Happy Birthday Heni – the abandoned dog now has a happy family

Sara Kome Mrs

Heni wasn’t always a happy dog. Once, he was a stray, wandering the streets alone and afraid. He had no home, no family, and no one to care for him. But that all changed on a fateful day.

It was Heni’s birthday, a day he had spent countless times alone, his heart heavy with sadness. But this year, something was different. As he was scavenging for food in a local park, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

“Heni!” a woman shouted, her eyes filled with joy. It was Sarah, a kind-hearted woman who had taken a liking to Heni after seeing him wandering the streets. She had been searching for him for weeks, hoping to adopt him.

Sarah scooped Heni up into her arms and gave him a big hug. “Happy birthday, boy!” she exclaimed. “You’re coming home with me now.”

Heni’s tail wagged with excitement as Sarah led him to her car. As they drove away, Heni looked back at the park where he had spent so many lonely days. He knew that his life was about to change forever.

When they arrived at Sarah’s home, Heni was greeted by a loving family. There were children to play with, a warm bed to sleep in, and plenty of food to eat. Heni had never felt so happy or loved before.

As the sun began to set, Heni curled up on the couch beside Sarah, his head resting on her lap. He closed his eyes and smiled. This was his new life, a life filled with love, joy, and companionship. And he couldn’t be happier.
