Dog Who Slept On The Cold Shelter Concrete For 7 Years Finally Felt The Warmth Of Home


Seeing a dog abandoned by everyone and left on the street to fend for itself is one of the most heartbreaking things a true dog lover can witness. 

Unfortunately, nothing better for our furry friends is in the shelter because the shelter is simply not a place for dogs. Although they have food, water, and occasional care from employees and volunteers, they lack the most important thing – the true love of their favorite person. 

Every day, we hear different stories from shelters, and most of them are quite sad. Nothing was better for one dog who was forced to spend most of his life in that dark and lonely place. 

However, in the later years of his life, the sun finally shone on him. 

2730 Days Of Emptiness

close-up photo of dog lying
Source: Facebook

The event that happened right at the beginning of his life, when he was still a puppy, was an indication of the difficult and sad days that followed.

Namely, the American Staffordshire Terrier, Bipo, was adopted when he was one year old only to be returned to the TAM animal shelter soon after. 

The shelter employees and volunteers were heartbroken, but they thought that he would soon get a new chance, considering that he was a puppy and that puppies are adopted much more easily than older dogs. Sadly, this was not the case. 

The days passed, and Bipo became increasingly lonely in his dark kennel. On that sad “journey,” he faced numerous problems, including those related to his health, which made it difficult for him to find a forever home. 

dog looking at the camera
Source: Facebook

Aside from that, the fact that his breed is on the PPP list made things even more complicated. Days, months, and years passed, and poor Bipo had to languish alone in the kennel and watch his furry colleagues from the shelter go to new loving families.

He had to be extremely strong to withstand all that, and fortunately, he was. 

For 2730 days!

Sun After A Long Rain

dog sitting on grass
Source: @gentlepawsrescue

Luckily, through all those years spent in the shelter, Bipo was very strong and did not remove the smile from his face. The employees of the shelter, the people who took care of him for all those seven years and became his best friends, never once thought of giving up on him.

That’s why on June 11, 2024, they made an effort to post a clip featuring Bipo and his life in a few heartwarming pictures via the account, @gentlepawsrescue.

dog sitting on grass with yellow flowers
Source: @gentlepawsrescue

This TikTok clip soon attracted a lot of attention and made many people react. “oh my gosh this breaks my heart. 8 years old and waiting for 7 years. how very very sad. he grew up waiting 😭” one user wrote, while the other commented: “Let’s find Bipo a home!! 💜🙏🏻”

The third quipped: “please let this be one of those that goes viral and he has a home within a week 😭😭😭😭”

To the delight of all of us, their wishes were soon granted because one family fell in love with Bipo and decided to give him a forever home

After seven long years of solitude, darkness, and the coldness of the kennel, Bipo finally felt the true warmth of home and the brightness of the sun that we hope will shine on him for the rest of his life.
