This Determined Pup Decided To Prove The Vets Wrong And Show His Hooman That He Can Walk Again


Ask any doggo parent you know and I am sure that they will tell you that their furry friends are more than a pet.

They become such integral parts of the family that imagining a day without them is absolutely impossible. Thus, whenever our fur babies fall ill or become injured, a sense of sadness and worry washes over us.

A dog parent called Taylor has experienced one of the most heartbreaking things ever. Luckily, for her, she had lady luck smiling!

Heartbreaking News

a happy dog ​​with its tongue out is sitting on the pavement
Source: @taylorcezanne

While spending some time at a dog park with her adorable boy called Cooper, Taylor thought it was going to be just a regular day of playing fetch.

However, as he was chasing after the ball, Cooper slipped and fell.

“All of a sudden, he could not get up. He’s paralyzed from the waist down, like in a matter of seconds,” Taylor told The Dodo.

Terrified, Taylor rushed him to the ER where the pup received a thorough checkup. When the results came, the vets informed her that he may not be able to walk ever again.

the dog lies on the terrace and looks around
Source: @taylorcezanne

Taylor was crushed. After spending some time at the hospital, Cooper was finally able to come home where Taylor made sure to give him the best welcome possible.

Since she was told that he probably wasn’t going to be able to use the bathroom properly, Taylor decided to make Cooper a little bed in the shower. Not being able to bear leaving him all alone, she decided to make one for herself, too, so that she could stay by him the entire night.

the woman sits next to the dog and points to the food
Source: @taylorcezanne

One Step At A Time

After he had some time to decompress, Taylor signed her pup up for some physical therapy.

“They basically did a lot of balancing exercises. And then, of course, the infamous underwater treadmill,” she added.

Taylor knew that the most important thing for her pup was to remain active. And, even though she was afraid of him getting injured again, this determined hooman took her pup out three times a day!

a man keeps a dog on a leash
Source: @taylorcezanne

She did this by taking off some of his weight with a little harness. With such love and care, sweet Cooper began showing signs of improvement.

In no time, Cooper was able to walk all by himself!

“It made me feel so incredibly happy and grateful. Cooper is so resilient. At this point, he is off his butt leash. Now, Cooper is living a great life,” Taylor said.

Cooper was able to find his inner puppy again, getting constant zoomies and running all over the place.  

a woman takes a picture with her dog on the street
Source: @taylorcezanne

This sweet boy did something that many thought he could never do again. He refused to let go of his happy personality and decided to do everything in his power to get his old life back!

“It was so amazing to see him just be a dog. He looks at me like ‘I don’t have to worry about a thing when you’re around’. And to me that is just the ultimate sign of love,” Taylor concluded.
