I hope someone comes to adopt me on my 6th birthday today

Sara Kome Mrs

Maliu, a gentle-natured had been a resident of the animal shelter for six long years. Today was his birthday, a day that should have been filled with joy and celebration, but for Maliu, it was just another day of waiting.

Maliu had watched countless other dogs find their forever homes, their tails wagging excitedly as they left the shelter with their new families. But despite his friendly demeanor and loving nature, Maliu had never been chosen.

As Maliu wandered the shelter grounds, his heart ached with loneliness. He longed for the simple pleasures of a home: a warm bed, a belly rub, and someone to love him unconditionally. He watched the children playing in the park outside the shelter, their laughter carrying on the wind. He imagined what it would be like to have a child to call his own.

When it was time for dinner, Maliu was given a special treat, a beef bone that he had been anticipating all day. But even the treat couldn’t lift his spirits. He missed the feeling of being wanted, of having a purpose.

As the sun began to set, Maliu curled up in his kennel, his head resting on his paws. He closed his eyes and dreamed of a family, a home, and a life filled with love. As he drifted off to sleep, Maliu held onto a glimmer of hope. Perhaps tomorrow would be the day his luck would change.
