Rescuers Were Saddened To See This Mama Dog Politely Asking Them To Save Her Injured Puppies


It breaks my heart to imagine how sorrowful all abandoned dogs feel after they realize that their humans let them down.

Nora felt utterly helpless when her owner dumped her and her babies on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere.

Sadly, the furballs got hit by a car. 

Injured and infested with maggots, they curled up on the ground, seeking their mom’s comfort and love. The little puppies were close to reaching the point of no return.

The mama dog directed her sad gaze toward the passing cars. She was begging people to help her and her puppies.

Rushing The Canine Family To The Vet

sad mom dog with her puppies
Source: Facebook

As soon as a local dog rescuer received a call about a mother dog and her two babies who were dumped on the roadside, she rushed to save them.

When the woman arrived at the spot and saw the desperate canine family, her heart shattered.

The malnourished mother dog, later named Nora, was looking at the rescuer with eyes filled with tears. She was pleading for her to rescue her babies.

The giant-hearted human approached the fur babies who were lying on the ground, swarmed with maggots.

The rescuer scooped them up and rushed them to the vet.

Upon their arrival at the hospital, the puppies were taken into an emergency room and given immediate medical care.

puppy at the vet
Source: Facebook

Although the vet tried hard to save Nora’s babies, sadly, one of the puppies crossed the rainbow bridge.

The vet continued fighting to save the other puppy, named Lary. They cut his fur and removed all the maggots from his body.

The little puppy was exhausted and weak. He needed IV fluids.

Caring For The Pups

scared dog at the vet
Source: Facebook

The compassionate woman cuddled the anxious mother dog, trying to console her.

Nora enjoyed the loving touch of a human hand. Although she was still worried about her babies, the doggo was glad that she had humans who cared for her.

The rescuer refused to leave Lary’s side. She hoped that the pup would win the most important fight of his life.

The next day, the good-hearted woman felt relieved when she learned that Lary’s condition was stable. 

rescued puppy with a wrapped paw
Source: Facebook

She took Lary to see his mom. 

Mother and son were happy to be reunited. Nora breathed a sense of relief when she saw that her baby was alright.

Both of the puppy’s back legs were broken, and he needed to undergo surgery.

Following the successful surgery, the pooch remained at the hospital and started the road to recovery.

The staff fed him nutritious food and the puppy began thriving.

His rescuer showered him with love, and the furbaby felt immensely grateful for her support. He began kissing her hands.

Searching For The Happy Ending

frightened puppy in the field
Source: Facebook

After Lary was released from the hospital, he and his mom were taken to a shelter.

Their rescuer often visited the mother dog and her son. She doted on them and gave them a ton of love. 

Two weeks after his surgery, the puppy was able to run. His caregiver felt inspired by his fighting spirit and his incredible resilience.

Lary made a full recovery, and he transformed into a handsome pup.

The pup enjoyed his life and he took in the selfless love his rescuer gave him.

a beautiful dog sits next to its owner and looks at the camera
Source: Facebook

Nora let go of her sadness and turned a new page in her life. The brave doggo began looking for her forever home.

I hope that both the mother and son found families who will spoil them with love and show them what true love feels like.
