Today is my child’s 1st birthday, I just wish my child has a happy home

Sara Kome Mrs

Maya, a stray mother dog, had weathered countless storms, both literal and figurative. Her days were a relentless struggle, a constant search for food, shelter, and safety for herself and her young pup, Luna. Today, however, was a day of bittersweet significance. It was Luna’s first birthday.

Maya’s heart ached with a mix of joy and sorrow. Joy for her daughter’s growth and resilience, but sorrow for the life she knew Luna deserved. She had watched her pup grow from a tiny, helpless bundle of fur into a vibrant, playful young dog. But she also knew the harsh realities of life on the streets, and she feared for Luna’s future.

Maya would do anything to protect her daughter. She spent her days scavenging for scraps of food, begging from passersby, and guarding Luna from danger. She would often go hungry herself, ensuring that her pup had enough to eat.

On Luna’s birthday, Maya was determined to make it a special day. She scoured the streets for any edible morsels she could find. With a bit of luck, she managed to scavenge a few scraps of meat and a bone. She brought them back to their makeshift shelter, a small, abandoned building, and placed them in front of Luna.

As Luna eagerly devoured the food, Maya’s heart swelled with pride. She watched her daughter with love and longing, wishing she could give her so much more. She dreamed of a home for Luna, a place where she would be safe, loved, and cared for.

As the sun began to set, Maya curled up next to her daughter, her body trembling slightly. She held Luna close, whispering words of love and comfort. In that moment, despite the hardships they faced, Maya felt a sense of peace. She knew that her love for Luna was the greatest gift she could give her. And as Luna slept soundly, Maya prayed that one day, her daughter would find the happy home she so desperately deserved.
