A Brazilian gardener successfully solved the mystery surrounding a rare fruit.


Another example supporting the idea that anything related to Brazil is associated with sensuality has surfaced. A female gardener in the city of San Jose de Ribamar, located in northern Brazil, recently discovered that the fruit of her Lacre plant bears a striking resemblance to a male genitalia.

Đỏ mặt trước những cây quả đột biến thành hình "của quý" 1Đỏ mặt trước những cây quả đột biến thành hình "của quý" 1

Normally, this indigenous fruit is round and has a delicious taste that is similar to a Brazilian cocktail called Caipirinhas.

While no unusual Lacre fruit has ripened yet, the owner of the plant, Maria Rodrigues de Aguiar Farias (53), has reported an influx of tourists who are eager to see the “weird” fruit, and she has started charging admission fees.

She said, “If you Want to look, it costs 2 reals (about 1 USD), if you Want to take a photo, I charge 15 reals (about 9 USD), and if you Want to shoot a video, you have to pay 20 reals (about 12 USD).”

According to G1, a local plant expert has examined this plant and stated that it is beneficial to health. Marcelo Cavallari, a member of Brazil’s agricultural research group, added that while waiting for the fruit to ripen to see how sweet it tastes, its outward appearance should not be a cause for concern.

Cavallari added, “It’s very big and thick, probably 15-20 cm long.”
