In a heartbreaking story, the lion Ruben spent five years in total silence as the only resident of an abandoned zoo. Imprisoned alone in a cramped cage, the 15-year-old lion had lost his roar.
However, a glimmer of hope appeared when an animal charity from the UK intervened to rescue him and give him the chance to roar once more. Jan Creamer, representing Animal Defenders International, revealed that the lonely zoo, located in the Republic of Artsakh, had once belonged to an Armenian businessman. After his death, other animals were rescued, but Ruben had nowhere to go.
She explained, “Lions thrive in social groups, and their roar is their way of communicating. Ruben had never felt the warmth of the sun or the touch of the wind on his face.” Fortunately, Ruben’s fate was about to change as plans were being made to bring him to a sanctuary in South Africa, where he could regain his voice.
This delicate rescue mission required meticulous planning and careful timing to avoid escalating tensions in the region, all under the supervision of Russian peacekeepers.
The businessman’s family, recognizing Ruben’s desperate need for a better life, happily agreed to let him move, even though it meant passing through several armed checkpoints. After being sedated and cared for by a veterinarian, Ruben began his nine-hour journey to a bear sanctuary near Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. The Wildlife Conservation and Cultural Heritage Fund (FPWC) oversees the sanctuary. Ultimately, Ruben will be transferred to an ADI sanctuary in South Africa, which specializes in rehabilitating lions and tigers.
Years of isolation and poor nutrition had caused Ruben significant health issues. However, his once-matted and dull coat was gradually becoming sleek as he adapted to a nourishing diet and the comfort of a dry grass bed, a heated room, and a spacious 30ft x 15ft enclosure.
Jan Creamer said, “This is the largest space he’s ever known, but the real transformation will occur in Africa, where he’ll have access to 2.5 acres of natural habitat. His muscles have weakened from a lifetime of confinement, and he shows signs of nerve damage in his spine and head.”
Moreover, one of his legs is unsteady, and he drags it behind him. However, Ruben is showing promising progress with proper exercise and nutrition.
Ruben’s interactions and bonding with humans have sparked hope that he will roar again. His calls went unanswered for half a decade, but his rescuers believe he will regain his voice and find comfort in his new home.