A Sorrowful Stray Mama Dog Was Pleading For Help While She Was Holding Her Puppies in Her Arms


Life on the streets is difficult for all canines, but for mother dogs and little puppies, it’s unbearable.

As mothers struggle to find food for their babies, they live in constant fear that something bad will happen to them.

A malnourished stray mother, later named Vicky, felt helpless when she found herself on the side of a road with her two puppies clinging to her for solace.

The passers-by who saw the canine family struggling on the street ignored them and pretended that they didn’t see them.

While the mama dog was holding her babies in her embrace, she gazed at the people with eyes filled with despair.

She hoped that someone would find compassion in their hearts for her and her hungry babies.

A Good Human Steps In

stray mother dog
Source: Animal Shelter

A kind-hearted woman noticed Vicky and her babies trembling on the side of the road. 

Feeling brokenhearted for the canine family, the good human gave them a towel to keep warm and called a dog rescuer.

Shortly afterward, a rescuer arrived at the location and found the two puppies crying and hugging each other.

two cute puppies
Source: Animal Shelter

A moment later, Vicky returned to her babies and tried to console them. 

Since the mother dog didn’t find any food for her and her pups, she curled up on the ground, feeling hopeless. 

The doggo closed her eyes and hugged her babies tightly, hoping that her love was enough. She didn’t have anything else to give them.

mother dog feeding a puppies
Source: Animal Shelter

When the rescuer talked to Vicky for the first time, the canine opened her eyes and looked at the woman with a dejected look on her face. She was begging her to help her family.

After the good-hearted woman comforted Vicky and her pups, she took them home. 

Feeling The Warmth Of A Home

mother dog and two puppies
Source: Animal Shelter

In the very beginning, Vicky was distrustful of her rescuer. The canine didn’t realize that she wanted to help her and her furballs.

The woman took excellent care of the canine family. The puppies loved her. They ran into her arms as if they wanted to thank her for everything she did for them.

Since the rescuer wondered if the mama dog had more puppies, she returned to the side of the road where she found Vicky and her babies. The woman searched the area, but she didn’t find any more babies.

As days passed, Vicky and her furballs thrived. 

The mother dog watched her babies as they enjoyed their puppyhood. She felt content because her children were safe and well-taken care of.

Finding Happiness

owner holding a black puppy
Source: Animal Shelter

Soon, the black puppy stole the heart of his rescuer’s friend. A wonderful woman gave him a forever home, promising to make him happy.

The dog’s rescuer started looking for a family that would give the other puppy the lovely home that she deserved.

woman and brown puppy
Source: Animal Shelter

The adorable furball, later named Dina, didn’t have to wait long. A great family fell in love with her and decided to adopt her.

Vicky could finally focus on herself. She stayed with her hero who pampered her with care and gave her a lot of love.

The mother dog gained weight and she became even more beautiful than before.

Vicky hoped to find her happiness, too.

After waiting for some time, the gorgeous mother dog got her happy ending. She was adopted into a great family.

woman petting a happy dog
Source: Animal Shelter

At first, Vicky was confused, but she quickly realized she was finally home. Her family adored her, and the doggo fell in love with them.

She was delighted to meet her doggy sibling, who became her best friend.

From a sorrowful stray dog begging for help on the side of a road, Vicky became a happy dog who lived her dream life.
