15 Adorable Pictures That Show Why Kids Need Dogs In Their Lives


If there’s one thing I learned as a dog owner, it’s that doggies are just like babies, and I believe that is why they get along so well.

Growing up with a pet is a priceless experience, as dogs and babies learn so much from each other about socialization and relationships.

They also have tons of adorable moments together that can make anyone go “awww”, as seen in the pictures below.

#1 “Before I Had A Kid… I Thought Dogs And Babies Were Basically The Same.”

Now that I have a kid, I can confirm I was right.

A Redditer named caits-mcgates left a caption with this photo that we couldn’t agree more with.

two dogs follow the boy
Source: Reddit

#2 Sleep Buddies

Who needs a toy for sleeping when you have a furry pal?

the dog sleeps on the child
Source: Reddit

#3 We Didn’t Do Anything

These three definitely look like they are about to do something wrong.

two cute dogs are sitting next to the boy
Source: Reddit

#4 Sorry, Hooman…

… But this baby is mine.

a smiling child lies next to a sleeping dog
Source: Reddit

#5 A Smile Worth A Thousand Words

Cute moments like this one are priceless.

a smiling child lies next to a dog
Source: Reddit

#6 I Love You So Much…

… That I don’t mind your butt on my forehead.

the child sleeps in the bed with the dog
Source: Pinterest

#7 Pillows Are Overrated

My furry pal is much cozier.

a boy leaning on a dog while watching TV
Source: Pinterest

#8 Look At Those Treats!

Who’s coming with me?

cute dogs sightseeing with a boy
Source: Pinterest

#9 Don’t Cry, Buddy

I’ve got your back.

a dog caresses a crying boy
Source: Pinterest

#10 Snuggle Buddies

Sleeping on the floor has never been better.

the boy hugged the dog and lay on the floor
Source: Pinterest

#11 We Can Eat That

I bet mom won’t even notice it!

the dog keeps the little girl company in the kitchen
Source: Pinterest

#12 Mommy, Don’t Tell Them To Get Out

I won’t go to sleep without them.

two pit bulls in a crib with a child
Source: Pinterest

#13 Trio Fantastico

Boss baby and his loyal pals.

two dachshunds with a child in a crib
Source: Pinterest

#14 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

I will keep you safe and sound.

a boy sleeps in the arms of a pit bull
Source: Pinterest

#15 Who Says You Can’t Crawl And Take Your Toy With You?

C’mon… I’ll teach you how to do it.

a dog and a child hold a toy in their mouths
Source: Pinterest

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) conducted research which has proven that dogs, and animals in general, have a positive influence on children’s mental health, socialization, and cognitive development. [1]

If heartwarming pictures and scientific facts can’t convince you to get a furry buddy for your kid, I don’t know what will.


Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI). “Child Health & Development.” Retrieved on April 20, 2023 from https://habri.org/research/child-health/
