Today is my birthday but until now I still haven’t received any wishes, I feel very sad

Sara Kome Mrs

Minon was a golden retriever with a heart as big as his fluffy tail. Normally, his birthdays were filled with excitement, treats, and belly rubs from his beloved family. But today, a cloud of sadness hung over him. It was his special day, yet not a single birthday wish had reached his ears.

Minon wandered around the house, his tail drooping dejectedly. He looked up at the empty windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of his family. But they were nowhere to be seen. A lump formed in his throat as he remembered the joyous celebrations of birthdays past.

He padded over to his favorite spot on the couch, the one where he used to curl up with his humans. The spot felt colder and emptier than usual. A tear rolled down Minon’s furry cheek. He missed his family terribly.

Minon spent the rest of the day alone, his heart heavy with longing. He tried to keep his spirits up by playing with his favorite toy, a squeaky tennis ball, but even that failed to bring him joy. As the sun began to set, Minon curled up in his bed, feeling more alone than ever.

As the night deepened, Minon closed his eyes, his mind filled with thoughts of his family. He dreamed of a birthday filled with laughter, love, and endless treats. Perhaps, just perhaps, his family would return and make his birthday a truly special one.
