Today is my birthday, I hope to receive love from everyone

Sara Kome Mrs

Truck was a small, brown puppy with big, hopeful eyes. He had been homeless for as long as he could remember. He didn’t know where his family was, or if he even had one. Today was his birthday, but there was no one to celebrate with him.

Truck wandered the streets, his tail tucked between his legs. He was hungry and cold, but those were things he was used to. What hurt the most was the loneliness. He longed for someone to pet him, to give him a warm place to sleep, and to tell him that he was loved.

As the day wore on, Truck found himself at a park. He watched as children played and families had picnics. He wished he could be part of that. He wished he had a family to share his special day with.

Tears welled up in his eyes. He felt so small and insignificant. No one remembered his birthday, and no one cared. He was just a stray puppy, a nuisance to be ignored.

As the sun began to set, Truck curled up under a bench. He closed his eyes and tried to forget his loneliness. He dreamed of a home, a family, and a birthday filled with love and laughter.
