to the coat type.

As such, you need to look at the appearance of his parents to get an estimation.

Jack Russell Terriers are small dogs with compact and muscular bodies. They have small, floppy ears and somewhat pointed muzzle, but not as pointy as Pomeranians and other similar breeds.

All Jack Russells have a white base coat, and they can be solid white, tricolor, or with tan or black markings.

On the other hand, Blue Heeler dogs are muscular yet compact dogs that are longer than they are tall. They are easy to recognize by pointy ears and curved, hanging tails, as well as their unique coat color.

These dogs almost always come in blue color, hence their name.

Whether they are blue speckled or blue mottled or even solid blue, but blue is almost always present on their coat – with the exception of red speckled varieties that are sometimes known as Red Heelers. Tan markings are also possible, but not black.

As such, a Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix will usually be a muscular yet compact dog that has an almost athletic appearance.

Their eyes can be almond-shaped or oval-shaped, and their ears can be floppy or erect.

Their double coat will always be short and waterproof and it will usually come in blue coat color and tan markings, but this might vary if the dog inherits the coat color from his Jack Russell parents.

Once again, it’s important to understand that a Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix looks can vary from dog to dog.

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Size

Jack Blue Heeler standing looking at camera

To determine a possible size of a Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix, you need to look into both parent breed’s sizes and take it into consideration.

Your puppy can grow up to be as big or small as any of the parents, but it will usually be somewhere in between the two.

There are a few ways you can try to predict how big will your Cattlejack puppy be. Still, none are 100% precise.

Still, here are some methods that might work:

Look at the dog’s paw size. While the paws will grow over time, they can be a sign of how big a puppy will be as they have to be larger than the rest of the body since your pup will have to stand on them. In general, the larger the paws, the larger your pooch will grow to be.

Inspect its coat. You might ask your vet to help you with this. The puppy will change its coat type as he grows older. The faster this happens, your puppy is more likely to stay small. This is due to the fact that small breeds reach maturity faster.

Use an online calculator. There are many online tools that might help you use math and probability to determine the approximate dog size. Just remember that they only make assumptions, and shouldn’t be taken as a fact.

Still, it’s important to mention that there is no method that will help you know precisely how big a mixed breed puppy will be other than to wait until he is all grown up.

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Height

To understand the estimated future height of a Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix, you should look at the parent breeds. Your Cattlejack should be somewhere in between.

A Jack Russel Terrier will, on average, reach a height of 12 to 14 inches. This breed has the longest legs of all Terrier breeds, which is why this is the only Terrier breed that was used to run after the prey for long distances, if necessary.

On the other hand, the Blue Heeler usually has a height between 17 and 20 inches.

This means that the Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix can have a height of 12 to 20 inches, but they’ll usually be around 16 inches tall.

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Weight

Of course, the dog’s weight will depend on many different factors, including how well and how much you feed them and whether they’re getting enough exercise.

When talking about the dog’s estimated weight, we’re talking about the weight a dog of such height and build should have in order to be of optimal health.

The Blue Heeler usually weighs between 25 and 50 pounds. On the other hand, a Jack Russel Terrier will have a healthy weight of 13 – 17 pounds.

Even when you know this, it is challenging to determine the right healthy weight of a Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix without looking at the individual dog and his height and build.

As such, the healthy weight of a crossbreed is best left determined by a professional vet.

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Shedding

dog brush on a table

The shedding amount of a Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix will greatly depend on the type of coat the dog inherited.

For example, a Blue Heeler is a moderate to heavy shedder but they are seasonal shedders, as well. This means that the shedding amount will greatly increase twice a year when the dog is blowing his coat.

To keep the shedding at bay, you should brush your Blue Heeler dog at least every two to three days, but daily brushing is important for the shedding season.

Jack Russell Terriers come in two coat types:

• Smooth coat.

• Broken coat.

While both are double coats, the topcoat will have some differences. For example, a broken coat is shorter, without the beard and eyebrows a smooth coat has.

Both types are moderately shedding, but fortunately, the dog’s smaller size means that there aren’t as many loose hairs as you can expect with some other dog breeds. You can probably manage to deal with the amount of shedding by brushing your Jack Russell once a week.

As such, a Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix experience an increased amount of shedding in spring and fall, just like its Blue Heeler parent.However, this doesn’t mean they won’t shed every day, as well.

Most of these pups will be moderate shedders, and the only thing that goes to their advantage is their small size. They are small enough not to leave a hairy mess everywhere, but they aren’t far from this.

You’ll need to brush doggy as often as possible to make sure the shedding amount isn’t over the top and to keep the hairs off your floor, furniture, and clothes.

This is especially important if someone from your household suffers from dog allergies. A Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix cannot be considered a good dog for allergy sufferers. Their hairs can go everywhere, and they can make the symptoms of your allergies worse.

As such, if you’re an allergy sufferer, it might be a better choice to pick one of Poodle mixes, such as a Labradoodle, a Bernedoodle, or even a Jack Russel Poodle mix!

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Temperament

Jack Heeler playing with owner

A dog’s temperament will depend greatly on how you train and socialize them. Without proper socialization, even the friendliest of breeds can develop aggressive streaks.

At the same time, there are some traits that can be transferred via genes. As such, it’s always important to understand your dog’s background.

Both the JRT and the Blue Heeler are working dogs. While a Jack Russell is a hunting dog that hunts down foxes into their dens, a Blue Heeler is a herding dog, just like a Border Collie or Corgi.

All Jack Russell Terrier mixes have a high prey drive and their energy levels are extremely high. Dog owners are aware of just how active these pups are. Chances are you’ll get tired before your pooch does!

These dogs require lots of exercises and daily activity to keep them from getting bored and destructive. At the same time, they are friendly and affectionate, to the point of being considered clingy. Learn also why Jack Russells follow their owners everywhere.

Also, they are avid barkers, and they’ll bark to let you know anything and everything. While they are so friendly they’ll even consider an intruder their new best friend, they will also bark to greet them, which, in a way, makes them good guard dogs despite their small size.

They can also do well with kids, as long as they are socialized enough not to express jealousy, as they can be overprotective.

Just like their purebred parents, Blue Heeler mix dogs also have a strong prey drive, and they’ll chase anything they see, from squirrels and cats to other small animals. Even if you’ve socialized your dog properly, they will still be wary of any animal that didn’t grow up with them!

Also, these pups are wary of strangers and they don’t like new people. Despite this, they might be friendly toward other dogs, but they’ll still be very protective and territorial.

As such, a Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix isn’t the best dog for first-time owners. While they can be good family dogs for those with experience, they require owners who know how to deal with their high energy levels.

Dog training and socialization is necessary for these high-energy dogs, and they’ll also require an owner with a firm hand who won’t back down just because of their puppy eyes and small size.

In fact, some dog owners would argue that owning a Blue Heeler Jack Russell puppy is more challenging than owning a purebred Pitbull!

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Health Problems

jack russel blue heeler mix in front of a lake

Photo from: @oakie.poke

In general, mixed breed dogs are healthier compared to their purebred parents. This is due to the trait known as hybrid vigor.

Mixed breed dogs have more good genes than purebred dogs as their gene pool was larger. This means they don’t carry many of the genetic conditions their parents are prone to.

At the same time, theoretically, they can get any of the health conditions their parents might have.

In other words, a Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix might suffer from more conditions than either of his purebred parents, but the chances of him actually inheriting a single health condition are rather slim.

In general, a Blue Heeler is the healthier of the two parent breeds.

Actually, the breeders first started creating the Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix dog to lower the number of health problems Jack Russell dogs have by introducing healthy Blue Heeler genes.

Still, a Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix can develop either of these health problems:

• Elbow and hip dysplasia: This is a condition in which the dog’s joints aren’t properly developed. It causes pain during walking and if left untreated can lead to arthritis.

• Cushing’s disease: This condition can be caused by many things, such as tumors or steroid use. It occurs when the adrenal gland doesn’t produce a proper amount of hormones

• Lens Luxation: This eye condition is common in Jack Russell Terriers. It causes the lens’ ligaments to become weak so they’ll move to the wrong position. The only way to treat it is surgery.

• Deafness: Yet another health problem that originates from the Jack Russell parent’s side. Deafness can occur in newborn puppies, or it can come over time. Also, it can be partial or it can affect both ears.

• Epilepsy: This is the most common neurological condition in all dog breeds and it results in seizures. While it can be caused by injuries or tumors, there is also genetic epilepsy, and the reason behind it is unknown.

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Lifespan

Many things can affect a dog’s lifespan, from his size to diseases he might catch or inherit.

Smaller dog breeds tend to live longer than large ones. They are not developing as fast as large breeds, which turned out to be a good thing. As rapid cell growth is one of the causes of cancer, there is some indication that small dog breeds are less prone to cancer – although this too can vary, since there are many things that might cause tumors.

Despite its numerous health issues, Jack Russell Terrier has a long lifespan of 13 to 16 years.

A healthy Blue Heeler will also have a high life expectancy of 13 to 15 years.

This means that on average.

One of the main ways you can ensure your Cattlejack lives a long and healthy life is to feed him with high-quality dog food.

These pups are prone to obesity, especially if they don’t get the amount of exercise they need. A balanced diet is a key to reducing many health conditions that could cause your four-legged best friend to die sooner than necessary.

Also, don’t mix regular vet check-ups. Many conditions are treatable if diagnosed on time, so don’t risk wasting precious time.

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix For Sale

jack russell blue heeler mix

Photo from: @bowman.phot0graphy

When looking for a Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix puppy for sale, you should always try to find someone experienced in breeding mixed dogs.

I’ll explain how to find them in a bit.

Breeding mixed breed dogs is not the same as breeding purebreds. The breeding process is not regulated by any registered breeding practices, and there isn’t a standard to adhere to. While this gives more freedom, it also means that it can be a challenge finding a Blue Heeler breeder or a mixed breed breeder who knows what they are doing.

In fact, there are only a few licensed Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix breeders in the entire U.S. This is what can make your search for Cattlejacks even more challenging.

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Breeders

When looking for Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix puppies for sale, you might notice that there are several locations where you can find them, and all vary in price and even in the listing description.

This is because there are three main types of breeders you can find:

• Reputable breeders.

• Puppy mills.

• Backyard breeders.

Reputable breeders are the only breeders I would suggest, even though they can be challenging to find when you’re talking about crossbreeds.

These breeders will only breed AKC-registered dogs that have undergone serious genetic testing for health conditions. This way, they will ensure they are selling healthy offspring.

While the puppies themselves cannot be registered, having AKC-registered parents will ensure you know the dog’s exact background so you can have an idea of what to expect from your new puppy.

Reputable breeders won’t lie about the fact that it’s impossible to know for sure what a mixed breed puppy will look like, but they’ll also know to make a pretty good estimation.

While they won’t be able to provide you with registration papers or pedigree, they’ll still offer you health certification as proof that a puppy has been checked by the vet.

Also, as they worry about their dog’s health, they’ll make sure they only breed female dogs once or twice a year.

Puppy mills are the exact opposite. Their only goal is to profit from selling as many puppies as possible.

This means they’ll over-breed their dogs, risking their health and the health of their puppies.

Also, they don’t do any types of testing on their dogs. This means you won’t know whether you are buying a healthy dog or not.

Not just that, but they often raise their dogs in unsanitary conditions, without any regard for the puppies’ needs.

As such, many Jack Russel Blue Heeler mixes that come from puppy mills or pet stores puppy mills sell to end up sick or with various behavioral issues.

You also have backyard breeders. These breeders don’t have as bad breeding practices as puppy mills, and many of them don’t have bad intentions.

However, they lack the knowledge and experience of reputable breeders, and many won’t understand what it takes to successfully breed dogs.

As such, even though they mean well, many of their dogs will have health problems.

Not just that, but you’ll have no way of knowing whether the dogs they’re selling are truly a crossbreed of a Jack Russel and Blue Heeler, or just some random mixed breed that looks like a Cattlejack.

They’ll issue no paperwork and they won’t know how to answer questions about their dogs. Many will even claim to know for sure what their puppies will look like, even though the most knowledgeable experts will have no way of knowing that.

When you’re having a crossbreed that comes from two unsocial and active breeds such as a Blue Heeler and a Jack Russell Terrier, it’s very important to know you’re dealing with good breeders so you can know where your dog is coming from.

If your pup doesn’t have the proper background, chances are you’ll end up not just with an unhealthy pup, but with a dog you won’t be able to control as you won’t know what you’re getting yourself into.

Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Price

Of course, an important thing when you’re considering getting any dog breed is the price of puppies. If the dog is too expensive, you might not have the necessary funds to take care of him.

The price of crossbreeds, however, is very hard to predict. Many things affect the price and it is known to fluctuate greatly.

For example, some crossbreeds are much more expensive than their purebred parents as they are very sought-after. Take Goldendoodles as an example – a Goldendoodle from a good breeder will cost much more than a Golden Retriever or a Poodle!

Other cross breeds are fairly affordable, as they are considered mutts that are not registered by any major kennel club. These are not show dogs, but rather family pets and working dogs that are bought to be kept as companions and to help to do certain tasks.

When it comes to the Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix, these dogs can vary in price. In some areas, they are rather affordable. In others, however, their prices have skyrocketed in the latest years, as they are finally gaining the worldwide recognition they deserve.

It’s important to note that you shouldn’t let high prices keep you from buying a healthy dog. There is usually a good reason behind a high initial price, and that is that the puppy in question has been checked by the vets and other experts.

What you don’t pay at the initial price you might end up paying in vet bills or in professional dog training classes. It’s sometimes better to pay for an expensive dog if this will ensure he is healthy.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that affordable dogs are bad dogs. A high price doesn’t always indicate high quality.

Do proper research and always look for references and testimonies. Don’t risk your pooch’s health.


jack russel blue heeler mix photographed on the street

Photo from: @oakie.poke

Is A Jack Russell Blue Heeler Mix Easy To Potty Train?

A Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix isn’t an easy dog to train, no matter if you’d like to teach your dog new tricks or simply to potty train him.

While they are intelligent dogs, Cattlejacks have a rather short attention span. Anything will distract them from their task, including squirrels, loud noises, or even other people walking by!

As such, professional dog training is advised for these little dogs, even though they might look like pups that are easy to handle.

If you choose to potty train a Jack Russell Blue Heeler mix on your own, you need to arm yourself with patience. These pups will remember every little mistake you make and they won’t be as eager to please you as they’d like to go and do things on their own.

Is A Jack Russel Blue Heeler Mix Good For Families With Kids?

A Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix is not the best choice for families with little kids. This is because these pups are highly energetic and even temperamental. They won’t have the patience to deal with overly active kids, especially if these kids don’t know how to respect dogs.

Sure, this is a small dog that won’t be able to cause serious harm to your child. It is also not a malicious breed, and they are not intentionally aggressive.

However, they are impatient and territorial, and they prefer people and pets who can respect this.

If you still plan on combining a Cattlejack with children, make sure that not only is your dog trained, but that your kids know how to behave around canines.

A child should never pull on the dog’s tail and ears or poke fingers in its eyes, mouth, and nose. Also, they shouldn’t shout and scream around dogs, as they have a much stronger hearing than humans and such loud noises can stress them out.

Not to mention that hitting a dog is a big no-no, even if a kid thinks this is just a play!

Also, ensure your Jack Russel Blue Heeler mix dog has his safe space that can help him hide and have some alone time when he feels like it. Explain to your kids not to disturb your dog when he goes into a certain room or his crate.

Is It Better To Buy A Cattlejack Than A Purebred Dog?

Whether a Cattlejack is a better choice than its parents’ breeds is entirely up to you, as it depends on your preferences and expectations.

In general, there are a few advantages to buying a Cattlejack compared to a Jack Russell Terrier or a Blue Heeler.

The most important one is that this is a healthy dog that will live a long time without you having to spend hours at the vet every year due to numerous health conditions he might have.

However, there are some temperamental problems you should be aware of. As both parents are dogs with high energy levels and very little tolerance of others, there are no genes that would mellow down such a temperament.

This means these dogs require constant work and someone with knowledge in dog training and socialization. Despite their small size, they are not good for first-time owners and they require lots of dedication.

Dealing with a purebred dog might give you an advantage in knowing what to expect from a dog’s behavior – something that is challenging with a new crossbreed such as a Cattlejack.

In the end, it all comes down to you. All three dog breeds make great pets, as long as the owner knows how to handle their quirkiness.

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• Reasons Why A Blue Heeler Poodle Mix Is For You

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