Today is my birthday but also the day I was abandoned, hope to receive everyone’s love

Sara Kome Mrs

Runa, a small, scruffy dog with eyes that held a world of sadness, wandered aimlessly through the bustling city streets. Today was her birthday, a day that most dogs would celebrate with joy and affection. But for Runa, it was a day of stark contrast, a reminder of the day she was abandoned, left to fend for herself in a world that seemed indifferent to her plight.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long, dancing shadows across the pavement, Runa curled up in a sheltered doorway. She shivered, not just from the cold, but from the loneliness that gnawed at her heart. She remembered the warmth of a loving family, the comfort of a soft bed, and the joy of a belly rub. Those memories were like fading dreams, distant echoes of a life she could only yearn for.

A tear rolled down Runa’s cheek, a silent plea for companionship. She longed for a gentle hand to stroke her fur, a kind voice to offer words of comfort. But the city was a cold and unforgiving place, and Runa was just one among many lost souls.

As the night deepened, Runa closed her eyes, her dreams filled with images of a loving home. She imagined a family playing with her in a grassy yard, a warm lap to rest her weary head. But when she awoke, the harsh reality of her situation came crashing back. She was alone, unwanted, and afraid.

And so, Runa’s birthday passed, a day of sorrow and longing. But even in the face of adversity, she held onto a flicker of hope, a belief that one day, someone would see her, love her, and take her home.
