Can Dogs Eat Jicama? Is This A Healthy Treat?


Have you heard of jicama, a Mexican jam? This root veggie from Mexico isn’t something that can easily be found on the shelves of our supermarkets. It’s exotic, unusual, and you may even wonder if it’s safe to eat.

Well, let me clarify something: jicama is good for you.

This veggie not only promotes good bacteria, but it’s an excellent source of fibers, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. There are even some studies showing jicama as a surprisingly healthy treat.

So, it’s healthy for we humans, but what about dogs?

There are certain foods like basil, carrots, beets, edamame beans, artichokes, and turnips that are actually good for your dog. And, of course, some foods like wasabi, jalapenos, pesto, etc. should never be on your dog’s menu.

If you’re curious about jicama belonging on the “yes” or “no” list, I suggest you keep on reading. By the end of this short lesson, you’ll be very surprised!

So, Can Dogs Eat Jicama?

jicama cut into an oval

The short answer to this question would be: Yes, dogs can eat jicama.

However, I’d like to point out that not all parts of the plant are okay for consumption, especially not for dogs.

While your pooch can nibble on raw or cooked jicama, make sure that Fido never eats the seeds, the skin, the stems, or the leaves. Those are toxic parts if consumed, and may lead to fatal results.

All in all, jicama is surprisingly a great treat for dogs. If you have the chance to try out this incredibly healthy root vegetable, I suggest you do.

Jicama is good for us all, and it should be a staple part of our kitchen!

Is Jicama Okay For Dogs? Tell Me About Jicama’s Many Benefits!

fresh sticks of jicame

This Mexican plant has numerous health benefits. Some of them will surprise you!

Jicama is not only an excellent immune system booster, but it’s also a great help for losing weight.

But, this is only the beginning. If you keep on reading, you’ll learn about the health benefits of jicama for your dog. You won’t have to wonder whether jicama is good. You’ll know it.

Rich In Vitamins And Minerals

Jicama root is beyond rich in vitamins and minerals. In fact, one cup of this Mexican potato carries an abundance of vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A, as well as vitamin B6.

Regular consumption of the jicama plant will give a boost to the dog’s immune system. Your four-legged buddy will be much stronger and resistant to aggressive health issues.

As for the minerals section, jicama will benefit a growing dog’s diet since it’s a terrific source of calcium, potassium, iron, selenium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Not many veggies can brag about containing so many vitamins and minerals in one cup like jicama.

Low-Calorie Properties

You might think: it’s low in calories, so it can’t be THAT good for my dog, right?

Well, wrong.

Just because jicama is low in calories doesn’t mean it’s not nutritious. As you can see, jicama carries many nutritional benefits in the forms of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. However, it’s also an amazing source of healthy fats and fibers.

Eating jicama will keep your pup satisfied longer. It will provide lots of energy to get Fido through the day.

Jicama, especially in the raw form, contains lots of water and fibers. This should help your dog lower high blood sugar levels and prevent any further rise.

What I want to highlight is that jicama helps with weight loss. Serve cooked jicama or raw jicama sticks if your dog is fighting obesity and you want to introduce a healthy treat.

Eating jicama won’t add extra pounds to your dog’s weight, but it will benefit its heart health. Your pup will quickly become healthy and fit if it consumes veggies like this Mexican yam.

Dietary Fiber In Jicama

a lot of chopped jicame

I won’t bug you again about how rich jicama is in fibers. What I want to emphasize is how much those fibers help a dog’s digestive system.

Fibers help with one’s bowel movement, but soluble fibers can also lower cholesterol levels.

A prebiotic fiber found in jicama, inulin, helps with the production of good gut bacteria. This leads to a balanced flora in a dog’s stomach and prevents further digestive problems, such as upset stomach or constipation. But, this isn’t only true for your furry friends. Humans can benefit from jicama, too!

Some studies have shown that jicama significantly reduces the risk of colon cancer.

So, all in all, this mood booster truly works wonders!

Antioxidants And Jicama

I’ve mentioned earlier that a single serving of jicama is packed with numerous goodies… one of them being antioxidants, such as beta carotene.

Antioxidants help a dog’s health by fighting free radicals. They are proven to restore cellular damage that has been done because of some chronic or inflammatory disease.

These antioxidants also help reduce stress, high blood pressure, or chronic illnesses like some cardiovascular problems, heart diseases, diabetes, and even cancer!

This is just another reason why jicama should be both dog and human food.

Is Jicama Poisonous To Dogs?

Fresh jicama in a basket on wooden background

Just because a vegetable is healthy for your dog doesn’t mean you should go overboard and include it in every meal your dog eats.

As I mentioned earlier, only the fleshy part of the jicama plant is safe to eat. Other parts of the plant are poisonous because they contain high levels of rotenone – a sort of poison that’s used in pesticides.

Rotenone is lethal to both dogs and humans, so make sure no one eats other parts of jicama like the seeds or the leaves.

Also, you need to be careful with introducing this new food to your dog. Start with small pieces and mix them with your dog’s regular food.

Gradually increase the amount up to the recommended daily serving.

In case you notice changes in your dog’s behavior or allergic reactions, followed by vomiting or diarrhea, stop feeding your dog jicama and go to the vet.

How Do You Serve Jicama To Dogs?

cooked jicama in a pan

I know some of you like preparing homemade treats for your furry buddies. If you’re a dog owner who likes to know what his dog is eating, then you probably need some ideas for meals or treats with fresh fruits, veggies, and proteins.

Whether you like serving food raw or cooking meals for your pup, you’ll find jicama to be quite versatile. It has a pleasant flavor, which combines nicely with lots of other ingredients such as cilantro, turkey, chicken, broccoli, etc.

Dog food isn’t only kibble in a can. You can prepare a lovely meal, and maybe even store some for later. However, I recommend that you don’t overuse jicama in your recipes. In fact, don’t overuse any ingredient as it may have a negative impact on your dog.


jicama in a bowl

What Does Jicama Taste Like?

Not everyone gets the chance to see how jicama tastes. This Mexican turnip isn’t a staple in the States. If your local grocery store carries it, I recommend you grab some because it’s very healthy for all of us.

Some of the people who have tried jicama say it tastes similar to an apple. I agree partially: it’s crunchy, juicy, and sweet, but it resembles a cross between a potato and a pear.

Also, because of its nutty taste, jicama is called a water chestnut… so many names for this simple root veggie!

Can Dogs Eat Jicama Sticks?


Jicama sticks are nothing other than chopped raw jicama as small as little sticks. Of course, make sure it’s peeled first in order to avoid rotenone.

Jicama sticks can serve as a great treat when training your dog, especially if he’s a food-motivated one. Just don’t feed your Fido a bunch of jicama and nothing else, okay?

Where Can I Find Fresh Jicama?

I understand it’s hard to find fresh jicama, but try looking somewhere else other than your local supermarket.

This root vegetable comes from South America, Central America, and Mexico, so maybe finding a Mexican food store or a market won’t be such a bad idea. Also, I’ve seen this yam bean in Asian stores, so check them out!

If everything else fails, you can always order jicama seeds off of Amazon and grow some yourself!


You don’t have to ask, “Can dogs eat jicama” anymore. That’s quite clear!

Yes, dogs can eat jicama, but you need to be careful which parts of the plant your dog is consuming. Make sure that only the flesh of jicama is fed to your dog – never the leaves, skin, or stems!

Jicama is beyond healthy, with lots of goodies like vitamins C, E, and A, and minerals like calcium and potassium, as well as antioxidants.
Jicama treats health diseases, and it also prevents certain conditions.

Your pup’s digestive tract will be working like a clock, and its immune system will be rock hard, all thanks to the regular consumption of jicama.

I said you’ll be surprised with how many health benefits this exotic root veggie has!

Can Dogs Eat Jicama? A Complete Guide Every Dog Owner should read!
