Today is my birthday but no one in my family remembers it, I feel very sad

Sara Kome Mrs

Jenri was a sweet and loyal dog who loved his family more than anything in the world. Today was his special day, his birthday, but no one seemed to remember.

The morning started off like any other. Jenri’s family was busy with their own routines. His humans were rushing to get ready for work, and his feline siblings were lounging around, uninterested in anything but their own comfort. Jenri waited patiently by the door, hoping for a special treat or a belly rub to celebrate his birthday.

As the day went on, Jenri’s heart sank. No one had mentioned his birthday, and he hadn’t received any special attention. He followed his family around the house, his tail drooping sadly. He tried to catch their attention, but they were too distracted to notice.

By the evening, Jenri couldn’t hold back his tears. He curled up in his favorite spot, his head resting on his paws. He felt so alone and forgotten. He had always been such a good boy, and he couldn’t understand why his family had forgotten his birthday.

As Jenri lay there, feeling sorry for himself, he heard a soft scratching sound. He looked up and saw his favorite human, Sarah, approaching him. She knelt down and gently stroked his fur.

“Oh, Jenri, I’m so sorry,” she said. “I completely forgot it was your birthday. I’m such a bad owner.”

Jenri’s tail wagged happily. He had finally been noticed. Sarah apologized again and promised to make it up to him. She gave him a big hug and a special treat.

From that day forward, Jenri’s family made sure to never forget his birthday again. They celebrated with a special meal, lots of playtime, and plenty of love and attention. And Jenri, who had once felt so alone and forgotten, was finally happy and loved.
