Today is my birthday but I’m just a homeless dog, I have no home to go back to

Sara Kome Mrs

Lion wasn’t always a stray. Once, he had a warm bed, a loving family, and a yard to play in. But life had taken an unexpected turn, and now he wandered the streets, a solitary figure in a bustling city. Today was his birthday, a day that should have been filled with joy and celebration, but for Lion, it was just another day of hunger, fear, and loneliness.

As the sun rose, casting long shadows across the city, Lion emerged from a discarded cardboard box that had served as his temporary shelter. He sniffed the air, his nose twitching at the tantalizing scent of food. But the aroma quickly faded, replaced by the familiar emptiness of his stomach.

Lion wandered the streets, his tail drooping between his legs. People hurried past, oblivious to his presence. Some even averted their eyes, as if he were a creature to be avoided. Lion longed for a friendly pat, a kind word, or even just a gentle glance. But all he received was indifference and neglect.

As the day wore on, Lion’s spirits sank. He curled up in a quiet corner, his body shivering with cold. Memories of his former life flooded his mind. He remembered the playful games he used to have with his family, the warm cuddles on the couch, and the endless love and attention he received.

Tears welled up in Lion’s eyes. He missed his family more than anything in the world. He longed to feel loved and wanted again. But as darkness fell, he knew that his dream of a happy home was just a fantasy.

As Lion drifted off to sleep, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness. His birthday had been a lonely affair, a stark reminder of the harsh reality he faced. But even in his darkest hour, Lion held onto a glimmer of hope. Perhaps one day, someone would see him, not as a stray, but as a friend in need.
