Why Do Corgi Butts Float? 4 Possible Theories


Corgis are truly unique dogs when it comes to their personalities and appearance. They have a unique look to them, but with that uniqueness comes some interesting and funny things. One of the questions that a Corgi owner can ask himself is, ˝Why do Corgi butts float?˝

We told you! These dogs are truly unique, and that makes them one of the most popular dog breeds out there.

This might sound like a silly question, and some of you might think that this is just for jokes, but in reality, Corgi butts do actually float.

They are known for their… excuse our language… big butts. A lot of people find this feature very cute. You can find a lot of videos where Corgi owners present their dog’s fluffy toosh in a funny way, and the internet loves it.

You probably saw those videos, but had no idea that their fluffs are actually buoyant. If you want to find out why and how this is possible, continue reading.

Why Do Corgi Butts Float?

Welsh corgi pembroke puppy standing in the waves

You probably thought that you will never hear or read a question like, ˝Why do Corgis float in water?˝ We are there with you because this truly is an unusual question to ask, but it comes with a not-so-interesting and unusual answer.

It is all in their genetics, and the way that this dog breed is built.

You can read a lot of theories on the internet, and we will list all of them. The main reason why this topic can be considered as a ˝Myth or not˝ is that there is no actual scientific proof for anything that we will mention that is connected to their butts floating.

Here are some of the reasons that can explain the phenomenon of a floating Corgi.

1. They Have A Hollow Butt

You might think to yourself, ˝What does this even mean?˝ Well, it is believed that Corgis are just built different. During their evolution and breeding program, they have developed a certain appearance that only they have.

It is believed that a Corgis butt is made out of almost 80% air, 79.4% to be more exact, and this is what gives them their popular butt, which got the nickname “bubble butt”.

Dogs usually have a lot of muscles and muscle fiber, which usually consist of fat and air, but Corgis do not. Since Corgis are built a bit differently than other dogs, they have fewer muscles in their behind.

So, if you are asking yourself, Why do Corgis butts float, the answer is because their butt is hollow.

2. A Lot Of Fat In Their Butt

This is not such a popular theory as to why Corgis butts float, and it is kind of the opposite of the first theory, which is considered to be the main one.

This is the theory where Corgis have a lot of fat distributed in their butt because of their build. Having a big head and small legs makes the fat go more to their behind to make a good balance.

It is tough that in this case, the extra fat makes the Corgi’s butt have a good buoy.

Because of this, they will not need to spend a lot of energy while they are swimming because of their flotation device; hence, their butt will help them a lot.

3. Because Of Their Coat

Corgis do come in several colors, and that is beautiful, but they also have a double coat that protects them from a lot of things. The double coat is also considered to be almost waterproof, which makes this type of coat perfect for swimming.

They have a lot more of a coat on their butt area, especially the fluffy Corgis. Since there is a lot of hair, it is believed that a lot of air gets stuck in there when they enter the water.

All that air in their butt gives them a lot of buoyancy.

4. It Has Not Been Scientifically Proven

There are a lot of videos where you can see a Corgi’s butt that looks like it is floating, and they are loved by a lot of people. We may see that, but there is no scientific proof that clearly determines why their butt might float.

When it comes to this, it is believed that either all dogs float a bit or none of them do. The Corgis have no exceptional magic trick that will make them float – the magic trick is their floating butt.

Some people don’t even think that this is possible, so all the previous theories go down the drain.

Because of that, it is thought that their floating butt is just a myth that someone made up to make popular videos.

Why Are Corgi Butts So Big In The First Place?

welsh corgi walking outdoor in summer park

Corgis used to be herding dogs, and they were specifically bred to look like that. One of the features that was made for their role are their short legs and big butt.

The purpose of the big butt was to protect them if cattle decided to kick them. Their short legs and big head were great when it came to easily moving and dodging the kick of the cattle.

The big and jiggly, butt is adorable to a lot of people now, but as you can see, it had a purpose back in the day. It was almost like their lifesaver.

Today, it does not serve a lot of purpose. It is just there to look too darn cute.

Can Corgis Swim, And Are They Good At It?

The biggest obstacle that they have when it comes to swimming are their short legs. Their tiny legs don’t give them a lot of opportunity to doggy paddle, which makes swimming a bit more difficult for them.

Buoyancy is the thing that helps the short legs from getting tired. These dogs can be considered to be natural swimmers, but you always need to keep an eye on them. Since they are energetic and love to move around and try new things, swimming is one of those things that if they enjoy it, they can do for a long time.

Corgis can lose their sense of getting tired, and they will probably swim until they ˝collapse˝. This is where you step in. You need to make sure that they get a little break from their swimming adventures, so they do not drown because of them getting tired.

There is the option of a life jacket. Some people think this is a good idea for this dog breed while others do not, but it is up to you to decide what is best for your dog.

The life jacket can surely help them when they get tired. It will hold them above the water surface even when they stop paddling and just stay still.

The best advice is to let them swim in waters that are not deep.

It is known that Corgis are good with kids, but as to whether they are good at swimming… well, it depends on how you look at it. There are two theories:

– They are naturally not good swimmers because of their tiny legs, but they will do it anyway

– They are naturally good swimmers because of their thin coat that allows them to have buoyancy, which helps them keep their energy and swim easier than some other dog breeds.

As you can tell, these two theories are kind of the opposite, and the interesting thing is that they are both true. But, whether or not they will be good swimmers depends on how much time they spend swimming, and whether or not they like water.

Do Corgis Actually Like Water?

Corgi dog running on water in river

When it comes to water and swimming, some dog breeds are certainly known for being big fans of swimming. Labradors and Golden Retrievers are two of those dog breeds that tend to be drawn in by every body of water.

Corgis can also be included in this category, but it truly depends from dog to dog. The majority of them enjoy it, and even go crazy when they see water because they just want to dip their paws in it.

But, what happens if they don’t like it, and are even scared of water? Don’t worry – this isn’t anything unusual… it is just important to assess the situation and react accordingly.

One of the parts of dog training and dog socialization is introducing the puppy to water. At first, puppies might be scared, but they will learn to love it a lot easier than a grown dog would.

If you didn’t have the chance to introduce your dog to water like a pool, the sea, or a lake where they can swim, then your pooch might be confused by seeing any of these when it is an adult.

You can train your dog to fall in love with swimming. It might not be as easy as potty training, but with a lot of love and patience, they can get a hold of it.

RELATED: How Often Should You Bathe A Golden Retriever?

They Don’t Like To Swim. What Now?

If you notice that your dog doesn’t like to swim, you need to approach the situation calmly, without rushing anything. The worst thing that you could do is just throw your dog in the water. Yes, some of them will manage to figure it out by themselves, but they for sure won’t fall in love with swimming in this way.

The good thing is that your Corgi has been in touch with water by you showering or bathing him. This is a good way to slowly introduce them to swimming. If you have a bath tub or some kind of a kid pool, you can try filling it until the water covers their legs.

This way, they will have a sense of being somewhere where the water is a bit deeper than they are used to. When you see that they are comfortable with that water level, fill it up even more.

During this process, you are near them, which will give them a lot of comfort. Use a lot of positive reinforcement, and even some treats to make the experience even better.

When you are 100% sure that your pooch is comfortable in that situation, you can introduce them to a pool, the sea, or whatever body of water is closest to you.

Try going in the water with them, so they will know that they are safe. Some dogs will take longer while others might love it almost immediately. Just take your time and be patient.


corgi dog sitting on a log

Why Do Corgis Have Short Legs?

Their tiny legs are just the way they have been bred for a long time. We already mentioned that these dogs were herding dogs. Their short legs were a big advantage when they were doing their herding job.

There is also another theory when it comes to their cute legs. They were originally bred in Wales, which is known to have a rocky terrain. Their small legs were thought to be an advantage for this type of terrain.

This feature, next to their big, floating butt, is one of the main features that they are known for.
Did you know there is a teacup Corgi? Imagine how cute and short their legs are.
RELATED: Corgi Growth Chart: How Big Do Corgi Puppies Get

What Is Achondroplastic Dwarfism?

Achondroplastic Dwarfism can be considered as a defect that can affect dogs like Corgis and Dachshunds. The thing that these two dogs have in common is their short legs.

A gene or fibroblast growth factor is what is important for the growth of the dog’s limbs. It is called FGF4, and in this defect, it does not work properly. This is the reason why these dogs have tiny legs.

To Sum It All Up

Why do Corgi butts float is one of the most interesting questions connected to any dog breed… don’t you agree? We answered all the possible reasons for their butt being buoyant, but the truth is that no theory has been scientifically proven.

All in all, some of the theories make sense, and there are numerous amazing videos that show Corgis and their floating butt.

If you are an owner of a Corgi, we would love to hear from you, and even see a video where your beloved pooch is showing off its floating abilities.
