Cane Corso Boerboel Mix: The Giant Crossbreed Dog For You?

If you love large dogs, you’re not going to find many that are bigger than the Cane Corso or the Boerboel. They are both impressively large and intimidating, although each has its own unique and endearing qualities.

Some dog lovers struggle to choose between the two breeds, so perhaps a mix of the two might be their best choice? But what would a Cane Corso Boerboel mixed breed be like? Well, that’s exactly what we intend to discover!

We’ll examine both of these giant breeds to compare them before suggesting what their offspring might turn out like.

Cane Corso Vs. Boerboel

Believe it or not, these dogs are often mistaken for each other! This is especially so if neither one has cropped ears, which is traditional for both breeds. They are also both mistaken for the English Mastiff and Bullmastiff.

Even so, if you look closely, you can see the differences. We’ll go through these aspects one by one to get a good overall sense of these amazing dogs:


The Cane Corso (also called the Italian Mastiff and a close relation of the Neapolitan Mastiff) measures between 23 and 27.5 inches from paw to shoulder, while the South African Boerboel measures between 23 and 27 inches. So, there’s not much difference in their height! Both are descendants of the mighty Molosser dogs of ancient Greece.

The main difference is their weight, with the Cane Corso generally weighing between 85 and 110 pounds and the Boerboel between 120 and 200 pounds. Now that’s a big difference, especially when it comes to feeding your pooch.

The Cane Corso Boerboel mix will be somewhere between the two. In terms of height, there won’t be any significant difference as the parent dogs are of a similar size. However, they will probably be heavier, somewhere between 100 and 180 pounds.

Read Next: Boerboel Growth Chart


The Corso has a short, stiff double coat that’s pretty smooth and shiny. The soft undercoat is often a slightly contrasting color to the rougher topcoat.

As for colors, they come in black, fawn, gray, gray brindle, red, black brindle, and chestnut brindle. These will have a black or gray mask.

This dog needs brushing two or three times a week to keep the coat clean and healthy. Bathing should be done at least once every 7 weeks and as needed if they get dirty in the meantime. Corsos aren’t always happy about this, so be sure to start the routine when they are very young as this will help them get used to it.

The Boerboel’s double coat is similar in that it is short and thick. However, it may have a slightly softer feel. This will need brushing at least once a week.

This coat comes in brindle, brown, cream, reddish-brown, tawny, and red. These can have white, piebald, or Irish markings or a black mask.

They only need to be bathed occasionally, but once a month would be fine.

Both dogs need to have their teeth brushed and their nails clipped regularly.

Because of the uncertainty around hybrids (and because there seem to be very few examples out there!), it’s difficult to say what type of coat the Cane Corso Boerboel mix will have. Sure, it will be short and probably smooth, but as for the color, who can say? There’s a good chance it will be black, or at least dark, because of the dominant gene that causes the black coat in the Corso.


Both breeds are prone to some of the more common canine health issues, like hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. Both can also suffer from eye problems, like entropion and ectropion (where the eyelashes turn inward or outward, rubbing on the eyelid or eyeball).

Aside from this, they are both susceptible to bloat, which is potentially fatal. This is where the stomach inflates and twists around, cutting off blood to vital organs. It mostly affects big, deep-chested dog breeds and often happens after over-eating/drinking, eating too quickly, or eating directly before or after strenuous exercise. Emergency surgery is usually required.

The Cane Corso Boerboel mix is likely to face the same health problems as the parent dogs, although this can be reduced if the parents are screened for hip and elbow problems.

Bloat (also called GDV or gastric dilatation-volvulus) is another matter. You can choose to get your dog preventative surgery, called a prophylactic gastropexy, which sutures the stomach in place to stop it from twisting. This generally costs between $1,200 and $1,600, whereas emergency GDV surgery is usually between $3,000 and $6,000.

Alternatively, you could keep a close watch on your dog’s eating, drinking, and exercise habits!


Talking of exercise, both dogs need plenty of it! The Cane Corso loves being given a job to do. Take them for a long walk, hike, or run (at least a mile) every morning, and make sure they keep those muscles toned. It’s best to keep them on the leash so you have control at all times.

They enjoy taking part in activities like agility, dock diving, tracking work, and protection sports. They also excel at obedience classes!

The Boerboel also enjoys walking and hiking, as well as strenuous playtime in a secure yard. These dogs won’t go down well at the dog park, so don’t risk it. And never let them off the leash in a public area as their protective nature will take over.

Like the Cane Corso, they also love to join in agility and obedience classes, as well as weight pulling competitions.

The Boerboel Cane Corso mix will likely have similar energy levels and enjoy the same exercises. Being slightly heavier than the regular Cane Corso, it will need a larger quantity of food but will also need to be kept active to avoid becoming overweight. Any high-energy dog is a challenge, but when you add the fact that they are big, muscular, and powerful, this is increased significantly. If they become bored and frustrated, they can resort to destructive and aggressive behavior. It is essential that you provide regular, consistent stimulation and exercise.


The average price for a Cane Corso puppy is between $1,000 and $2,500. You may find them cheaper, but be very wary of scams, puppy mills, and backyard breeders selling too cheaply!

For a superior, show-quality dog with champion bloodline parents, you could be looking at between $5,000 and $8,000.

Boerboels generally cost between $1,200 and $2,400, going as high as $4,000, depending on the color, sex, and the breeder’s reputation.
Putting a price on the Cane Corso Boerboel mix is extremely difficult, as there are so few advertised at the moment. However, we could tentatively suggest that you should expect to pay at least $2,000 for your pup.


Sadly, big dogs generally have a shorter lifespan than small ones. The Cane Corso usually lives for between 9 and 12 years, while the Boerboel is slightly shorter, between 9 and 11 years, probably on account of its heavier weight.

The average accepted lifespan for all dogs is between 10 and 13 years, so as you can see, both breeds are below this.

The best way to improve this figure is by getting your dog from a good breeder that you trust. They will have health testing programs in place to limit the risk of genetic diseases being passed to the pups. They’ll also have a health guarantee in place. You need to play your part by feeding your dog the best diet possible and ensuring they get enough exercise and mental stimulation. Remember to keep their teeth clean, check their ears for infection, and book them in for regular health checks at the vet.

What about the lifespan of a Cane Corso Boerboel mix? As it’s a large dog, you shouldn’t expect it to live much longer than ten or twelve years. Even so, mixed breeds can sometimes be healthier than purebred dogs due to the injection of fresh genes, so there is a chance that your hybrid will be able to squeeze in a couple more years!

Cane Corso Boerboel Mix: Temperament

cane corso boerboel mix dog standing

Photo from:

We’ve put this one under its own special heading as it is arguably the most important factor when it comes to the Cane Corso Boerboel mix.

Mixed breeds can be unpredictable, especially in the hands of inexperienced or unethical breeders. The physical properties of each mixed breed pup will depend on the genes inherited from the parents. They’ll display the features of both breeds, and each pup might favor one parent over the other as it develops.

The same goes for temperament. A puppy might have the calm, confident intelligence of the Boerboel or the affectionate but watchful nature of the Cane Corso.

Both dogs can be affectionate, but the Corso has a reputation for being more of a velcro dog. While it may not actively seek cuddles from all family members, it will stick close by as it just loves your company. The Boerboel is slightly more independent but will come to you for a cuddle when it wants to.

In all probability, the Cane Corso Boerboel mix will have elements of both.

It will always be alert, looking out for any threats to its home or family, so it will make an excellent watchdog.

It will be very affectionate and great with kids, though you’ll need to take care that it doesn’t bump them over in its enthusiasm.

There’s a good chance it will be wary and distrustful of strangers and will not take kindly to other dogs. A high prey drive is very likely, so you’ll need to be careful with small animals and pets. Letting this dog off the leash in public areas would be unwise!

You’ll need to socialize this dog from an early age, which will go some way to reducing undesirable behavior. However, you’ll still need to be vigilant.

The Cane Corso Boerboel mix will definitely be intelligent. It will have an uncanny ability to read your moods and second-guess your commands. It will assess threats, consider what action to take, and then go ahead unless you give a contrary command.

Above all, it will be obedient, devoted, and loyal. This dog lives to please you. Its mission is to keep you safe, and that’s all that matters. It’s up to you to make sure that it has all the love, care, and attention it deserves.

Are Boerboel Aggressive?

Any dog can be aggressive if they are fearful, in pain, mistreated, or don’t receive proper training and socialization.

However, the Boerboel has a history of aggression towards other dogs, especially of the same breed and sex.

Boerboels were first bred in South Africa in the 1600s as guard dogs and for hunting big game. They were produced using European Bulldogs and Mastiff-type dogs. Over time, these became known as the “farmer’s dog” (boer is the Dutch word for farmer) or the South African Mastiff.

These dogs had to be fearless as they were expected to take on big cats and other dangerous wildlife, including marauding baboons! They were also highly intelligent, able to determine friend from foe and read their owners’ moods, ready to take action at a moment’s notice. These dogs were bred to be loving and affectionate towards family and able to protect them from the wild animals that surrounded the remote farmsteads.

Although they are still used to protect livestock and humans these days, many more are kept as companion dogs. While there have been reports of aggressive Boerboels, these are in the minority. These dogs are generally placid, calm, and watchful. They observe and weigh up any dangers before taking action but will rarely back down once they have gone into protection mode!

The trick is to get your dog from a reputable breeder, as you will know that your pup’s parents will be of good stock and will both have a balanced temperament. Good breeders also begin the socialization and training process, and you must commit to continuing this until your dog is well-adjusted and obedient.

So, while there are aggressive Boerboels, with the right breeding, training, and socialization, you can ensure that your dog is not one of them!

Are Cane Corsi Aggressive?

black cane corso with a spiked collar

It’s a fair question, given that we already asked about the Boerboel!

The truth is that, yes, Cane Corsi can be aggressive at times. However, as we already mentioned, all dogs have this potential under certain circumstances.

It’s interesting to note that the Cane Corso is banned or restricted in many states and cities in the U.S., while the Boerboel faces no such treatment. This highlights just how pointless breed-specific legislation is! Restricting or banning an entire breed based on bite statistics is never a sensible course of action.

The main reason for the restrictions against the Cane Corso is its immense bite force, which is an astonishing 700 PSI, while the Boerboel is around 400 PSI.

In comparison, the average dog has a bite force of about 150 to 180 PSI. Anyone who’s been bitten by a dog knows how painful it can be. One can only imagine how much worse it is to get bitten by a Cane Corso or Boerboel. The thing is, would you really care whether it was 400 or 700 PSI? It’s probably going to put you in hospital either way! So, where is the sense in banning one and allowing the other?

Once again, the key to reducing any aggression is to use a reputable breeder and to train and socialize your dog as soon as possible. Educate your kids about how to act around dogs and never leave them unsupervised. Keep your dog well exercised and always provide adequate mental stimulation. Both of these breeds like to be kept busy, the Corso especially.

Cane Corsi are naturally suspicious of strangers, which is what makes them such great guard dogs. Even so, you don’t want them attacking your guests every time you have friends and family over! It’s your responsibility to teach your dog that not everyone is a threat. Early, consistent, extensive socialization is the best way to help them judge for themselves whether someone is a threat or not.

Cane Corso Boerboel Mix Puppies For Sale

cane corso boerboel mix puppy

Photo from: @eva.queen.b

So, where do you go to get your Cane Corso Boerboel mix puppy?

It’s a good question! Finding a breeder who produces these dogs will be difficult. A quick Google search might list some for sale on classified ads, but these are never worth the risk. Puppy scams are rife online, and around 80% of all pups advertised on the internet don’t actually exist!

Your best bet is to approach a reputable Boerboel or Cane Corso breeder. Even if they don’t produce crossbreeds, they may have the right connections to put you in touch with an ethical breeder who does.

The trouble is, most breeders focus on one, maybe two breeds with the aim of preserving and improving them. Many will regard the production of hybrids as a deviation from this, putting the breed at risk.

Organizations such as the American Kennel Club (AKC) don’t recognize mixed breeds, so you won’t be able to register your pup with them.

Because of this, you may struggle to find a reputable breeder who produces the Cane Corso Boerboel mix. Never be tempted to use a backyard breeder, as the pups will be poorly bred, sickly, and you’ll have no guarantees as to their temperament or character. You will also have no idea which breeds have been used as these people are not above lying just to make a sale. Your Cane Corso Boerboel mix could be anything, from a Rottweiler to a Great Dane, or even a Pitbull breed!

If you really want a Cane Corso Boerboel mix puppy, then you’ll probably be in for a long wait. To save time, you might want to go for either a Cane Corso or a Boerboel puppy!

Is This The Best Dog For You?

black cane corso boerboel mix

Photo from:

The truth is that neither of these dogs is ideal for a first-time dog owner. Yes, they are generally viewed as gentle giants, for the most part. But each one has its challenges. The Cane Corso is seriously protective, while the Boerboel is extremely territorial. Both need careful handling and must be well-trained. Without proper training, socialization, adequate exercise and mental stimulation, an assertive owner, and a lot of love and patience, these dogs tend to assume control and can become aggressive.

There’s no reason to believe that a Cane Corso Boerboel mix would be any different!

This dog may have the protective nature of the Corso and the territorial instincts of the Boerboel. Then again, it could favor one more than the other. That’s the fun of owning a crossbreed! This doesn’t mean it won’t be a great family dog – it just needs the right owner. They need someone who can cope with the challenges and give them the very best life, which is no less than they deserve.

So, if you can find one and think you have what it takes, then good luck to you. If you put in the right amount of love and effort, you’ll reap the rewards as this is bound to be a loving, loyal, and faithful dog.

Of course, you could save yourself a lot of hassle and get a Poodle or Retriever!

Read Next: The 3 Best Boerboel Breeders In The UK For 2022
